Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread


So VE and BE do share hair textures? :thinking:


Link refuses to work for me.

Where’d you get the idea anyone was talking about them?


Does it work this way?


Isn’t an anti-paladin a death knight?


It did.

Interesting. I was told on several occasions that their hair isn’t currently directly compatible.

Generally yeah.

Glyphs for warriors to let us have riftblades (or spellblades for blood elves and such) would be wonderful though.

Glyphs for further customization of characters along those lines. I think that would be swell.


Glyphs would be cool.


You mean like, Metzen et al? like the actual CREATIVE OWNERS of the race?!? I mean, I hope you watched the video and every time he called the Belf race by the Helf name motiff.

I mean people, it is quite evident you guys haven´t figured out some VERY important fact in here… your “Alliance High Elves”? I´m afraid they aren´t either the ORIGINAL “High Elf” culture.

You see, the moment Alleria and likeminded decided to put their weight and affections with the Humans & Co., this was kind off a revolution on it´s own. The ORIGINAL High Elf race was a bunch of mutated Highborne who were conceited, self serving and arrogant to a T. That´s why after literally negotiating their bussiness arrangement with the humans, they quite literally threw them away to be forgotten until they could be useful once again. And they ended up ditching them for good as soon as they could when they disagreed with Terena´s intentions of involving the kingdoms of the Alliance more in his real politiks game.

So, after the end of the Second War we had 2 cultural “branches” of the average High Elf:

  1. The biggest portion who were only too happy to seclude themselves behind their fancy glorified magical shield and that kept to their arrogant nasty attitude of always.

  2. The “Human lovers”, the smaller portion who decided to literally walk away from their king and their kingdom to look for newer pastures in Alliance lands; after all they ditched the preconceived notions of the Humans being “lesser” to them and actively looked to make lasting bonds with them -to the point hybridization became a thing in this group- (this basically, is your fav guys)

Then the whole Arthas fiasco happened, and the catastrophe obliosuly impacted much stronger the first group. This group who ended up getting their arrogance literally beaten out of their bodies by circumstance is what we nowadays know as the “Blood Elves”.

So you see, both races aren´t actually the original “High Elf”… those perished in the zombie apocalypse and are piles of ash as per “Blood of the Highborne”.

Do you imply they must mean “less” than allied ones?

I mean, I´m not the one trying to sell this “idea” Belves are nothing but junkie edgelords… those are you people. Cause as ugly as it sounds, the moment the Belves aren´t portrayed under this ridiculous restrictive lenses IS the moment your “fav” actual identity crisis is made much more evident.

You know which portion of the game threw a light in this issue? The Elisande portion. How did she resumed the High elves? as -literal- Human lovers, as the “elf” race that was only too happy to integrate with the Humans (and guess? she was right. As I pointed above, it was their appreciation of Humans what made them leave their home, period. Also, I don´t see the shame on that, I wonder why you people literally concoct false premises like “they aren´t junkies” -sorry to burts your bubble, but they totes are just junkies like the Belves- to try and differentiate both groups).

Maybe instead of obssesing in ways to differentiate the two groups by proxy of making the Belves look “bad and inferior” to Helves, you should actually embrace the “Human lovers” identity and the positive aspects that come with this. STOP deffining your race by comparing them to the Belves, DO give them the benefit of standing by their own ffs.

Of course it´s reductive, both groups deviated long and far from the original stuck up Highborne a-holes they used to be.

Helves are simply more attuned to their beloved Humans, Belves simply learned to never look a gift horse in the mouth and to see beyond the first appearances (that´s why they are Horde, cause for all of it´s montruous package, the Orcs et al DID help the Belves in their darkest hour, something the “pretty” Humans et al didn´t bother with).

Borderline stupid -sorry, not sorry but that´s the truth-, cause no one with an actual working braincell would have persecuted the magical school that DO puts a shelf life in one´s sanity just for sht and giggles (I mean, I hope you people are aware Alleria et al will at some point become the nuts we saw in the N´zoth scenario, yes? And no, I´m not making stuff up, it´s something she literally mentions in “A thousand years of war”).

The Velf intro lore is a disaster, it´s literally what happens when people mistakes “Belf attitude” with reckless edgelording, not with actual nuance nor much less coherent writting.

If only the devs would actually invest with this notion instead of making MY Horde toons have to babysitt the a-holes of the Kirin Tor. I positively hated that part of Legion, it was just plain laziness.

Nope, that was Jaina using her paramilitary group and ditching the hypocritical “i Am NeUtRaL” BS while Lor´themar was using his Horde military asets (ergo, bussiness like usual for him).

Dear, as long as you truly undertand that “Queldo´rei” definition and culture is basically them starting to share stuff with the Humans and by proxy with the other Alliance races. That´s it.

Wrong, Sunreaver Onslaught IS Horde.

