Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Sorry if I’m missing some hyperbole (I really might be), but what are the 8 troll tribes and 3 types of tauren they added?

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Theres 8 different troll tribes in lore, they put a bunch of skins and tattoos and such that belong to to those tribes as darkspear customizations.

The three tauren are grimtotem, bloodhoof, and highmountain. Though it is odd they didnt add taunka customizations.

Same way they put blackrock skins in maghar orcs.


Apparently enough to take on the might of silvermoon in thunder isle.


The SC is neutral though

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Why do people keep saying that? They’re anything but nuetral.


Because they are not apart of the Alliance

They don’t know any better, just ignore them.
SC attacks and kills Horde players, they aren’t neutral.
They are part of the Alliance.


There’s a lot more than 8 troll tribes, you probably mean sub-species, and there’s only 7 sub-species. And even still, of the options we currently have, there are still several types that we don’t have options to headcannon with. We have Zandalari and jungle trolls cannonically, and options to headcannon sand and debatably dark. We do not have forest (despite them cannonically being in the Horde), ice, and blood.

As for tauren, Bloodhoof isn’t a type of tauren, it’s a tribe. Grimtotem are the exact same type of tauren as Bloodhoof. And even still, we did not get the the one thing that distinguishes Grimtotem from other Kalimdor tauren, their war paints. All we got some sort of similar looking paint, which, much like forest trolls, is stupid because we have Grimtotem cannonically as well. There’s currently only 2 types of tauren playable, Kalimdor tauren and Highmountain tauren.


They literally.
Went to war
With the horde.


The SC is neutral as is Dalaran their home

Sentence 1 does not logically require sentence 2.

They attack the horde, they prefer the Alliance. I don’t think it has been ever stated that they are members of the alliance.

I mean, there was something about Grimtotems having a tendency towards black fur that some people take really strongly, but I’m pretty sure we’ve had that for a long time


Kirin Tor is neutral
Silver Covenant is Alliance
Sunreavers are Horde


Quoting this because I think it is relevant for the current conversation :raised_hands:t5:

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Silver Covenant prefers the alliance and thinks the Kirin Tor should work more closely with them
Sunreavers prefer the Horde and think the Kirin Tor should work more closely with them.


That’s the point though isnt it? Like if we’re strictly talking the semantics of “playable characters” like everyone here seems to believe is our only option, then you wouldn’t be able to be half of those.

But you can, and its a bit weird everyone seems okay with things like sand trolls, and wildhammer dwarves being played from a different race but when its people using void elves to play high elves suddenly its a problem e_e


Tauren have had black fur for a really long time. Thing is though, is that there’s non-Grimtotem with black fur. There are not non-Grimtotem with the war paints the Grimtotem use, that’s why those paints are the main Grimtotem thing. Though, you could always play a black tauren and say you’re a Grimtotem, just that you don’t use the paint.

I don’t have an issue with it.


It’s fine for RP but I’d have rather both of those were AR in their own right.

Don’t see that as a problem either for RP…

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Neither of these are pre existing core races on the opposite faction.

And player agency exists to the same extent that it exists on VEs.


Well I mean firstly you have the issue that with the elf swap you take it a step past those other examples by making the options for the core race not available to the core race’s faction.

Secondly none of the other ones give the whole of the appearance, with some of the troll types and the wildhammer they don’t just have differences like skin color or tattoos, they have different sizes and builds that aren’t being handed out. You can some tools to play as them, but they’ve never said they’re giving anyone the whole toolkit.

I’ve just noticed in a lot of these things people equate the black fur with grimtotem, I agree, it’s not a total thing, but some people have run with that.


Silver covenant represented alliance interests in dalaran, as sunreavers did for horde.

Vereesa leads the silver covenant, shes married to rhonin, and distinctly allies herself and her covenant with the alliance as a result. She even says thats why she didnt go with the horde and blood elves.