Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

She is a Void Elf.

About time she looks like one all the time.

And reply to me if you wish to reply to me.

Affected and mutated by the void like Voidberg shows it’s exactly what Void Elves are.


Wait a minute, is this what Sara keeps poking at you about?


Not sure, she hasn’t showed proof yet.

But I wouldn’t be surprised if the fact that Void Elves were changed into something completely different (a.k.a mutated), is what she calls “fake lore”, because she doesn’t like it.


I dunno, in that post there you did quote Lore that’s pretty fake


What part?

EDIT: Ah :rofl:

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Just gonna edit out the explaining of the joke now


That’s a good point and something to consider. I didn’t think about the sand troll options when they’re wouldn’t make sense as the playable trolls are Darkspear. Blizz already set a precedent.

From Mirriam-Webster


pigeonholed; pigeonholing; pigeonholes

Definition of pigeonhole (Entry 2 of 2)

1a**:** to place in or as if in the pigeonhole of a desk

b**:** to lay aside :
his reports continued to be pigeonholed and his advice not taken— Walter Mills

2:** to assign to an often restrictive category**

You are doing definition 2 and I’m am proposing the opposite. Only one person is pigeonholing.

Ah yes, only you and those who agree with you know who “they actually are”. How silly of us.


I mean, they’re pretty much what it says on the tin “Void Elves”


So I guess blood elves should be covered in blood then? I mean they’re called blood elves right?

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So is there something I don’t know of where “void” in void elf is used to represent something else, like how the Blood in blood elf refers to the suffering of their people and is in honor of all those who fell?


You’re the one that is seeing them representing their void theme as “pigeon holed”, it can’t be represented in many ways. “Normalcy” is just not one of such ways.

And when it comes to this game, yes, pigeon holing will occur, because each race it’s supposed to be unique and represent their culture because everyone is meant to look different (within the limitation of the game’s engine of course) while fitting within the race of choice.

Forsaken with human models would be a disservice to both Forsaken and Humans as it would essentially mean that Forsaken’s undeath and all they’ve been through it’s nothing but background noise that doesn’t really matter.

And the same would be the case if they double down on watering down Void Elves.


Anything short of them being tentacle monsters is entirely unacceptable to some it seems. It’s also largely ignored that a lot of people who want normal hair are people who themselves are fans of the Void theme as well. Not everyone who enjoys the Void theme wants “Moar Tentaclz plz!” It’s even to the point where asking for actual Black Hair is now too much it seems lol.

I want normal hair options as well, but i’ve even suggested and supported a number of Void customizations as well. One i specifically want would be actual Voidish eyes. Like sort of a radiating Starcursed/Void Purple that stick out. Ethereal bandages could be pretty cool for them too. Maybe even having the option to have a void aura around them or an Arcane Aura.

Aside from traditional High Elf tattoos like Allerias, some other markings/tattoos for them would be nice. The Void has that cosmos feel/connection to it. So some Tattoos, jewelry and markings to reflect that would be nice as well.


Not directed at you, but man it gets tiring finding and bringing up the links again lol

Danuser mentioned it when talking about Wildhammer.

Q: In the dwarf starting area, you are very much a Bronzebeard dwarf. That’s quite explicit in the story that’s being told there when you start a dwarf character. With the introduction of something like the Wildhammer tattoos, which obviously make you look like a Wildhammer, are you a Wildhammer if you use those tattoos?

A: It’s a little complex because we asked ourselves the question of, we have these really cool options like Wildhammer tattoos, but does that mean we need to make a Wildhammer starting experience? If we give trolls skin options that look like other troll tribes besides Darkspear, does that mean we have to make new starting experiences for them as well? The onus of that would’ve meant that we couldn’t do these things because that would be so much time and would consume so many resources to be able to do that, that it just wouldn’t have been practical for us to do. And so then the question is, do we limit the options that we give players because of some storyline concern, or resource concern, or anything like that? And we said, no. We’re not gonna’ do that. So while we’re not gonna’ give you a dedicated Wildhammer starting experience if you pick those tattoos, the freedom should be there in your mind to roleplay your character how you want to roleplay them.


Have you considered taking a look at my thread? Many of those options are represented.


Did you type this with a straight face or you couldn’t help but to cringe a little at your own false statement?

I see you’re still quoting that vague excuse for lazyness as a backup to say “My headcanon it’s canon”.


I will enjoy VEs getting void options taking up the time and space that void options should take on Void Elves.


I mean it’s not used to represent their skin color/eyes/hair color if that’s where you’re going. Same as Blood in blood elf isn’t referring to looks of any sort either.


I’m just going that there’s a difference between Void Elf and Elf that studies the void.


Fen asked for where troll skins of different tribes were mentioned, I brought out the relevant quote.


Looks at Alleria
Looks at the neutral skin tones and blue eyes Blizz gave us

Pretty much.