Sunreaver proper went back like the kicked undignified dogs they are to serve the Kirin Tor in Legion, ergo they ARE neutral.

Man, how much I´d love to see both Aethas AND Valeera bit the dust in this game… they´re simply the worst. A parody of their selves.

Gal, she literally started an antagonistic piss match with them in WotLK cause she blames “them” for his cousin having a screw loose (ignoring Rommath himself would had killed Zendarinn for his transgressions, I mean he had Galell killed for less).

Veeresa is not a well written character, I mean the moment one actually invest on the lore surrounding her, not so nice stuff starts to become apparent.

/she would only smille ironically at remembering Rommath -you know, the literal most pragmatic Belf character- aknowledging feeling disturbed at having to raise arms against SC elves while Veeresa was only too happy to send her nutjobs full force against the Belves.

Wrong, Dalaran is an Alliance city that pretends to be “neutral” for the express purpose of taking advantage of idiots like Aethas. They don´t “tolerate” Horde, they just use and discard them and after make /pikachu faces when the Horde retaliates.

Wrong again:

  1. She didn´t “felt bad” for sht, she literally threw a temper tantrum in Legion and left the Council for Dadgar daring to use the Horde

  2. Aethas. It was -thank God- Aethas. Rommath has too much brains to fall once again for the Kirin Tor brand of “neutrality”.

Remember when I said Veeresa´s character is a disaster after one actually invest in researching it?

The best Windrunner is obviously Lirath cause he had the decency of dying before polluting the story with his presence.

ALL the Windrunners are nutjobs.

We´re irate cause it´s hard to take you guys “we can´t use different artistic tendencies and keep looking different” when you posted in the literal “Velves MUST get ALL the Blood elf stuff -as in the SAME haircuts and SAME hair colors and SAME everything”.

That phrase alone basically implies people like OP will jump to cry to get ANY new stuff that could be used to differentiate the Belves from Velves.

Hehehe… I managed -well,not I stand corrected: Izzabelle´s art- to convince you, yes? :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smirk_cat:


They are literally casting blood magic in the quests.


Blood Elves and Void Elves do NOT share hair textures.

I’ve posted about this elsewhere but trying to use a Void Elf hair texture on Blood Elf hairstyles that have certain hair adornments (headbands, certain hair ties, etc), will likely appear bugged.

Trying to do the opposite and use a Blood Elf hair texture on any Void Elf hair style with tentacles would likely result in the tentacles appearing bugged.

Here’s a comparison of hair texture files:


See that section next to the braid on both the Void Elf and Blood Elf hair textures? The Void Elf one has the texture details for the hair tentacles and the animated glow. The Blood Elf one has the texture details for certain hair adornments.

Blizzard can’t simply copy/paste Blood Elf hair textures into the Void Elf folder. They would either need to make brand new hair texture files in the desired colors, or modify the existing Blood Elf hair textures to meet the criteria of Void Elf hairstyles with tentacles while also making sure the hair adornments that used the original appearances instead use the brass band above the braid texture.

Another option, assuming Blizzard were inclined to just copy/paste Blood Elf hairstyles and hair colors into the Void Elf folder, they could simply restrict the proliferated hair colors to the proliferated hairstyles and vice versa. This would mean we wouldn’t be able to use any shared hair colors with the original Void Elf hairstyles, or the original Void Elf hair colors with the proliferated styles.

Personally I’d rather be able to use any hair color with any hairstyle.



But not every Void Elf hair has tentacles, and no tentacle glow. In your snap shot, it also shows the braids and the hairs left of it entirely identical. Would that not make make those specific portions share-able? :thinking:

Not an argument, more of a question. Especially since the artist I linked was able to put Blood Elf hair colors so succinctly on Void Elf hairstyles.

I would rather be able to use any hair color with any hairstyle ofc.

But I mean it’s up to Blizzard at the end of the day on how they decide to go about it. They could also simply give new hair colors, like they gave to every original race.


Yes. You can use a Void Elf hair texture on a Blood Elf hair style that has no hair adornments, or use a Blood Elf hair texture on a Void Elf hair style that has no tentacles and it would look perfectly fine.

The problem however, is that the textures either have to work for every hairstyle or Blizzard has to restrict which hairstyles can use which hair color textures (and they have done that for some the new human hairstyles/colors).

Here’s an example of some hair swappage between Blood Elves and Void Elves:

(The above image had the Blood Elf hair texture edited to show hair in place of the tentacles on the top right Void Elf female hairstyle)

It’s not that it can’t be done, it’s just that there’s more to it than a simple copy/paste.


/facepalms and groans

I take you never paid attention to anything that happened in Thunder Isle, yes?

Let´s put it this way: if you really aren´t familiar with actual Belf canon lore, then please ask.

