Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Well they used my real ID name on the forums again and tried to defend doing so + claim antis were false flagging

Now we’ve moved on like Murg points out to my comment asking for a mock up being flagged


Hehehehe… good one, Murg!!

But no seriously, I´m chastising you people for having fun and NOT inviting me!!

LF draenei have the same tattoos but just in yellow.

Just sayin´…

They´re half demon hybrids that can get accesed under the Nelf/Belf races by purely gameplay reasons Mr. “Lore” expert…

What does the eyes have to do with the blood color?

This is what happens when people perceives the race in an edgelord vacuum and doesn´t actually pay attention.

HIGHBORNE were the ones about “breaking tradition” -they got themselves expelled from Kalimdor for a reason you see?-, and this never changed, not even with “High Elves” -who continued to play with arcane while knowing arcane drew the BL attention-.

Belves were never about “edgelord magical proficiency”, they were about SURVIVAL AT ALL COSTS!! (ergo, why Kael´thas Fel phase in Azeroth IS deemed a betrayal by the Belves AND they DON´T persecute magics that can put in risk the survival of the Kingdom). Why do you think they continue to manipulate the just as eyebrow raise inducing Blood Magic while they forbid Void, hmm? Maybe because Blood Magic doesn´t involve the risk of attracting Void corrupting pests that could corrupt the literal battery intrinsecally linked to every thalassian elf alive?

One thing is not being afraid of researching “questionable” magics, another is to do so dumbly to the point of recklesness. Belves learned the lesson, Velves didn´t ergo the tentacles on their heads AND the shelf life on their sanity.

Man, I hate it so much when people reduces the Belves as “edgelords”…

I hope you are aware you are participating in the thread literally asking for the Velves to look like Belves in both hair colors AND hair styles.

Why should the playable race that holds the freaking KINGDOM OF QUEL´THALAS be the one to “become modified”?

I mean, I´m all for haircuts and warpaint and other kind of stuff in Belves using a more “Hordish” artistic feel, but the way you say this sounds as if you simply wanted to kick them out of your path so you guys could claim the current Belf aesthetical model or something…

Speculations are ok AS LONG AS they are adressed as such.

The problem is when people take this speculations (a.k.a. headcanons) and pretend to pass them as canon lore. As per canon lore, there are some Belf and Helf dudes hangin´ round the Velf rock to study a way to join the Velf club, no more and no less. NOTHING (nope, not even in Danuser´s words) has been cimented as they actually joining while they kept their appearance intact.

RP tools =/= lore.

Pl0x Murg, we´re talking about Alliance lore. In a coherent story made by DECENT writers, the LF Draenei would become bonkers and the event would cause the first Alliance Civil War.

With the current team? :joy: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :rofl: … I bet my firstborn they would be all “kewl, Velves!!” and leave it at that.

Well man, as far as people ACTUALLY UNDERSTAND this concept.

I don´t know how many times I´ve had to correct people on your side swearing to God the Sunwell is Lightforging the Belves or something… oh wait!! I even had to make you remember that one time you jumped to support one of the aforementioned “BeLvEs ArE LiGhT eLvEs AnD nOtHiNg ElsE!!”.

How can it be that you actually GET the concept but jumped to make such gross mistakes?

Welcome to “curses” depiction in the Alliance vs. the Neutrals / the Horde.

You guys always get benefited by curses somehow, meanwhile the neutrals get “neutral” narrative and the Horde literally gets villain batted.

Please, it was actually VERY good to explain why the Windrunner sisters ended up with Human husbandos.

After all, no self respecting male Elf would have a wife uglier than them.

Feel welcome to check the Belf thread and the AMAZING warpaint ideas our good Izabelle posted for us there.

Believe me, if that´s how Belves would be “covered in Blood” I´d be ALL for it. Also, Blood magic dude. Remind me again how many other ELF races do have the means to play with actual Blood magic?

