Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

It was just a suggestion, I have removed it now.


It does seem like a bad idea to remove anything from a group that already possess’ it.

Otherwise you’re giving leeway for others to request removing skin tones from Void Elves.


Thank you so much :hugs::hugs::hugs:

I like the new original post, all of the suggestions are nice!


It didn’t because devs are not interested in changing Belves’ physical appearance. Not because lore does not allow for it.

Time is completely irrelevant here. The first generation of High Elves mutated during the very journey on boat to the Eastern Kingdoms. It didn’t even take a year for them to change.

Sometimes it takes longer, sometimes it takes shorter. It depends on what devs want to explain on a given moment.

You guys should remember this is a game based on what devs think is cool or not - lore is not a Bible written on stone. That’s why we have a myriad of lore contradictions and retcons.


It didn’t because the concept of magic changing them was never a thing until WCIII for Night Elves and then later expanded in WoW.

If they had any desire to make it a thing they would have a long time ago at this point especially given Trolls to Night Elves and Night Elves to Nightborne.

There is no basis to think that the Sunwell will at this time or has in the past changed the Thalassian’s.

And again, my Voidwell idea isn’t a well in the proper sense. Its just harnessing a Void Storm that exists in the Telogrus rift. Plus its primary purpose would be to change Thalassians into void elves by providing the void essence necessary for void elves to be void elves.

While I definitely wouldn’t support the removal of anyone’s options, I do believe that the additions of exclusive colors could help reinforce distinction when it comes to jewelry.

Give the Void Elves starcursed gems and the same bronze color that they currently have for their jewelry, and give Blood Elves Holy and Blood gems and a more brighter reddish gold for their exclusive colors.

More options for everyone :hugs:


Not against that at all myself.

Though I’m also not big on the jewelry in general… lol


Honestly might wear something on this toon if we had a nice Blood Gem to represent the blood magic from MoP and those golems…



Me neither, I consider it more of an afterthought when I create a Blood Elf or Void Elf as theirs feels underwhelming, though I do actually really enjoy Night Elf jewelry, and would even like to see them get more too eventually, including some more Highborne looking stuff.

That would definitely be a great fit :ok_hand:

They would also be great for a classic black and red Blood Knight mog, or even an Undead/San’layn look.

Such a color would do wonders for Blood Elf aesthetics :hugs:



Seriously? The initial change was the loss of immortality but what canonical source do you have for their mutation from Highborne to Thalassian on a boat ride? Not headcanon, real canon.

Saying “Yeah but they can just do what they want.”, while true, doesn’t mean that attitude doesn’t lead to steaming piles of crap in terms of continuity and story. Which it obviously has…and does.

Current canon was that it occurred some time after making landfall on the Eastern Kingdoms but before the establishment of Quel’thalas and the Sunwell.

Its most recent iteration of that lore was in Chronicle.

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Reminder that people are throwing temper-tantrums over people wanting the same hair colour as their racial leader.


I definitely agree that trolls should get Vol’jin’s hair color.


I rather like the Night Elf jewelry though I was hoping for more Shen’dralar stuff… More of their jewelry I would not be against.

Also hopefully a model toggle for bigger thicker Night Elves…

I want my Druid of the Claw from WCIII. lol

I agree.

While I’m less sure if I want Dark Rangers/San’layn (actually pretty damn sure I want San’layn as their own AR) as a Blood Elf thing or a Forsaken one I would not be against that if it came to pass.

And his damn beard!

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But the void elves already have that.


Ah, a beautiful man.

Love Umbric.


Yeah, they push more people away doing that. Thinking they hold a monopoly on common hair colors is quite absurd.


Ye I feel like they need more hairstyles and to be able to be paladins and look more like high elves.

So yeah, void elves are allowed to look like this alliance void elf.


More hairstyles would be nice.

I hope not.

Don’t get me wrong, paladin is a great class and all but doesn’t fit void elves lore.

Unless they add a new spec from the void… Though even that’s not a great way to do it. Imo.

Someone in my thread suggested a new class built around melee and void… That was interesting.

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