Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

I mean it would be one thing if void elf got -all- of the blood elves customizations and void options as well. But i dont think thats what people are asking for judging by some of the high elf art concepts people are modeling in they want distinctly Quel’dorei features like ley tattoos and wood charms.


Roughly yes. I’d say the Sunreavers are more Kirin Tor first horde second as Aethes really likes the KT and keeps wanting to patch things up, and the SC was founded because Vereesa hates her people and wanted to keep them out of the magical establishment that they had been part of since the beginning.

They have preferences towards either side, but are primarily Kirin Tor.

Oh right, there’s still that 1% left to take.


You seem to be projecting your opinion of vereesa into her character, she doesn’t hate blood elves, she just thinks the horde isnt right for them. And has gone to war, against silvermoon, explicitly on behalf of the alliance. And jaina.


You guys know the Silver Covenant joined forces with the Valiance during WOTLK, right? Like as an actual military force? The same military force that fought tooth and claw with the Horde through the entire expansion? There were Silver Covenant battle mages with the 7th legion

They also expelled the Sunreavers WITH Jaina AND helped the allies in the fourth war

why are you trying to say they’re neutral when the blood elves and high elves despise each other?


Which is why when given half an excuse she didn’t go all ethnic cl… oh wait.

You mean when Jaina went all ragey and allied the KT with the Alliance because she’s special and gets to break the usual rules of governance of Dalaran?


This is so cringe but I totally agree so I have really mixed feelings about it.

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The one ballista at Orgrimmar? The event where horde and alliance came together? You could almost say it was a neutral joining of forces or perhaps even just the fact it was a family affair for the Windrunners.

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As she said it.
Is an alliance city
That tolerated


Or maybe because they are under the jurisdiction of a neutral city?

Even their leader’s loyalty it’s questionable at best since while she hates the Horde, she sure was considering ditching her baggage (children) to follow her big sis.

I sure wish I didn’t get to see that dumb city anymore, but pretty sure I can teleport to it just fine as a Horde player.


I can back this, I was just there a few hours ago when I finally got the belt for this outfit to change my Warlocks transmogs. :yum: :yum: :yum:

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Blood Elves are High Elves what are you talking about?

We have seen High Elves return to Quel’thalas, that’s highly suggestive of their stance moving forward

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That’s her opinion, Dadghar has a different view.

I’m not arguing that they don’t like the Alliance, but that they are members of the Kirin Tor first and foremost.

Khagdar would cringe so hard if he was told he’s part of the Alliance and probably go “Oh no, you don’t get me involved in this mess!”.


Cause she felt bad for her little “round em up” event after mop and let everyone, but romath back, who was only let back as part of the mage line in legion.

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I think some people take the SC as representative of all high elves and not just basically a hate group in Dalaran, and think that it’s mutual.


Lol. Wow. The projection is real.


Who felt bad about what happened in MoP exactly?

If this is the case, boy, they have some really bad rep.


This is World of Warcraft, one or two npcs is sometimes all we get for a ‘military feature’. Much like a roleplaying game, you have to suspend your belief and go with what you got. It’s not just one siege weapon, there are multiple signs that the Silver Covenant is giving very clear and loud military support to the Alliance, and why woudn’t they? High Elves are a main stay, they’ve been with the Alliance through WC2 and WC3 and that kinship didn’t change, WOTLK was a love letter to everything that happened in the Frozen Throne expansion.

How can a Silver Covenant member be a member of the 7th Legion and also be neutral? That is not… really how this works.

I understand you want to be purposefully obtuse for the sake of the arguement but come on, we’re all here because we love the game and the lore behind it. Why can’t we be on the same page?


Jaina did after the fact, it was in the pre- wod book.

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I sure wish you would apply your own advice.

You… think Jaina is the leader of the SC…?

EDIT: No, wait… you think Jaina still leads Dalaran…?
