Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

For all that’s unholy read Fen’s explanation.

Also, just because artists can make things won’t make it canon.


Nightborne do be needing more options though. And lightforged.


i think that these options are what a lot of die hard high elf fans have been begging for a long time and i remember the old blizzard excuse was it would be too much of a similiar silhoulette, but i think they have long since forgotten about that statement


u r lvl 10

Those are Farstrider options for Blood Elves.

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U r a night elf, why do you care about prettier elves?

(See? I can do that too)

(EDIT: Also, I think I need a bath after typing like that… ugh)


You beat me to it, I was gonna ask how level is even relevant.


You know who makes models? And customization options?


If the big argument against helf options for velves is “well blood elves wont feel like blood elves”

Than i say, well art is limitless, and thus im sure theres a way a clever artist can make designs that dont infringe on blood elves.

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u r lvl 10, there is a narrative behind everything, it’s a massively multiplayer roleplaying game i don’t think you know what you’re talking about but that’s okay

just like there was that ‘1’ ballista at orgrimmar, there is the implication that the barrens is massive, orgrimmar is huge and stormwind houses thousands of night elves but are actually just 7 patrolling npcs and some guys in the forest

Yet the mock up shared was Blood Elf Farstrider options.

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I guess anything works if he can bring down someone who is going against his argument, note that he also brought up me being forsaken and thus “evil”.

But it isn’t very effective if he’s tossing balls of crumpled up paper to knock us off the metaphorical wall.

Fen made a whole thread for that too.

Which includes numerous options that make Void Elves look like Void Elves.


Not sure what you’re trying to prove but those are Blood Elf Farstrider options. Trying to claim BE visuals isn’t cool imo.


why does it say high elf farstrider options on the image

That is odd, aren’t the farstriders a blood elf organization now?


Bruh, he’s got roughly the same amount of achievement points as you.

Because the artist doesn’t like the fact that the Farstriders are a Horde organization?


Because you’re trying to make Alliance High Elves a thing and they aren’t a thing.

The story of the High Elves is told on the playable High Elf core Horde race, those options are potential BE options, trying to claim them from BEs is wrong.


Yes, a great deal of High Elf fans have wanted this for some time.

The Highvale are particularly close to the Wildhammer which often use feathers and such, which I think is where the idea for adding feathers mostly came from? (I could be wrong but from what I remember when I first saw this more than a year back now that was the reasoning.)

That said the tattoos are literally Farstrider tattoos from WCII before the Farstriders were a thing in lore and it was just called the Ranger unit. These are muted compared to those though. Much like Alleria’s tattoos.

As such I think the tattoos bit should exist on both Blood Elves and Void Elves with distinction maintained in the type of design and colorations perhaps.

I rather like the older thicker more brave heart concept for Blood Elves Farstriders.

The more thin wriggly ones for Void Elves.

But I’m also generally conflicted on that matter… Except in one case.

If it were a choice given to me by Blizzard and only one, Velf or Belf, could have Farstrider Tatoos I’d choose belf, as they have the organization of Farstriders.

They’re neat ideas…

Personally I’d love to see Void Elves end up with runes like you saw during N’zoths invasions as tattoos… give us more void options.

I tried.