Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

This is false.

The SC is neutral as per the devs stance on HEs on the Alliance being even fewer in number than the small elite squad of Void Elves

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Going to need a source on that one. Comparatively, there are several high elves and blood elves leaving Quel’Thalas to study under the void elves.


you know the void elves are actually rarer than the high elves?


Nah you’re coming into the conversation late, i was reffering to jaina’s quote at the end of that horde scenario.

“Dalaran is an alliance city and we wilk not tolerate your kind any longer”

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Maybe they mean past tense for all this stuff?

Like High Elves used to be Alliance but have been Horde longer at this point


Where is Auric these days?


The ending of the Quel’serar quest line. Auric calls everyone there “children of quel’thalas”.

And you do know her “leadership” lasted as long as the result of someone passing wind in an elevator, yes?

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Yet the devs say otherwise.

source me please


Must not be very loyal children given they are leaving in droves to join the void elves in their hub and in stormwind.


Got a source for that?

settle down, ok?


Indeed, simply log on and walk into Stormwind and the Rift. There are several high elves and blood elves walking around and coming through portals to join them. There is also a quote from Steve Danuser which you so coincidentally like to ignore it seems.


Note: An empty space in the lore is something where no one knows the answer, not a place where the person who believes the most and types the hardest gets to make up game canon


She’s still very much alliance,

Vereesa created and still leads the Silver Covenant, a militant core of high elves that rejected the admission of blood elves into the Kirin Tor and who took it upon themselves to serve as a military deterrent for any potential Sunreaver uprising. She styled herself as the “Ranger General of the Silver Covenant”, her own version of the Ranger General of Silvermoon. After her husband’s death and an act of treason both caused by the blood elves within the Kirin Tor, Vereesa joined Jaina Proudmoore (who succeeded Rhonin, in the Sunreaver


Oh, NPCs numbers eh?

Welp, I guess Azeroth it’s doomed and the murloc invasion it’s coming in any moment now considering how many are there despite of multiple murderous rampages from us.

The revenge it’s coming.

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That may be, but this is a case of individual vs group loyalty.

Wasn’t that more of a blood elf spy loyal to Garrosh who betrayed Dalaran and acted without the Sunreaver’s knowledge and was used as an excuse to commit pretty horrid acts on innocent civilians?


'member when Vereesa was ready to abandon her own children to follow her big sister?

I 'member.


do u have a big sister or children?

you seem very judgemental about this

settle down, ok

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Well have you seen her kids? I don’t know that I blame her