Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread


i feel like if you invited me into your house and i proceeded to then enforce my will upon your things and property, this is fine, right, becuase you invited me

I mean nobody is asking you to like them or their sentiments, i certainly cant stand most of the horde lore.

Whether “vereesa and the silver covenant are cool isnt the question”

The question is “is the silver covenant alliance”

Well technically the question is. “Can void elves get more helf customization”

To which the answer is no.
Because allied races arent going to be updated.


“If allied races get updated” im sure theyll add high elf things to void elves, that dont ‘infringe’ on blood elf aesthetic


i would quite like the high elves having more skin tone variation and hair colours that would be quite neat!

i would make a high elf warrior from the silver covenant with brown hair and it would be quite based



yes indeed it would be quite based

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Which we know they are neutral.

The devs number Alliance High Elves less than the squad of Void Elves which reflect their previous statements on Alliance High Elves as well. Therefore we can rule out the SC as being Alliance, as if them working under a neutral city wasn’t evidence enough.

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how are 7th legion battle mages from the sc neutral? you should know this! they had to the 7th legion purge squads killing vulpera


Ask blizzard? They just feared a horde power grab, which i already copied the quote stating it above.

Sunreavers were formed to prevent an alliance power grab.

Thats the narrative.

Remind me again what group enforced their will upon others lives and properties in Dalaran?

And all I’m saying is that all we have to go on says that they are a faction of the Kirin Tor that favors the Alliance. Some of their members may in addition be members of the Alliance, but the group itself is Kirin Tor.

most likely.

that kinda cancels each other out.

I mean, you could say that you don’t feel that it does. But that’s an opinion.


The Kirin tor went:

“Yo, we have a feud with some dragons, please help?”

And Silvermoon went:

“Sigh Fine… we really shouldn’t because, you know, we lost a lot of people but this noisy puppy won’t stop barking about how great you guys are (Aethas)”

They didn’t go in with the intention of enforcing anything, they barely wanted to be there in the first place.


yeah it was pretty cool when they killed the sunreavers, very neutral grey of them!!!


All right… I’m gonna try and explain what I mean at least when I say that they’re Alliance leaning but not Alliance in full. I’ll do the same for the Sunreavers because its more or less the same thing. (though that can be dithered about as well given how things went in MoP)

The SC is a military group formed from denizens of Dalaran, to protect their interests in the city. Namely they want to deny the Horde entry or control. (give or take.) There is no way to say they are not aligned with the Alliance in their general goals and that they generally speaking will not work with the Horde (Though they have on several occasions to some degree).

The Sunreavers are likewise a group of denizens of Dalaran though they are Blood Elves. Their interest lie in reclaiming their place within the city and supporting their interest. Their aligned with the Horde as a result of where the rest of the Blood Elven people put their loyalty.

Both groups are made up (at least primarily) of denizens of Dalaran and are beholden to its general state (most of the time anyways) of neutrality. Both groups operate with the Alliance or Horde depending but their homes are in Dalaran. Their people are in Dalaran. And neither group is its own country or city state.

The Silver Covenant is aligned with the Alilance but still Dalaran.

The Sunreavers are aligned with the Horde but still Dalaran.

Thats all I’m saying when I say they’re aligned with whichever side but still neutral.

The SC is unlikely to do something that would directly cause Dalaran to have to act against them because they… you know… live there.


Theyre not nuetral at all
Not in the slightest
Not in game mechanics
Not in the lore

You have -your- interpretation of a vague quote, by a guy who isnt on the writing team.

Meanwhile theres literally, canon books and comics and quests and gameplay mechanics that all portrait silver covenant as alliance.

Like what a cooked interpretation


Not like they need anything more anyway, Void Elves already got more than enough during the Core Race customization pass as an Allied Race while the rest of us got pretty much shafted and overlooked.

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Using my TL3 to assist…

Honestly I always attributed these to either Farstriders or Highvale elves.

Its the feathers for me.


This is coming from you who earlier claimed the Highvale are a nation that stretches from EPL to loch modan?

It’s a few huts a single questing area in one zone.


Its art my guy, limitless possibilities. I know a hundred artists that can make and draw and model visible distinctions between blood elves and high elves. Things that are only sin’dorei aesthetic, things that are only quel’dorei aesthetic etc.

The group isnt kirin tor though.
They are silver covenant


yes you like to interpret wow as the sum of it’s zones and not the narrative behind it, we know this about u lannisfur already

settle down ok


The wretched in EPL never turned into Wretched, they’re still a healthy, thriving community.



There is no “narrative” behind anything you’re claiming, the devs disprove your take on the game, if this is your RP narrative that’s fine enjoy but it doesn’t extend past that