Don´t hate me for this, but I personally would love if the Belves got a much more “visual” reporesentatiuon of their actual dealings with Blood magic than merely baiting the Belf fans with NPCs using Blood Magic in random places.

I´d love blood red eyes and other stuff as a way to show this (I mean if the thalassian elves are the "my eyes reflect the magic I use 24/7, then they DO need the red to explain all those fancy NPCs in the Nazmir invasions and in Talador and in Thunder Isle…)


the heck :face_with_monocle:


I can’t do mock ups or anything for a while. I pulled a muscle in my upper arm. ontop of that I have something called mouse arm syndrome. The doctor said that if I wanted my arm to get better I really need to stay off the computer. :sob: I cannot even hold my tablet or phone I’m suppose to have them on a flat surface. typing with my left hand is a nuisance, I’m used to doing everything with my right.


Listen that’s what we all basically say but I think I recall you saying even if we disagree you’d never engage like that so I respect that :hugs:


Hey no argument about seeing more of the blood magic. I was just solely referring to the name and the reason behind it.

yeah thats taking it a lil too far . its not that important to go to that extreme measures . That just means they have issues .


This makes me sad because I love almost everything you do and I was just literally complimenting it a little while ago but despite that I hope that you feel better and recover quickly dearie because you are actually one of my favorites on here now of days. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

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Now I feel guilty AF. I was after all the one kinda pushing your limits with my requests.

Well Izza… have a nice recovery (and don´t let us push you so much, we really appreciate from the bottom of our -black- hearts your contributions, but I at least rather you don´t end up injurying yourself).


Oh no! Well, take a break and let it all heal up.


I always understood, you just get aggro, like always, and run with whatever you believe lol. I ain’t gonna stand in front of a charging rhino. Fel rushin’ outta that!


Sure dude, that´s why you backpedalled faster than hunter whose pet pulls the Boss before count in raid progression, amrite? Cause you totes paid attention to what you were answering to.

Also, ty for proving my point about you guys having ZERO self awareness… for you is simply “defend muh buddy” and nothing else, no actual concepts nor much less arguments supporting your points. Your “help” literally ended up SUPPORTING my point back there.

Tell me you saw Izza´s warpaint examples… with that red color? Yup, would be 200% in line with saying that´s the actual blood of the fallen enemies.

That mockup looked menacing as hell.


Sad to hear that. Hopefully it gets better soon as possible. What kind of mock ups do you do anyway?


Uh oh :grimacing: Well if no terms are broken, you’re good.

Can’t eat sushi. Makes my stomach sick.


I’m left handed naturally but right handed now because of I went to private school until I begged to go to a public school growing up like half way into middle school but they “corrected” my left handedness? So I’m sort of ambidextrous but not really because like idk?

Anyways hope you get better!


You are so cute sometimes, I just love it. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:

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I try to lighten the mood and spread positive vibes where I can

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I’m stronger with my left side, so I throw left but write right.

I do what I want.


That’s because you are such a lovely person. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

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Oh im well aware im participating in ot, i am indeed a part of “people” i wouldnt dare to suggest otherwise, but i also understand that people just like to communicate and people get passionate and even argumentative myself included.

And its not some edgelord vaccum, i mean the shrine of dath’remar says it, the guards mind controlling cities said it. Everything about blood knights suggest that they should never cede control and should demand control of all power.

And I’m very aware of the sunwell and how they made the void interact with it, thats what i was reffering to when i said “they could have gone a different direction with the void elves.” Like, thats not the only narrative option made to them. And that’s just my opinion on blood elves, and what i loved about them and what i feel they lost.

I understand why they went with that specific alleria/sunwell narrative, it echoes the whole kel thuzad event, and ties up the muru storyline while opening the door for "well if the sunwell is vulnerable to the void, how do we reinforce it. I also understand the importance of void elves in their attempt to rebalance the faction population, with perhaps less success than they thought. Maybe high elf options could fix that issue but I wouldnt put my money on it.

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