Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Tell me about it… it´s Ciri´s hairstyle from the witcher 3 game.

And then Blizz devs decided it was “amazing” to put a princess crown on it, ughh!!! Way to ruin the hairstyle for anyone that doesn´t want his/her toon to look like a “princess” indeed (as an actual Belf hardcore lore fan, it is quite insulting to see the Belves reduced to this “Jersey Shore” esque niche).

Well, I guess this explains lots of stuff.



It’s now how I want to see it happen. Lol

They’re participating in a ritual to empower them.

You’re drawing a great deal from next to nothing and calling it lore.

You were not alone. I’ve waited since TBC.

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Those are not void elf fans talking, those are High elf fans talking. They want to change void elves into something they are not.

Only if it swaps between void options. There should be no off void button on VOID elves.


Glad to see you on my team.

It´s a lonely team, though… not many of the vocal Belf posters seem interested in actual Warpaint art for the Belves (they rather salivate for the puny little line on Alleria´s face :roll_eyes:). I mean, If my toon is gonna sport a “warpaint esque tattoo” (cause let´s all be honest: the WC2 “tattoos” are nothing but a glorified name for good ´ol warpaint, there I said it) then make it actually VISIBLE ffs.


I don’t agree. Void Elves already have hairstyles without tentacles. If Bronzebeard dwarves can have Wildhammer tattoos and feather options then Void Elves can have an on/off tentacle toggle IMO.


Why would you say something so controversial and yet so true.

I’d have just grabbed the gif but for some reason my phone wouldn’t cooperate. Lol

I totally agree with this though. Lol

I feel like this is a thing that should catch on. It’s a great idea.

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Thing about bronzebeard dwarves (although in game and according to devs, wildhammer tats is just customization, and ur still a bronzebeard) is that they are in game just referred to as dwarves, so it is easier to get away with wildhammer aesthitics.

Void elves don’t have that luxury. They are specifically void elves, not high elves, they are void elves. If they where just called elves it might have worked, but then it would get messy with night elves being on the same faction.

Not to mention there is only 2 styles (males at least) that cannot have tentacles due to being short and it does not justify not having void aesthitic only hairstyles.


It doesn’t matter that their racial tag says Void Elf.

Blizzard billed the new skin tones and blue eyes on Void Elves as “High Elf Customization”. If Void Elves can have High Elf customization (which they can and do) then any argument against them getting non-void options is moot. They already have non-void options so that can of worms has already been opened.

You may not want them to get more High Elf customization options, but that doesn’t mean they can’t have more High Elf customization options.


That’s actually a really good idea. I’d like that a lot for Void Elf Warriors & Blood Elves etc.

Could probably do the same for a few other classes. Maybe hunters could get a glyph that changes Arcane shot to Void Shot.


Saying it doesn’t matter is an excuse and ignores the race entirely. When you click on the icon, you see a blue skinned elf with void elf and a discription on the race information. There is 0 indication your playing ordinary elves. You are choosing to play void elves.

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Blizzard already decided Void Elves can have “High Elf Customization” (those are their words). Your argument is moot.


No they did not, the closest they said on that was for blood elves and that high elves as a race is not off the table.

Saying otherwise is false.

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You’re wrong. Plain and simple.


It wouldn’t just be void or arcane or light either.

I want a whole bunch of things.

Imagine a troll priest with glyphs that show them having more loa attachments.


“It was an opportunity where we had a number of elven races, and we could tie it back to their roots, letting players choose where they want to align and what fantasy to play out. We did have a lot of discussion about it, ultimately we might do more in the future, but for now we’re providing the option to have a few High Elf customizations available.”

This was a statement by Blizzard in reference to both Blood Elves AND Void Elves.


Except I am not? You just need to stop trying to turn void elves to what they are not, high elves.

Why don’t you add the part he specifically mentioned blood elves dear, before you misquote a dev. Makes you look better, though your not known for your honesty.


I mean, they at least keep quoting the bit where they say it’s only a few customizations not the whole shebang.

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You may want them to have “more” High Elf options but that doesn’t mean they will or should.

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You are wrong.

Here’s the quote again with context. If you still think it doesn’t include Void Elves then that’s a failing on your part to understand. Both Void Elves and Blood Elves are being discussed here.

According to a dev interview Ion gave several months ago, Blood Elves were originally unintended to have blue eyes in Shadowlands, but later on that decision was reversed following team discussions. If the art department was involved, what was the reasoning that led to blue eyes being added for Void Elves and Blood Elves?

This is another place where there was a race, High Elves, in the game which hadn’t really been represented on player characters. Blood Elves were the closest, but had felt green eyes. It was an opportunity where we had a number of elven races, and we could tie it back to their roots, letting players choose where they want to align and what fantasy to play out. We did have a lot of discussion about it, ultimately we might do more in the future, but for now we’re providing the option to have a few High Elf customizations available.

This is not just talking about Blood Elves. This is talking about both Void Elves and Blood Elves having High Elf Customizations available to choose where they want to align and what fantasy they want to play out.

If you’re reading it any other way than that then you are wrong.


“a few”

“for now”