Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Anti-paladins and void knights are pretty typical to fantasy settings. We have that through death knights.

I mean i obviously like the idea of void knights, just look at my mog.

But I think if they started adding race only classes (which would be bad for the game in general)

The Riftblades are who you’re looking for.


I get that, believe me. And to be fair, I would prefer unique colors for Void Elves as well instead of copying and pasting them over from Blood Elves. But I’m afraid that’s what devs would do eventually, cause it’s the easy route. Look at how they gave us regular skin tones. :-S

This is something most of us wanted in the past. Maybe we were too naive to think they’d design a new model for High Elves. We also discussed the possibility of having Half Elves instead. I was okay with this last suggestion, in fact. But then Void Elves were announced, so our suggestions were basically thrown out the window. lol

Well in the end (and in my opinion, of course), feelings is actually the only legitimate reason to be against High Elves or Void Elves with natural options (or any other suggestion). Lore can always be retconned sadly as seen these last years, so arguing purely on the basis of lore, to me, is quite frankly a waste of time.

But the way someone feels shouldn’t be questioned ever. I get that there are many people who value faction races being visually discernable from one another, and I find it reasonable to voice your opinion on the matter, even if it’s against it. And you in particular have actually contributed with other suggestions, and Izzabelle as well with a few nice mockups. I appreciate it. :hugs:

Regarding natural hair colors, I just want any sort of shade of a natural color. It doesn’t need to be the same as Blood Elves. In fact I wouldn’t mind that natural hair colors were tied with Void highlights, for instance. In fact, I think those options are quite cool. And if we could further customize those Void highlights, that’d be even better.


I saw some mock-ups of natural colors given with ombré shades or even void lowlights, etc. I find those to be a good compromise, but then it opens a whole new door of other races also wanting multi-colored hair. I think trolls are the only ones right now that have a highlight?


Pandas get them in a way.


Yeah, for gameplay purposes, that’s how it would work.

:laughing: Let’s just agree to disagree I guess.

That’s true. :+1: I guess Void Elves would only be able to choose the class skin instead of the regular normal Paladin option.

The projection is big here.

I don’t mind pushback. Like I said, it’s okay that you don’t like the idea. You quite literally questioned if “I had a say” on suggesting class skins, meaning that you do not think I have a say on it. And I do, we all do have a say on anything we’d like for this game. Whether we like what is proposed or not is a different story.

It’s funny cause people who know me know that’s how I am in real life. lol I tend to see the positive things in life. I understand you think I’m this evil hypocrite trying to make other people’s lives miserable. I understand it because of the heated discussions and troubles both sides have had in the past, where I’ve been involved. I did apologize for that behavior of mine, several times by the way. In the end and as you grow up, you minimize and relativize many things after you lose somebody you deeply loved, so yeah. There’s not much left I can do other than keep posting what I deem appropriate without violating the CoC. I can’t do much if you wish to continue thinking of me that way, that’s your choice ultimately.

Void Elves do not have a monopoly on the Void only because they are Void Elves. I’m not sure how to explain this any clearer.


And that should be a thing as well! Ideally we should be able to customize multi-colored hair with a color wheel option… but knowing Blizzard… xD


The ideaof a void paladin would ruin the classes lore, one of the few classes that remained faithful to the original warcraft lore.

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Honestly this. I’m not asking for in depth FFXIV customization levels but this would be such a satisfying thing to implement.


The idea would be a Void Knight class introduced as a class skin tied to the normal Paladin class (it’s not a Void-infused Paladin). But Midare is right in that, in order for Void Elves to have access to the class skin, they should first receive the normal Paladin class. So I’m no longer sure how that would work. :-\

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On the paladin. Which has 0 to do with the void. Especially on a class skin which you need to accept won’t be on as default, which would mean we would haver light tossing void elves, and if you do not know, void is this games “darkness” magic, which is the opposite of a paladin as stated in the games lore.

And this is all without getting into the nitty gritty of how void magic is used vs. Other magics. You can’t do with the void as easily and readily as you could do with light magic and vice versa.

You’re right! I forgot.

We will never get wheel options. Haha even if they would be good


There’s a large list of people I’d kill for WoW to get BDO level of customization

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You have an actual source on this or are you just drawing more headcanon from a vague WQ?

Cause that doesn’t happen.

Pretty sure that was only a player made thing.

I’d be curious if you do find anything though.

Yeah did that one a lot.

Nothing like what you said is happening there except that they are using blood magic…

No blood knights are being taught… They’re being empowered by the rituals but that’s all.

Theres also no link to the San’layn there.

All of this though. The things you see playing both sides rather than one.

He has no relation to the SC.

Kinda wish they’d utilize the glyph system for almost all abilities like that.

More flexibility and more use for a profession.

Not sure what that particular posters issue is. They’ve been weirdly hostile since they got here…

That one often seems to want drama.

Umbric for Warchief!

What? The Alliance could do with a Warchief.


Don’t return it.

Just makes you look like a fool.

Too many go eye for an eye here.

Thormus isn’t very good at proving his points though…

Muir does pretty well even if I don’t agree with him on every point… Even Lore is far better than Thormus.

Dude… That’s an avatar not that actual person. Lol

This is why I lean more towards glyphs. Riftblades have warrior abilities with some void looks to them.

Some of the ones in my thread have interesting promise.

The white blonde with tinges of copper in its roots and tips for instance.

And I’m not one to like the natural colors on void elves but that one manages to be both unnatural and I think close enough to make someone wanting to be a high elf content at least.


I pointed out the quest and the names of the mobs, San’layn are revealed during the alliance quest line, sylvanas is brokering sone deal with them that ends up getting them killed (by shandris i believe)

Yeah. I’m saying you’re drawing a lot from nothing.

The San’layn aren’t involved with any blood knights and in the WQ you mentioned blood mages are using troll blood reseviors to empower their troops.

That’s it.

No ones being taught among the Blood Knights and there is no San’layn connection there.

(and you the hero end up killing most of the San’layn not Shandris though its her mission.)

They literally have blood knight units there called sanguine knights what are we supposed to infer them to be if not a rank of blood knight?

How do those names justify claiming they’re blood magic users?

Rank, randomly applied mob name, or just a signifyer of unit doesn’t suggest in any capacity that they’re being taught to use blood magic when it’s blood mages literally empowering them in the same place.

Nah, I believe it was MrGM from Twitter who datamined it. Unfortunately idk how to search the history of a specific user twitter so it would take a lot of scrolling to get back to 2020/2019 where it popped up :tired_face:

That others here remember tends to give some truth to it. Maybe I’ll try when I’ve not been up for 3.5 hrs after an exhausting 12 hr shift @_@


Hmm. I’ll take a look myself.

A large group of people remembered high elves being specifically stated as light skinned in the WCII manual too but that was never true.

Still it definetly makes it more likely since several folk seem to remember it.


Go sleep, don’t worry about it.

I’ll see if I can find it on my own. :stuck_out_tongue:


Not exactly the topic, but he datamined this, perhaps customizable EE forms in the future?

So it could’ve been around early 2020

Haha, thank you friend. After some food! :laughing: