Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Damn, do you think that guy is part of the Silver Covenant?

Thanks for removing it. Felt pretty crappy.


Now he only he had the same standards for out of context clips as back up for his point, that’d be nice.

Nah, he’s far more interesting than high elves. He’s a Void Elf.


That’s literally the opposite of what I said. I literally said the Paladin class with Void effects. Same spells, same effects, same numbers, same rotations. Just different spell names and visuals. It’s called class skins, and it ain’t my idea, it has been proposed several times ever since Allied Races were launched, as it’s basically the equivalent of a “class allied race”. This way Blizzard can introduce Necromancers, Spellbreakers, etc. without having to make whole new classes.

Midare, give it a rest. I don’t even play Paladin. At least not regularly. Last time I even logged in my Paladin character was in 8.3.

You realize that, following your logic, we should never expect new classes?


Yeah, I woudn’t want him to be neutral, we need more Alliance characters with Horde plot armour! I also think he is quite handsome.

I think paladins having some kind of class skin like they did for Warlocks is a wonderful idea, I think they really missed the mark by not giving other classes such things.

I’ve wanted to see paladins with red/blue light for some time! They even have NPC spells that use these effects. I think class skins might be a bit of a jump but having different coloured particle effects, auras and other stuff would be amazing.



I would love to be able to choose Void visual effects for my Mage, so as to show that my Mage is using both the Arcane and the Void. Imagine Void Frost spells. Or even better
 VOID FIRE spells. I’m drooling.


Your attitude is super yucky. Wish pros would stop trying to instigate fights whenever things have settled down and people are having calm discussions. This is the second time I’ve seen that happen this week alone.

Thanks! :heart: This is definitely what I was pointing out. I think more races should get more options everywhere, but the removal of something (especially something I use on this char) would be a bad precedent to set.


You’re doing the same thing as the guy above, trying to instigate more drama once things have already settled down in discussion.

Umbric for Warchief.



That is just as bad, if not worse.

You want a “skin” for the most light related class, and you want something that goes against everything a paladin it’s supposed to be about. Essentially a mockery of what a paladin is.

So that gives you a say on how you can ruin the class?

I don’t like paladins and their canon self-righteousness, but they don’t deserve their class ruined with a skin because you think an edgy paladin it’s a good idea.

And again, that would only fit void elves. They will never come up with something that fits a single side anymore. This ain’t vanilla days.

And you realize that there’s several lore based classes that could be made playable without ruining an existing one?

Try to make some sense please.


I’ve only been matching the attitude set out earlier. I can understand what you mean by that but by no means am I a professional anything. Some of the red posters here have been combatative from the word go, if you truly dislike my aussie tier ribbing then I truly apologize.

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You’re good. I just see this discussion going into a more civil place than it’s been in the past and calling others names is going to throw itself right into a yuck-fest.


I would not want and have not gone to name calling, only trying to engage in some of the banter here in a barely serious way. I think some of the opinions here have been stated as pure fact and have been sourced poorly to punch down on people who have been asking for their (imo) rightfully deserved high elf customization. I only wish I could have written as effectively and known enough about the subject to truly blow those posters out of the water like my main man, Thormus.

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I can promise you he’s not blowing anyone out of the water with arguments based on vague statements that have been posted ad nauseam and, that no matter how much they are reposted, they won’t start sounding less vague.


Thanks for sharing your opinion.

It wouldn’t be a Void-infused Paladin. It’d be a Void Knight, just like Tauren Paladins aren’t actually Paladins, they’re Sunwalkers.

Are you saying I shouldn’t post suggestions and opinions of the game I pay to play because you don’t like them?

I (and many others) think Void Knights are a good idea, indeed. It’s okay that you don’t like the idea, though. This world is beautiful precisely because we’re all different and have different tastes.

I definitely see all races except Lightforged Undead capable of being Void Knights. Just because a class matches the theme of a race does not mean it doesn’t fit the rest of the races. Otherwise we should delete the Paladin class and leave it to Lightforged Draenei only.

