Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Yep, since the place wasn’t tied to any quests, you could kill them without any interruption and it was the farming spot for Horde to get cloth.

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Not allowed to have imagination here to make a subrace playable.

Not allowed.
Has to be void only.
And even then it has to be ugly or it won’t appease the zerg.


You can literally see my character. I use void stuff i like void elves.

But i will never argue against more customization options, why would anyone?

As for why not play a blood elf, the fact this topic is at 7k comments and has come and changed about 100 times since its launch shows that there is enough distinction between blood elves and high elves that people want that alliance high elf option.

And as for ‘adding new things to the game’ instead of ‘similar things’, I already mentioned about 30 posts or so ago, nobody is getting anything. No allied race customization updates, no heritage armors. Nothing. This whole thread is a giant hypothetical “if blizzard ever finishes updating allied races; void elf players want this.” Or i guess high elf and maybe blood elf players?


Because the options already exist and visual uniqueness of Blood Elves is something of importance to others, we can flip the question around and ask why would anyone want to continue poaching the visual theme of Blood Elves? Why would adding non unique already found options in game benefit anyone?

Valid reasons to oppose further watering down of Void Elves and poaching of visuals from Blood Elves.


I feel the same way, it’s like if you want to play a Blood Elf play a Blood Elf, if you want to play a Void Elf play a Void Elf, I play both for different reasons and I like both for different reasons but I don’t want them to be exact copies as one another either.


A half elf AR in hindsight was best but the High Elf story is the BE story so I wouldn’t support a High Elf AR in that sense

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Artists are capable of all sorts of things, I am positive theres at least a thousand fans who can do it, much less blizzard artists.

Like its art I wouldnt put it past them to be able to preserve and even emphasize Sin’dorei culture, while adding Quel’dorei definition


Natural hair colors after the non void skin tones were added infringes on the last piece of visual distinction Blood Elves have and I would argue it wasn’t added for a reason.

We have seen the finite number of new customizations for other races I mean really VEs will be lucky to get ear length options and a few new void things at best.


I never supported a so called High Elf story/Allied Race because we are the High Elves, it’s like the story is already ours and we are already in the game and have been for 15-16 years so.


I previously did but that is why I always say in hindsight when I speak on how half elves would work better in that regard and for the very reasons you listed


The whole goal of expanded customizations are to give people more options within whatever race they choose to play as.

Not sure why people are still talking about keeping options limited or telling others to go play X race.

That’s side stepping what the expanded customizations are about in the first place.

I’d love someone to try and find me any kind of developer quote that says anything remotely along the lines of “we still have to maintain visual uniqueness between the races” in relation to the system of expanded customization we’ve received and will receive going forward.


Player agency doesn’t go beyond your character. That doesn’t entitle you to the rest of the BE visual theme based on confirmed player agency.

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As soon as I can have a Horde character that can look 100% like an Alliance character while still being Horde, I might actually feel for them but until then not so much.


Yeah Player agency doesn’t go beyond your character, hence why Blizzard’s goal is to give options to increase that player agency.

It’s not entitlement just because you feel it is so, just like it wasn’t entitlement to ask for human skin tones and blue eyes to make an Alliance High Elf look.

Nothing of what you’re saying has been stated by any developer or the goal of what expanded customizations are.


Yeah, but the question is how they increase that agency and what they don’t do. I think the heavy lifting was done through detaching specific backgrounds from player characters with help from a selection of options that represent different backgrounds without making full fledged versions of everything.

It’s not entitlement to want void elves to remain voidy or feel that uniqueness for each race is a good thing either.


I DEMAND that my leprous cousin be the founding father of an AR!

MurgAlt™ Confimed


I love that name for your mechagnome


I would play leper gnomes on the Horde in a heart beat.


No one’s ever said that it was, unlike those who say asking for more HE customization do somehow call it entitlement.

How is that a question? They’ve already given examples of how they’re doing it with the first pass they did in Shadowlands release. “What they don’t do” again, I don’t believe any developer has ever made any statement on any sort of restrictions in expanded customizations , all they’ve spoken of was adding and adding so that players can look like the characters they envision in their mind.


And Alliance have a single Goblin in the SI:7 but there’s not anyone making a serious push for that.

Nice try though equating a group of High Elf NPCs that btw keep getting sprinkled in with more and more expansions as somehow equating to a singular representation.

That’s some ‘ape together strong’ math right there with you equating 1 to several.