Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

But you are, and that is no proof lol. Twisting peoples words isn’t a good way to prove a point.

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Except, I’m not trolling nor am I twisting anyone’s words.

If you’re not going to look yourself:

Xal’atath: “She claims to know the future. But those who have lived far longer than her know the truth. Her desperate bid to remain in control dooms her people.” (at Elisande)

Elisande: “My people face a similar dilemma. I peered into all possible futures in search for an answer… and found only one. The Legion’s victory is inevitable. Every time stream shows it to be so. Had we resisted, they would have taken the Nightwell by force and left us bereft of it.”

Elisande: "Now I see a future where the Legion is victorious and my people endure. "

Elisande: “It’s… not possible! I… I was destined to win…”

All moments when she was incorrect.

Echo of Elisande says: “In all possible futures I scryed, I did not foresee one in which you were victorious. I wonder…”


Oh good, you just quoted against your own arguement. Good job.


You’re the one twisting words here xD
I didn’t quote anything against my own argument, all those quotes involve her being WRONG, which is exactly what I’m explaining to you.


Your quote proved;

She can peer into possible futures,
She is very skilled in time magic,
And she knows possible outcomes of many things.

Your arguement “nuh-uh, her opinion does not matter! She can’t see into the future and her time magic is weak”


Except, as I have proven, what she saw was not accurate/correct :hugs:
Which has been my entire argument.
But yet again you twist my words.


You didn’t. You defeated your own arguement. Be a man and own your own mistake.


I didn’t make a mistake.

She made claims about the future, and was wrong on them.
You don’t have a winning argument here.


I’d disagree, you can very clearly make a very Highborne (aka non-nature) looking Night Elf now, and on females you can make a very Dark Elf esque looking Night Elf (females have access to a very grey skin).

They received from out of the ordinary colors, like their orange/yellow hair. Despite a claim of ‘it’s a Fall color’ it’s a broadening from the usual blues/purples/greens they’re associated with, that’s my main point about it.

Same for Undead receiving non-pale skins, Trolls receiving diff color troll skins/regular hair colors.

It’s not that ‘this is no longer a Night Elf’ or ‘this is no longer an Undead/Troll’ it’s specifically that no races were kept to the same color palettes they already had. That’s why I always word with ‘aesthetic/color palette’ instead of theme - because frankly, the original races for the most part are already broad themes from the get-go (they had to be, back when Allied Races were not a thing and receiving races in general was a rare occurrence).


There is nothing highborne about night elves from their new customizations. It’s all just extra night elf flavor.

People have been putting a lot of stock in a single necklace and a misunderstanding of golden eyes.

It’s just a autumn to finally fill out their nature theme.

That’s not broadening their theme its building on the one that already existed. Nothing more.

They’re humans… Why wouldn’t they have gotten the same human skintone treatments?

They got two skin tones both native to jungle trolls and happily usable for a Sand Troll with one… Still don’t see a lot of difference there.

You see them going places outside their palettes, I just see their standard themes taken further.

I don’t see a difference.

Void elves get a bit more murky though. They did receive something far different than what they were.

(though I’m not personally upset by that, I just don’t like pretending they’re not different than what the other races got in their expanded options.)


Darn it. You just made a song get stuck in my head. Why???

Night Elves can already look like Highborne.

( Mordent Evenshade - current leader of the Highborne)


We’ll just have to agree to disagree then.

That depends, as I was telling Tarrok one day, skin tone has never been referenced for them being Void-y (despite them releasing that way), it has been used to signify that they’re infused with Void, but not that it has to present anything outward look wise.

It’s kind of like how someone mentioned the Blood moniker for Blood Elves does not mean they have to look doused in blood or anything.


This argument just reminds me of a certain variety of disney sports movies “Well there’s no rule that a donkey can’t play football/dog can’t play basketball” There’s nothing that positively asserts anything, just a lack of a statement against it.


Thats fair enough.

We’ll have to agree to disagree here too.

It was a major departure from what we had been given before and from what any other race has seen.

Even trolls; their new tones could easily be Jungle trolls. Many get downright yellow in Gurubashi lands and at least the Sand Trolls came from Jungle Trolls anyways directly without any specific infusions. Merely environmental changes.

That argument made no sense.

Blood Elves being called Blood elves are not the same as why Void Elves are called void elves.

Blood Elves chose to change their name from High elf to honor their dead.

Void Elves literally became something new.


But the reason they’re Void Elves is not because of their skin tone, is what I’m getting at.


That I will agree with in full.


The part you qouted was related on what would happened if they did not cooperate, which is the complete obliteration of surumar, if she did not work with the legion, they would had raided surimar and taken the nightwell by force and as predicted, surumar’s forces would had not been able to stop it. So again you are wrong and you quoted yourself to oblivion.

Again be a man and accept your error.


I haven’t made an error, you should be the one to apologize for the mistake on your part.


I think there’s been a sort of reframing of what it means to be a void elf. Now it is a group of elves that have learned to use the void.