Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

I said player agency doesn’t entitle you to further options that BEs already fulfill as part of their visual theme.

You seem to attribute more than things actually are quite often.


It’s impossible to give everyone everything that they want, I don’t think you need to find a citation for “They can’t do everything”

I’ve been amused lately about how that sprinkling of alliance high elves is enough for full playable high elves, but suddenly for some reason there’s concern about the intro scenario not being enough to explain an AR.


theres another married to a gnome living in boralus

alliance goblin allied race!


They are few and far between I don’t see the point you’re making, Midare is valid in the comparison made.


And you’d be wrong, because I’ve seen that exactly popping from time to time and I’ve replied to such topics in the past.

I hate to break it to you, but you’re not the only one making a mountain out of NPCs you can count with your hands.


All I want is for Blizzard to give us Allaince Velves(whether we were originally Helves or Belves before hand) some new expanded lore about our future in the faction. The skin colors were enough. We don’t need blonde hair to be Allaince High Elves we just need background and we already got that. I would not be opposed to us getting pure white, or jet black, or wine red hair as these would work for both our themes without more being taken from our Blood Elf brethren. And Blizzard were are those ear sliders already? Anyway new lore is what’s most important for us helf/velf and belf/velf on the Allaince. We should be asking for more of that and more options for our Belf friends not blonde hair.


oh dear, just ran into another alliance goblin changing my hairs in ironforge


Wildhammer and the Highvale are definetly involved and as of Cata Draenei too.

They don’t have any relation however to EPL or anywhere else.

Still Alliance high elves though. Like I said, my only issue with what you said was the suggestion they’re larger than they are.

Technically, Void elves always had blue eyes. Purple was added in prepatch for SLs.

Really do wish those were different AR’s.

They’re not the same cultures.


I hope to still see plenty of new void based options (and hopefully lore) in the future myself.




I’d like to see Alleria changed a valid request to see her reflect more of the void and we know the void is if ever a time to update an npc it could be done on a whim in a void fashion

Perhaps she may bring in the void - non void skin tones the ones that are sort of distorted? / permanently make her hair her void form colored hair

This could be tied to a storyline involving more VEs perhaps ie: they get more story / lore + possible new void options added, all while leaving the hair as a remaining visual factor in Blood Elves visual uniqueness


Goblins would have been a great choice to be neutral, given their culture.


Kinda agree with that.

I mean they’re to me more Horde because of WCII, but with their current lore additions since then yeah. Neutral would have fit. I am happy they’re Horde though.

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Oh, yeah, it was definitely the right call to pop 'em on Red.

It’s just, even more than pandaren, you can easily justify a goblin working with anybody.

I’m just talking story, not actually demanding Blue goblins.

Or am I? Ahahah-- no. I’m not.

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Aye I’m not gonna request blue gobbo’s but if they show up one day I wont be unhappy. lol

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I think that’s a great idea! They could use that same storyline as a spring board for more Velf lore for the whole race at the same time!


Not more trades from Horde to Alliance until they fix the mess of Nightborne and they get fair customization treatment like Void Elves because so far we have gotten shafted twice.

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No one was asking for one.


That was my thoughts as well!

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Oh highvale is larger because the world is larger, stormwind certainly isnt sustained on 2 squabbling farms, and houses you know… Exist, much in the same way orgrimarr isnt sustained of cactus apples and pigs.

It makes sense everything gets scaled up, i mean, judging by legion, mop, and wrath theres at least enough alliance high elves running about to have a military. (Hunter’s hall, thunder isle, general conflict in wrath)

And its true- those things arent the same culture, but- rather than putting in 8 different troll tribes, and 3 types of tauren etc it was easier to just add the options and let the players say they’re wildhammer or bloodscalp or of course high elf.

And i think thats fine, i do hope we get more void oriented options though, i have this image in my head of a high bun with bangs and a tentacle for a hairtie. But thats just my personal wish.


And yet the devs still describe Alliance aligned High Elves as few and far between :confused:


They’re not spread from the EPL to the Loch though…

They’re literally only in the Hinterlands. They’re not a large group. There is no lore supporting them being anything but a singular settlement.

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