Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Quite a few races could benefit from having more male hairstyles without receding hairlines.


Agree with everything except this bit - Paladins are infused with the Light and Void Elves are infused with the Void. I imagine that’d be like mixing Coke and Mentos.

I’d prefer the introduction of class skins, being able to choose from the Paladin class the Void Knight class skin. Essentially, the Paladin class with Void-based spells and names.

Depending what customization we get in the future or if there’s more “Sub Race” customization, Paladins would work. Like if you had the option under the Void Elf race to be a “High Elf” and be tagged as such. That said at this point i’d be happy with the simple hair customizations.

Another way they could do “High Elf” Paladins would be if they added “Half Elf” customizations to Humans which in doing so would open up another avenue.


A Sub-Race System is also an option.


Not even just from MoP, Belves started teaching blood knights blood magic in bfa also, not only because of their work with San’layn in bfa, but also because of that invasion quest in Nazmir where the blood elves are using the trolls blood magic.

If any other race gets paladins before night elves i will be grumpy and irate.


My queen! salutes

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Oh I would SO race change my main, like in a heart beat. :heart:


For your first paragraph I think there was some data mining of a system like that where the broadcast text would change to refer to a sub race like “high elf” or “wildhammer”. I don’t think much came from it I’ll have to find the links again once I’m off work.


I remember that. Unfortunately that was never released :frowning:

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You can post an out of context link as a back up, but that won’t make that any more true.

Void Elves have it rough with the whole thing of people trying to use them as a coping mechanism for something they should have let go of 15 years ago.

Fen, if people cared about things like those, we wouldn’t be in this mess of a topic where you have people wanting for Void Elves to lose any shred of uniqueness they have left.

With how Blood Elves were nowhere to be seen in Nazmir, nor in Vol’dun to Horde?

Also, don’t mind me, just opening the windows a little, the air was getting a little stale in the chamber.


I do think that necklaces should not be character customizations but wearable transmogs instead. They could remove the customizations and put the appearances on low level belf quest rewards. Or have necklace models cover up the character customizations.

Look up the quest cleansing tide, its all right there in the open, pools of blood magic being summoned, the bloodfused warcrushers, the sanguine knights, the sanguine champions. Its all pretty readily available.

Like dont get me wrong bfa had this nasty narrative habit of hiding story from the factions- but i absolutely think blood elves should get more rubies on their body jewelery, not just emeralds


We don’t see any of this at all. We only spent time killing loa and reactivating an ancient gundam.

It’s always great to be reminded of how Alliance got to see more story (that will be forgotten just like the blood golems were) for an iconic Horde race.


Alliance didnt get to see any of the worgen in drustvar stuff- bfa was bad with its narrative like that.


Yep that’s for sure. Despite how lackluster things have been lately, for a while now (and i still do) think that might be the next “major” stage in character customization. It’s the best way at this point to bring in some other races or expand on the different subgroups that were all rolled into one (i.e the various troll tribes rolled into Darkspears, Wildhammers etc.)

They could still do it even without that to an extent. I mean they could literally just add the Paladin class to Void Elves and maybe add a cosmetic change to their racials. Stating that lorewise Void Elves represent both Void and Non Voided High Elves. Paladins being the latter of course. Though a Sub Race system i’d prefer.

I think i remember that. That was being talked aobut when we first got some customization stuff announced last summer right? Even if it didn’t make it into game (yet) they still might be somewhat of a good sign. Maybe it’s being saved for later. I’d be curious to see what they’d do with that though. Custom racials for those “Sub Races” would be really cool.


I am quite sure we are not throwing a temper tantrum of having the same hair color as umbric, the leader of the playable void elves.

(Reminder, alleria did not get her powers the same way, not the leader of the void elves and we are not playing alleria.)

Ummm… we are void beings infused with the void. I am pretty sure holy infusion is not possible without a major case of death.

This would destroy the classes lore.


Honestly, if we where gonna get sub races we wouldn’t have allied races or the new customizations (wildhammer/troll tribes)

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… what?


You’re expecting Blizzard to come up with a whole new class, that only really fits Void Elves, just to accommodate to what you want.

They can’t even manage to write decent things for what they want. To wedge in a new, never heard of class, out of thin air, would be a disaster.