Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

by their own logic the sunwell has already ‘mutated’ the high elves. its been around for over several thousand years. nothing else can come from it at this point

while chronicles says they began to shrink and lose their violet hues mostly due to losing access to the well of eternity, the sunwell could have added the final touches on how they look today. so again, they have already ‘mutated’

and here is the passage i am citing

After being exiled from the Well of Eternity, the Highborne began to feel the effects of aging and disease. Their skin had even lost its violet hue, and they had begun to shrink in stature. The Highborne feared that the effects would only worsen over time

true, blizzard does. also there isnt even a gate nothing is stopping them from having a normal black hair color or even white


Did blood elves inherit the death knight white, or are they still just stuck with the platinum blond you’re rocking?

…did blood elf death knights ever have white or is that a hallucination too?

They weren’t going to get yellow eyes till a dev thought it was a ‘cool’ idea. It is not indication of mutation.

Im trans too. Been at it a long while now.
Dont think i threw the word gatekeeping out there at any point, but its been a lot of posts at this point I apologize if I had.

But yeah none of these allied races are happening

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That part wasn’t responding to you, that was more in general. I’ve seen a multitude of people use that term insensitively.

The horizontal bar separating the post wasn’t obvious. My apologies.

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Oh no worries, im a bit of an older transwoman so i thought perhaps I was spoke bit to liberally with my verbage.

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It’s a bizarre standard that only the Silver Covenant & High Elves are held to. If they’re not front and center in the Alliance story in every single expansion it means they’re neutral. If they’re ever involved in a storyline that involves faction groups working together that ALSO means they’re neutral! Despite the fact that Horde factions are doing the same thing. One example i’ve seen a number of times is the hunter class hall as justification as for why the SC is neutral because they worked with Blood Elves there. Ignoring the fact that the Night Elf Sentinels and Forsaken Dark Rangers were also involved and yet no one would dispute their allegiances.

Even back in Legion though at Suramar, the High Elves were there alongside the Night Elves AKA Alliance. If memory serves correct, when you got your PVP artifact skin in Legion Vereesa was one of the Alliance leaders there when you went to SW keep to hand in the quest.

It’s a silly notion that the Silver Covenant is neutral. Only the Alliance can gain rep with them, wear their tabard and use their mounts lol. They were the Alliance reps at the Argent Tournament & show up time and time again after WOTLK. They are an Alliance force.

It’s funny because on one hand the Silver Covenant is demonized for their “Evil” actions during the Purge of Dalaran but then they’re also neutral when it comes to discrediting High Elves as part of the Alliance.


mid meant male gnomes only im sure

(art made by kru. sadly theyre not taking any commissions atm)


While I agree that the silver covenant is indeed in an odd situation, I think high elves as a race or customization is too close to BE to be made available, and since the introduction of VE’s showing that blizz is not willing to separate alliance thallasians and Horde thallasians via a new model, I think the next step is to look at the obvious next part of the alliance high elf story; the passing of the torch to half elves as ellisande mentions in suramar.

It’s about damn time.

I may not agree with every point now in the OP but it’s nice to see you’re using this thread seriously.


Sadly there’s bullying in this thread.

For example, look at what happened to my response to people misusing the g word by recounting actual lived experiences of that.


Yeah. Saw that a second ago. Not something that is Flagable.

It’s been a low key annoyance of mine this whole time that this… slightly trollish at the beginning… thread was the one we collectively decided to inhabit.


Yeah its been keeping me conflicted about linking it as the main one. Until now it was just a troll.

Now its not.

Other issues of abuse of some forum based systems or otherwise…


I’m wounded… :disappointed_relieved:

MurgAlt™ Confirmed

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Not sure if anyone responded to you about this but yes, Blood Elves got their Death Knight white. I am using it now. :heart:


OP… did you want to remove something from a core race that’s already been given to them so that the allied race may use it instead? :grimacing:


eloquently put my friend


I don’t want it, it was a suggestion. The main point was both sets of jewelry.

You said, “…with the requirement of removing silver from Blood Elves and leaving just gold.”

To me, that reads as, “Removing silver jewelry from Blood Elves” so that Void Elves can use it instead. If I’m mistaken, please clarify. Because otherwise that sounds a bit ridic.

Many pro-High Elf people here have stated that giving High Elf options would not remove anything from Blood Elves aside from racial visual distinction. What I am reading above is the actual removal of a Blood Elf customization to be given to Void Elves.