Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Eh, I’ve just always figured both sides to this are probably tiny minorities of the pretty huge playerbase, and that the vast majority isn’t really invested in it/wish we would all shut up already. They might think something is a cool addition, but wouldn’t have a problem if it didn’t happen either.


That was my experience playing on a large pve realm and reading the forums at least. It was the talk of our trade chat for a good while. People just like to be loud about what they disagree with sometimes.

Or what their asking for that others don’t support

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Hon, I’ll say it again to you, I and many others support your differing opinion as long as you don’t flame others. That’s all.


Im very familiar with belf and mop lore, i am very aware they are known for blood magic and i think the idea of adding rubies to blood elf body jewelery to represent such is a great idea

I cant speak for others but im pretty okay with blues and purples for void elves.

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You’re going to need to provide me with more context.
If you’re referring to the population of Void Elves, they aren’t all coming from the Horde. There’s a mix of High Elves and Blood Elves joining them. High Elves being from the Alliance population, and Blood Elves being from the Horde population.


I’m not saying there’s not a decent size chunk of people wanting it, just that in relation to the player base as a whole it’s probably pretty small in comparison. And there’s a good number of people who like to talk about that, so not a surprise that it comes up frequently, it’s just one of those things I like to try to remember myself, it’s easy to mistake something you’re interested in and talk about a lot with being more popular than it is just because you might be invested in it already and seeking it out.

As I’ve said before, we’re all just arguing about game style preferences relating to pixel elves. Some of us just have mutually exclusive preferences, neither side can be right or wrong, just got to keep it all in context.


Modern high elves are a rare sight, and are commonly mistaken for blood elves.[12][13] In consequence, there are very few high elves left on Azeroth today. High elves did not gather in any significant numbers and are a very small group of individuals

devs have also described alliance high elves as a couple individuals as well with no hubs going back to 2005

i think its safe to say the alliance dont have a population. they have a few individuals. dalaran and quel’thalas do tho. if theres a lore source for a population in the alliance


You’re putting words into their mouths. No where in that quote does it say there are only a “couple individuals”. They use the word “very few” but that can mean anywhere from hundreds to even thousands since it’s entirely dependent on how many there are of the species total (Alliance and Horde High Elves).

The Alliance has a population of High Elves, in multiple locations. You don’t have to look far to see a sizable amount if you combine just the Stormwind and Telogrus Rift numbers. There’s also the ones in Outlands, which isn’t part of the quote since it’s talking about Azeroth.

Here’s also a calculation I found, although I’ll have to confirm its validity later once I’m done procrastinating from my school work.

Surviving high elves comprise a mere 1% of the original high elven population, with the blood elves accounting for the remaining 9% of it.[2][8] Since Kael’thas took 15% of the blood elves to Outland[8] (i.e. 1.35% of the original high elf population), and since Kael’thas’ army numbered at least 2,000[46] it follows that the total high elf population is currently at least 1,481 (and at least ~148,000 prior to the Third War).


Do you think they’re still there, and not the same elves that show up in SW and Telogrus, and probably even Silvermoon since they never made a decision to denounce their people, they made the choice to go on a suicide mission because they thought it best for the world and their people.

You actually need real numbers not pulled out a sunshine deprived regions for a calculation to be compelling.


Those are real numbers, go look at the sources. It comes from official WoW content, all made/written by Blizzard themselves. The rest is just math.


im going to stick with what development said in 2017 and 2018. no hubs only a couple individuals. meaning they dont consider dalaran, or even highvales dwindling few, part of the alliance(after all if they wanted to serve the alliance they wouldnt be in dalaran). you want to disagree with the creators of the lore, you do you :yawning_face:



foot note #2’s numbers: Prince Kael’thas returned home and rallied all the survivors he could find: approximately 90% of the surviving high
#8 on survival:Most of the high elf race was slaughtered by the undead.
on Kael’thas’s numbers to Outlands: ok, at the end it has “Approximately 85% of the blood elves still dwell on Azeroth rather than Outland. Most of Azeroth’s blood elves live in Quel’Thalas”

#46 is a journal entry that just says that the army attacking must have numbered in the thousands.

So the only actual number is 85% of the blood elves at the time that was still canon were on Azeroth and not Outland, How many came back home after that was all done? But there’s no base numbers to work off of. 85% of what? Vargoth says the army was in the thousands, but is it all kael, or did Illidan send some along too, and how good of a crowd size guesser is he anyway?

Oh yeah, and that one source listed here does have a line I remember:

In consequence, there are so few high elves left on Azeroth today that they cannot be considered a race in anything other than the biological sense. High elves do not gather in any significant numbers, nor do they act as a coordinated whole. They are a very small group of individuals scattered all over the world. As such, they do not have common opinions or goals. Indeed, modern high elves cannot even truly be said to have a culture–only a past filled with glory and regret.


Sure gal, that´s why you were trying to ague the MAGISTERS channeling Blood magic in Nazmir were totes taught by the San´layn, amrite?

I´ll repeat: if you aren´t sure, then ask. Headcanoning your way to glory AND to “gatekeep” Belf aesthetics is not nice. I´m pretty sure we ALL would rather get different artistic styles between BOTH races so they don´t get literally limited in the color scale (I mean If it´s “unfair” to limit the hair colors of Velves then why should we limit something actually inane like the jewel colors, hmm?)


leader of dalaran flat out saying we broke his heart and that sensing another war was brewing between the alliance and the horde declares that dalaran wont pick a side

but um yea, hes totally gonna tolerate a tiny militia to live in and operate out of his city to attack a faction they are neutral with :joy:


Yum, Dadgar is such a silver fox, like oh my gosh I miss having him around. :fire: :fire: :fire:


A real quote.


For starters im not gatekeeping anything. Im suggesting for more stuff for blood elves.

Secondly there are definitely sanguine knights in that quest, using blood magic, like what are we supposed to infer they are? Huh?


he has a great voice actor

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