Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

I hope you are aware this events don´t actually reflect no “edgelord magical proficiency”. The Kirin Tor and even a goodie two shoes like Blanduin have used mind manipulation before to achieve goals.

Actual lore doesn´t. The prerrogative for the Blood Knights was not about controlling and subjugating others but themselves in a BALANCED way (I mean, “Blood of the Highborne”, nuff said. Damn, Mickey in a way screwed us up -not really- with such long story, cause only the people that bought Paragons knows about the story and indeed base their judgement on what´s portrayed in TBC stuck Quel´thalas).

I agree, the way Velf lore inducted them in the game is criminal. They are the only race that basically get portrayed as reckless morons AND that end up softcore admitting it thanks to Umbric´s “Rommath was right” magical words /facepalm.

Not only because of that. If you want to portray “growth” in a character or a community, then that character or community need to reflect a “change in mentality”, a “learning of past mistakes”. And this has been firmly depicted in both particularly characters (Rommath in Lor´s short story) or the race as a whole (Heritage armor scenario) regarding the Belves.

They STILL aren´t shy of using “questionable” magics, they are just less stupidly reckless as they became in TBC and that´s no wonder, post Sunwell Plateau they weren´t alone and they can relax a little (they aren´t betweern a rock and a hard place like they were before).

Oh of course theyre not shy about it- i mean we saw them using blood magic in the bfa invasion.

But i think the big thing about bloodknights is that is both, the reason they drained the naaru rather than praying was in the old questline for the spear, its because they never would cede control again which is just that growth from high elven society to bein blood elves. Its why theyre not alliance. Alliance had proven in the past as demanding a certain fealty, and when orcs showed they were just as authoritative and controlling as the alliance they remember (garrosh).

But i dont want inundate the thread with thoughts ferlings and interpretation of a narrative, its a bit off topic.

I did enjoy the discussion and your perspective though, I hope you have a wonderful day.

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Oh my!

Please rest and get better!



I hope you recover soon :pray:t3:



I dunno, I’m not practicing. YOU’RE PRACTICING.

Anyway, blood elf pally, blood elf warlock (or maybe he’s going to become a demon hunter I’M VERY SORRY NAUGHTY BUT WARLOCKS CAN’T TANK), void elf warlock, high elf void trainee warrior.


Listen here m8

DHs got nothing on OG demo

That’s a funny way of saying demonology

I did Sarth 3D back in the day, too.


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I honestly believe people who wanted blood elves to revert back to high elves have done more to damage their identity than anyone else. https://youtu.be/NE-4Edh3RuM


Blood Elves are and have always been High Elves.

And what Ariel said is 100% valid. The model lore and aesthetics isn’t yours to claim when the playable core race on the Horde fulfills that, Void Elves take a different path and direction, Blood Elves are not taking a “new” path and direction to accommodate what exactly? Who exactly?


Funny how you talk about core races like you think they mean something. I suppose there is the barrier of doing the unlocks so there is that I guess.


And yet here we are.


Here we aren’t Blood Elves are High Elves and Void Elves are Void Elves :hugs:


Well, you have your opinions.


Blood elves and void elves are both equally high elves as stated by our friends at blizzard.


I still can’t get past that we can actually look like High Elves 100% and they can’t, it’s like there is a difference whether they choose to accept it or not.

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With the lore (no void implications come when choosing a Blood Elf like when one chooses a Void Elf) and their Kingdom too :hugs:

The only people who seem to be “upset” Blood Elves are the playable High Elf race are the same people who never liked Blood Elves being Horde to begin with.

I am not sure why its being presented as like concern about Blood Elves lore or BE fans when it really just goes back to that core issue when you look at what side is saying their upset Blood Elves are the High Elves they have always been.


Of course we are, that’s why in our lore it says that repeatedly, why we can have eye colors of golden and blue, why we can have normal hair colors and hair styles, normal skintones, aren’t considered corrupted by the void and so on and so on. :blush: :blush: :blush:

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What does gold eyes have to do with anything?


It’s considered a High Elf eye color in lore due to the sunwell being half holy and half arcane, that’s what.

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So post sunwell light corruption.