Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Lol, I have wanted this since she was added as the so called leader of the Void Elves but instead we got stuck with her being Blood Elf lite with Umbric being the cool looking one that actually represents the Void Elves properly.

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Thatā€™s the thing about the Void itā€™s an ever present thing, I can easily see it changing her in the story, literally the easiest NPC to justify an update to because of the link to the void

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I think like I said before she just has to become relevant to the story/storylines again and sheā€™ll more than likely get a updated model, every other racial leader has and does when they are relevant in the storylines so I donā€™t see why she wouldnā€™t and the upcoming Sylvanas book and arc is the perfect time.

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Alleria is perfect the way she is :hugs:


That would be a great time to update her I really look forward to seeing Blizzard go that route too when itā€™s all said and done, another way of trying to take two sides into consideration

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Well people do keep saying they want more Void Elf story and storylines so Iā€™m sure after their so called leader actually looks like their leader Blizzard can make it fly much more given Anduin doesnā€™t look like heā€™s going to return to being king of Stormwind and since Turalyon is sitting on the throne currently they have a basis to build and with Sylvanas storylines itā€™s like even I could write stuff for them and make it make sense. Haha.

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Iā€™d like to see her either in permanent void form or just start to alter, they could even introduce those Void - natural skin toned additions where itā€™s like in the process of changing and then change her hair to reflect her void form shade permanently, all this can be done while adding story at the same time.

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Thatā€™s actually a really creative way of doing it, well done dearie. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

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That doesnā€™t seem to be an issue when some people wants to pidgeon hole them into looking like something theyā€™re not instead, but I guess that having them look like something they actually are, itā€™s the real issue.


You donā€™t have to scroll very far to see a couple individuals trying to turn Alleria into something she isnā€™t, but conveniently you ignore that. Even some Void customization suggestions for Void Elves that have been mentioned before also try to turn Void Elves into something they arenā€™t, which also gets ignored.


Iā€™d just note that whatever happens with Alleriaā€™s model on the future, I canā€™t see it logically effecting requests for her current appearance for players.

Since sheā€™s looked like that for literal years, and we have ancillary media to show that thatā€™s what sheā€™s currently supposed to look like, instead of just lack of a model update (the ā€¦interesting Three Sisters comic).


Iā€™m excited hopefully Blizzard listens and Alleria can better reflect the VEs she leads!

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Iā€™ll never forget the horrific art of the faces.


Yes, I can totally see more void based customization options coming along with that, like permanent glowing skintones.

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Maybe someone can make a mock up with Alleria displayed the void - non void skin tone divide + her hair updated to reflect her shade that happens in void form. I would liveeee for that to be shown! Blizzard can have a real image of what to work with! We know the skin tones already have a non void range so let those take up options VEs get some void - non void distorted options. Leave the hair visually distinct!


Iā€™m sure Izzabelle could do it, sheā€™s really talented, if she wants to do it of course, she does a lot of great stuff and I always love seeing it. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


There is such a thing as overuse of your referencesā€¦

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Might be a good time to request voidberg like options too, more VEs being made alongside an Alleria model update / storyline + other VEs getting more void effects

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ā€œVoidbergā€ is an example of turning Void Elves into something they arenā€™t :hugs:


Of several requested options.

Heā€™s not meant to represent an ideal.

Few really expect tentacle mouths for instance. Such things are entertaining to consider as well as not being against any lore.

If you truly are for more options Voidberg shouldnā€™t bother you.

My thread shows plenty of options not as extreme as Voidberg.