Or maybe port Kul´tiran colors considering the textures ARE the same in regards to Velves (I mean we´re talking about Blizzard, direct copy pasting IS still mush less work than having to programm haircolors based upon hairstyles).

And between this and being able to directly copy/paste with no additional hurdles, guess which path Blizz devs will take?

I have to disagree with this. Those that want High elf options are constantly saying. stop locking void elves to certain colors just because they are void elves. Then are like lets lock blood elves to red, green and gold, you know blood, fel and light, which I think is wrong. If Void Elves don’t want to be locked into a certain color palette, they shouldn’t be trying to lock blood elves into one either.


A straight up copy/paste would be the ideal for Blizzard since that’s the easiest and fastest way to add new options. But it also really depends on what Blizzard actually wants to share and not share. I’m not sure Blizzard will want to straight up copy the Blood Elf hairstyles and hair colors to Void Elves.

If Blizzard wants to add ANY new hair colors to Void Elves that can be used with any of their current hairstyles with tentacles, they can’t be a straight up copy paste of another race’s hair texture. They can take another race’s hair texture and edit it so tentacles look fine, but then it’s not a straight up copy paste. It’s more like a “copy this section of X races hair texture” and paste it over to Y race’s hair texture" then put that merged texture into Y race’s folder.

The results would look something like this:

(this is just a quick mockup image)

This hypothetical edited hair texture file would work with any of the original Void Elf hairstyles. It wouldn’t work with any Blood Elf hairstyle that uses hair adornments that reference where the tentacle textures are located, but it would work fine with any Blood Elf hairstyle that doesn’t use those adornments.

It’s not a lot of work to do that, but it’s a bit more than simply copy/pasting into the appropriate folder.


Well, it certainly does not seem like it (if not they would have left the red Belf underwear for the pink skins for example… after all they could have explained it as with the old “Velves are former Belves” card).

After all these threads, I think the example using blond colors with magenta/other “unatural” colorations at the roots or the tips seem like the better option to both give the “High Elf” feeling WITHOUT literally ripping off the Belves.


I mean serioulsly, I “love” how they complain we arethe evul “gatekeepers” and then they literally jump to gatekeep the Belf aesthetics. Look at OP, he literally reduces the Belf options to "what I think they should get; meanwhile he´s all “let´s give EVERYTHING to Velves”. The hypocrisy, ughh!!!

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I have to agree here. I want everyone to have whatever options they want for their characters. Whether Blizzard is inclined to give us whatever we want is another matter entirely, but I don’t think anyone should be pigeonholed into a narrow theme when the intent behind additional options seems to include expanding the themes of each race rather than just giving them only more of the same.


For me personally, I’ve always been fond of the idea of sharing edited versions of the Kul Tiran hair textures with Void Elves. It offers a small selection of hair colors in the human range, but it’s not so broad a selection as Blood Elves have.


That would satiate my desire for natural hair colors. A tentacle toggle would, in a way, double the number of hairstyles I’d be able to use by giving me the option to add tentacles to styles that have don’t them, or remove/replace them (some people suggest braids for example) on the styles that do.

Of course I’d love to get more actual hairstyles, but I don’t necessarily need (or even want) the Blood Elf hairstyles ported to Void Elves. I’d be content with some Human hairstyles being shared. These for example:


I can imagine a tentacle toggle adding to each of these hairstyles in interesting ways as well!


I’m probably one of those odd ones that wished that Blizzard just let Blood Elves have their blue eyes like many had been expecting since the Sunwell was restored. I personally wish all the High Elves would have just joined the Alliance. Sorry but if you didn’t think your people and kingdom were worth saving or worthy of your aide during their most crucial time. Then I sure as hell don’t want you to come running back once all the hard work has been done, just to reap the benefits.

we really need a color wheel and have them open up most of the styles for all of the races. Along with optional hair accessories in different colors.


As evidenced by the new Draenei customizations, hair adornments can indeed be made into toggles (and given alternative color options) and I’d be ecstatic to see that happen for every race. I would love to use that new female Blood Elf hairstyle with the tiara if I could remove the tiara. I don’t always want to wear a pretty princess tiara and I certainly wouldn’t want to have my transmog limited to matching gold and green.

As for a color wheel… the sad reality is that this just isn’t likely to happen. It’s the same reason we don’t have an armor dye system. To have a color wheel, the textures in wow would have to be dynamic and able to be assigned colors on the fly. Unfortunately that’s not how wow textures are made. They are static and have their colors baked in.

Every different hair color or skin color we see at the barber is a separate texture file. Adding more colors means adding more texture files. With a color wheel we’d need only a single dynamic texture.

It’s basically a design decision Blizzard made 17 years ago (for valid reasons at the time) limiting us today. Could it be changed? Yes. But it would probably be a lot of work that Blizzard won’t view as a good return on investment.