Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

No its still what it was.

Nothing in our lore has been added to or changed.

It’d be real nice if blizzard would add to it and explain things though.

It’s still a group of elves who’ve taken the void into their being and become something more.

Only two ways we know to be a void elf follow that path.

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Another way to look at it are the Orcs on Horde. It’s part of their very being to actually be green-skinned because of the whole ordeal with taking Mannoroth’s blood.

This is why they are only having greenish skin tones, even the ones added in Shadowlands. The visibly green skin has to be a part of their look.



Orcs, according to the devs, will eventually lose their green skin again and return to their natural tints.

This is why Blizzard referenced the Orcs skin as similar to the Blood Elf green eyes.

Its not permanent.


I’d say the same works with the void elves though, their whole thing is being void infused elves and that should be reflect at least in some way by the model. What is the point of a void elf if it is just turned into an elf that pays attention to the void rather than an elf who has the void surging through their being?


When Alleria first consumed L’ura she was immediately voided. She eventually was able to suppress that to look normal at will and let the Void flow outwards when she needed it. Nothing suggests that a Void Elf player can’t learn to do the same. They already can get their normal skin tones back, their hair is next to follow with more training. There’s also the other route that can occur at the same time that since more members are joining, they aren’t going through a process that does anything to them. Something people seem to forget is that Alleria still consumed a Void entity far more Void than what the original group of Void Elves were likely infused with. Clearly so, since her Entropic Embrace is more potent. If she was able to overcome that with training, so could the rest.


Orcs really needed to be like Grom, Kilrogg, and etc in terms of Hairstyles, Marks of the Breeding Hollow, Shadowmoon, and etc.

It’s such a shame we are not getting more Character Custiomization in Shadowlands…


I’m not sure if it was the same for Blood Elves, but I think with Orc skins they said it would take generations? And I’m pretty sure despite how long WoW the game has been out it’s probably only been something like 8 or 9 years in game.

For instance I believe the OG Vanilla WoW manual said Anduin is 10 and in BFA he’s said to be 18 or 19.


From what I remember from the ask a CDEV answer it was only nailed down as much as ‘It’ll take a long time’


They likened it to Orcs and their skin tone. The important part is that its temporary and not a permanent thing. Some orc children already supposedly have less green to them or even no green. I believe one of Thralls children is supposed to be untainted too. (though since his mother was Mag’har that might have more to do with it.)

void elves are permanent. Its not some lesser power added to them. Its part of them now forever more.

While time is ever wonky with WoW that is supposedly correct.


It’s weird to me that he was apparently 15 in WarCrimes, meaning mop he was just barely a teen :face_with_monocle: . Just so weird! So young!


Void elves really got shafted with the broken promise of additional customization options. :frowning:

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To be fair to Blizzard (even thought they don’t deserve it as of late) they never explicitly stated more customization was being added in Shadowlands, only that it was an ongoing process for the future. I’m confident more will come in the next expansion, assuming the recent news doesn’t heavily impact their development.


They don’t deserve anything and that’s a load of something.

They billed customization as a feature and woefully underperformed. Anyone can see that.

That they chose not to continue adding it and that they clearly had little communication over how to implement any of it leading to unbalanced options between races for even simple things like tail length for LFD along with Draenei makes the whole idea of it even getting in their announcement and marketing nothing less than lying.

They don’t deserve to have players make excuses for them.


I’m not claiming they did a good job, they obviously underperformed. I’m stating the fact that the community assumed more was coming throughout the expansion even though that isn’t what Blizzard specifically said.


So can I have white hair for my Death Knight yet?
Thats a simple one, yeh?

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Don’t make excuses for them.

That they didn’t say it directly was a stroke of random luck given how their PR usually goes. Not to mention Ion.

They billed it as a feature of an expansion. To drop it entirely for the rest after a piecemeal effort was them literally dropping a promise.


I’m not really making excuses, I’m being realistic and not giving unnecessary blame.

It’s still considered a feature since it was included with the expansion.

Again, they failed big time but they didn’t break any promises.


In any event though, I was fairly disappointed in how unbalanced the amount each race got(if anything) for the expansion.

Which unless there’s secretly more around the corner and Blizzard was merely stalling for time, shows a lack of thought and parity for the community at large, and I hope they can make up for this in the near future.


Features don’t get abandoned before the first patch. Hell it was abandoned in Pre-patch.

They broke their promise. To think anything else is making excuses for them.

From what Ion said in a relatively recent interview they make things up as they go along. They don’t have foresight or planning. I very much doubt any of the group or groups that were working on Customizations ever communicated for any attempt at parity.

Hell it sounded a lot like they don’t even use standard industry workflow concepts in planning these things out.


I find it a little amusing…

Whenever we use crystal clear statements by Blizzard, they’re always dismissed as supposedly being “vague” and therefore invalid for us.

Now, to support what you’re saying, you’re sounding like what was said for future customization (a clear statement by Blizzard that never claimed more would come during Shadowlands) was vague and therefore valid for you.

No, they didn’t break their promise.
There have also been a number of features left alone in the same way.
They made a statement, and the community misunderstood it.
It’s not a matter of excuses, it’s a matter of putting the blame on the right people.
Blizzard is at fault for not doing a better job with customization period and the community is at fault for expecting something that Blizzard never said would happen leading to their own self caused disappointment.

This is just going to have to be an “agree to disagree” scenario. I’m not interested in going around in circles when obviously you have your mindset and I have mine, there’s no changing the other’s.