Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread


I find it both ways. Those who wants to change void elves into high elves and is told no becomes hostile (even to actual ve fans who they call anti’s despite not being big BE fans)

Anti’s that argues against high elves on the alliance also becomes hostile to the ones doing so legitimately sometimes too (I’m attempts to come up with ideas that does not result in taking the blood elf model, though thus lessened over the years)



There’s a spectrum of hostility on both sides.

Some people can be really hostile.

Though I don’t think anyone seriously wants blood elves to be the only high elves in game, and very very few people seem convinced that the Alliance high elves don’t actually exist.


I don’t disagree with this. The post just made it sound as if it were an entire side. Plus, never miss an opportunity to post a Dwight gif.


Oh fair.

I’m far from the right person to give someone a hard time about going for the easy gag. Obviously, I’m undercaffienated.


And i would disagree because there’s a lot of Alliance players that want High Elves (with proper customization)and would have been happy to see them even if they came with a Void theme. They could have been different in this scenario if they tweaked their model and gave them different hair from Blood Elves.


I’m confused. Isn’t that what happened, quite literally? Void Elves are just Blood Elves with Void powers, so we did get a complete Horde race with Horde lore from the past 15 years while ignoring “the high elves story present on alliance”. Fortunately we got Danuser’s confirmation they’re growing in numbers, implying our High Elves are also turning into Void Elves.

You’ve repeated this several times and I fail to understand how Elisande’s subjective opinion on the matter is somehow relevant or even accurate. And even so, she never mentions anything about “their future”, she only states they’re mingling with Humans, which if anything highlights their cultural distance from Blood Elves and Silvermoon.


They’ll repeat it many more times. It’s the only thing they know how to do.


The “remnants of remnants” high elf quote is a very old one. I think it was written there with vanilla or tbc.

It does not take into account how often Alliance high elves feature in multiple expansions for the alliance.

And I can see how if one only plays Horde for most of their WoW life they wouldn’t know because it’s something that can only be observed by playing on Alliance - the recurrence of alliance aligned high elves that is.

Anyways, there’s also an infinite number of high elf wayfarers/silver moon scholars arriving through portals in Telogrus Rift so that would hand-wave any population concerns regardless :man_shrugging:


Thats the crazy part about it is they’re literally Blood Elves lol. At least the first bunch. They didn’t come from the Silver Covenant or some other High Elf group.

(and yes i mean High Elves. everyone knows who you’re talkin about when you say HIGH ELF. Blood Elves don’t refer to themselves as such and i think everyone knows that.)

Even with “High Elf” options from the beginning, if they had a somewhat tweaked model there would have been a greater difference between them and Blood Elves thn what we have now. Gameplay wise and even Lorewise if the O.G bunch were High Elves rather than Blood Elves.



In terms of race population stability, there’s no other logical explanation than having other Blood Elves and High Elves join their ranks. Otherwise having a playable race restricted to a very small group of elves with 0 possibility of growing in numbers wouldn’t make sense at all. The entire race would be easily wiped out in any regular battle, if that were the case.


By this point population numbers are an outdated concept when it comes to talking about a playable race. Such losses have never been properly reflected ingame. Even for all Thalassian Elves as a whole, their losses were really never reflected when it comes to fielding armies. At the isle of Thunder we see large forces of BOTH Blood Elves & High Elves fighting against eachother and the Thunder King’s forces. And both of them field armies again in Suramar. Void Elves were (at least originally) said to be a “Crack Elite Squad.”


If that’s the case then why you guys won’t let it go, since that’s what you got?

Is it because their background is not what you wanted? Then why not ask for their origins to be retconned and fixed rather than asking for their Void themes to be washed off?

And still you got nothing whenever I ask for any source that says that they wouldn’t look like Void Elves after their transformation


That would be a helluva retcon for Blizzard given things unfortunately. Its even less likely to happen than Voidberg in full. T_T

Actually since some folk here like to go with assumptions on lore based on what they see

The second island there has what appear to be new recruit void elves who are blueberries learning to control and use the void as void elves.

By all rights combining that with the Scholars from Silvermoon and the High Elf Wayfarers one could surmise that they do turn blue with whatever process is being used.

Sadly since Blizzard hasn’t clearly stated or indicated how we make more of our people, we just don’t know for sure at this time.


Considering that they technically already retconned all of Chronicles as “Achktually, is just the Titan’s perspective”, is not like it would be unexpected for them to do that too.

But I guess that saying a series of three books it’s just a “perspective”, it’s easier than having to go back and fix lines in game
 now, that’s too much work.

As I said in the past, regardless of how much they’ve learned, there’s no way of knowing what the result will be.

And just because they’re learning, doesn’t mean the physical changes won’t be present, for all we know they could be focusing on preventing the whole insanity thing over whether or not they’d get to keep their pretty golden locks.


The chronicle thing isn’t as big a deal as people like to claim imo.

It was always obviously a bare bones take on the lore meant to merely codify it.

Having it from one perspective and then, now, showing the broker perspective simply means that there are truths to it, but some little bits are incorrect.

Its kinda like Disney making all of Star Wars canon, into Legends. Bits of truth but what we know may not be entirely accurate.

Honestly this. Without Blizzard stating it more directly (or Old Gods forbid showing it in game like a sane company would.) we just cannot tell how new ones are made.

All we have is assumptions based on potential lore.


I don’t follow Star Wars but I personally don’t like the whole “Oh, this bit from the past is not really canon, can you guess which one?”. Vague things like those is what leads to unnecessary arguments (althought everyone could argue that well
 we are arguing over fiction anyway so

Another lesson they could learn from Yoko Taro. No matter if it’s in a novella or in an limited time event in his mobile game, it’s canon. If he wrote it or approved of it, it’s canon.

Imo, the insanity seems more of a pressing matter to take care of over a whether or not they can find clothes to match their new complexion


I think we can all be glad that they took the clones from the Thrawn trilogy out behind the shed and left them there. “I have a brilliant idea, we’ll clone the emperor and his clone name is paalpatine, and we’ll make a clone of Vader’s son, and he’ll be Luuke”


Where the writers behind that the same ones involved in SL nowadays?

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Its more just a way for them to say if theres conflicting info in the new stuff the new stuff wins.

Its canon until something NOW retcons it directly.

I don’t like it in general, but as far as a way to change out lore that might not be working now that worked before I think its a good way to go.

This would be better, but after all these years and all they’ve done in WoW
 I don’t think it would work anymore.


I do wish that we saw some effects of that here and there. Nothing super major
 just more to show that that is a danger we accept when we become Void Elves.

maybe showing some NPCs taking void elves back from SW to the Rift to be reconditioned after they lost themselves to the whispers

Maybe even have some priest void elves working with them like
 you know
 ministers or priests or something. :stuck_out_tongue:

Addressing the whole “how we get more” with and in game NPC thing would be wonderful though. Perhaps even bringing up the whole dangers involved.

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