Oh indeed, I’m looking forward to bards, spellbreakers, necromancers, etc. I doubt Blizzard is willing to make new classes, as they already stated balancing them all is a daunting task for them. That’s why class skins is an ideal solution, as we’d be able to play the class we want without having to actually design new classes (which apparently is what Blizzard doesn’t want to do for the time being).

That’s your opinion, luckily. Thanks for sharing it, though. :hugs:


Do you mean the succint and beautiful written description of what the Silver Covenant are, and how he covered pretty much everything there was to cover?

Do you know more than him? What is vague about the Silver Covenant rep and tabard being able to be worn only by Alliance races and the other things he posted? I thought he made a fine post that was a far stronger statement than anything I could have written.

Perhaps your eyes have rotted into nothing behind those suitably rose tinted glasses, my tree burning friend.

PS: Leinadh’s idea isn’t a mockery of anything. Priests play with the idea of shadow and light, just as Mograine did when he slapped a void gem thing into Ashbringer. I think you’re being overly harsh with somebody who frankly does not deserve it while we’re speaking so candidly. It’s a fun idea to play with, and the corruption of paladins is something blizzard loves to play with. I’m sure you’ve heard the name ‘scarlet crusade’.


To be fair, calling others goons is name calling :stuck_out_tongue:

I disagree with high elf customization but I think at the end of the day, people can request it. Can’t stop requests. I can only state how I feel about the requests and offer other ideas.


Goon is an insult isn’t very offensive, at least, not in good old aussie aussie aussie. It was reported though, so maybe somebody did take it too harshly in a way I did not intend.

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I understand the feelings some of you have stated in the past, regarding giving Void Elves the same hairstyles and colors that Blood Elves have.

What are you thoughts though on giving them different natural hair colors? Like, not necessarily the same tint of blond or brown, but a different shade (for instance, giving Void Elves Kul Tiran hair colors, etc.). In essence, visual faction distinction would still be in place between Blood and Void Elves.


I honestly believe it would still feel too similar, but I do think that would be an easier compromise for me personally rather than seeing Void Elves get the Blood Elf hair colors.

I would want to see a new High Elf model if we had to see High Elves on the Alliance, but that probably wouldn’t happen.

It does come down to a feelings thing for me unfortunately. I don’t have a lot of lore or facts or interviews to back me up. It’s mostly just a, “I don’t want to see my race on the opposite faction” thing.


With the same abilities of a paladin.

So yeah, a mockery of a paladin.

And you’re forgetting that for something like that to even happen, Void Elves would need to get paladins in the first place since Void Knights don’t exist anywhere.

So, you want a class that is the antithesis of what Void Elves are, added to them, only so it can be colored purple
 and then, the cries about how it should have a “lighter” option would begin as well.

I know you love twisting things for your convenience, but that only works better for you when you can do it with vague statements in interviews, not when I’m right here.

You can have any opinion you want, but just as you can have those, you should expect pushback.

I like it when you try to appear wholesome, it only makes it so much more funny when the true colors begin to shine.

Now that’s a nice hyperbole there.

Void is the theme of Void Elves. There’s literally no race that has the connection with it as them (despite the attempts of pretending this is not the case cough). It would absolutely only fit them and them alone.

Which is funny because, again, it would require Void Elves to get paladins.

I really wish you were at least honest.

Come on, let the real colors shine.

Oh it was about the bland elves? I honestly didn’t read.

But yeah, I probably know more about them, because I’ve read everything that is there about them and the rest of the traitors.

Thing is, I don’t have them on a pedestal and I know that the SC is under the jurisdiction of a neutral city, the part that you and most likely “ya boi” like to ignore, and the same it’s the case with the pack of alts that agrees with that notion.

You guys like to give the SC a lot more relevance than even blizz cares to.

Priests are not the same as paladins.

And there was no “void gem” in the Ashbringer, it was purified by five powerful individuals using the arcane and the light before it was even used.