Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

No risk?

We’re messing around with the void.

Blizzard can easily add examples of us losing control.

That’s a whole other issue. By not answering how we’re made we are a dead race.

Convorting with the Void is always a risk.

This combines their two methods. One they have little information about. It’s a logical step for them to make.

We’d be Void Elves with none of this “void using high elf” stuff some posters pretend makes sense.

For Old Gods sake they’re a people who study and attempt to control the void who we already know are working on how the trap used on them worked in the first place.

The idea they couldn’t or wouldn’t want to find a way to make more of themselves that doesn’t take literal millenia is expected.

Its not hand waving. Its taking what we actually have in the lore and applying it.


I always liked exploding demon hunters, myself.

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You don’t need to pretend it makes sense, it simply does make sense.
That doesn’t mean they shouldn’t add in the NPC stuff though.
And assuming the demon hunter comment is about Void Elf demon hunters, they wouldn’t explode. Void and Fel has been shown to mix just fine.


Tbh, it sort of blatantly doesn’t have to make sense in lore either. There’s no lore stating that Sand Trolls have joined the Darkspears for instance but Trolls still get access to different Troll Tribe looks.

Some customizations are simply done just to give players options. The Golden Eyes on Blood Elves was another example, the devs stated they would only put them on Priest/Paladin BE NPCs, but that for players they make the options available to all regardless of class.

To me, I’d take it a step further and say if the option exists on the race and can be seen on the race then it should be made available to players, that meets Blizzard’s goal of why expanded customization is offered in the first place - to give players options to look and play the characters they envision in their mind.


I agree, there needs to be a way to make more.

I disagree, it is handwaving. You’ve completely eliminated the “Willing to kill for power” aspect of Alleria’s path (and it’s a crucial element, she needed to be willing to kill for her power…and she did) and unless they explicitly implement a story element that directly addresses the risk in the ritual process and decide not to address, in-game, the “some of them are going to go mad” and the risk that the ritual couldn’t be stopped in time elements, you’re presenting a completely risk-free option. But despite my obvious issues, I think it will be even more bland than you’ve proposed.

I think they’ll ignore all of it, and just say “they found a way and now there are more…the end”. Like everything else being written in this era of the game, there are absolutely zero f’s given to continuity or verisimilitude.


Nah, it’s about the demon hunter meltdown during their intro.

I genuinely felt that was a pretty decent portrayal of the risks involved.

As opposed to worgen, where we keep getting told there’s a downside but past the ritual it’s basically, “why isn’t everyone a hairy wolf monster? It seems awesome.”


Did they ever actually say that about the trolls?

They mentioned once about Wildhammer (sort of) but I’ve not seen the trolls actually mentioned.

Then add in a kill for them.

I honestly don’t see how the risk of the void taking over your mind and turning you into a threat to everyone around you is somehow forgotten.

I also don’t see why a people wouldn’t refine such processes to make it easier to accomplish with what they have on hand.

None of the first void elves had to kill anyone. They were infused by a trap. There is no inherent need to kill something. The inherent danger is the void itself.


Well, if you’re refusing to call Alleria a Void Elf (and that’s fine with me, btw) then sure. The trap (ritual) is inherently dangerous because its intent is to turn beings into Ethereal-like discorporate beings, not simply infuse them with Void energy.

Unless it’s shown it didn’t happen. I’m not getting why that’s hard to follow, Fen. If the end result in-game is simply “And now there are more” without addressing those who went mad and those instances, in the early attempts at this ritual version you’ve proposed, where the ritual went to far and discorporated some or didn’t go far enough and had little effect then the end result in game is handwaving. And that’s exactly what I expect to happen.

POOF More Void Elves

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Well, that’s where we are now.

We’re obviously past a small “crack squad”, so the damn things are coming from somewhere.


All we have is this.

What I outlined is anything but that.

There is no hand waving by explaining how we make more…

As for others going mad, yeah they should add that.


Yes, we are there - but is it too much to ask that “more” is somehow explained in a way that’s consistent with the paths Alleria and Umbric took to get where they are?

Another rhetorical question, Sledgehammer. I know Bliz doesn’t care about any of that. :wink:


Yeah, no argument there.

I’ve groused about it before, but one of the lingering void elf problems is that they have so little effort, story or unique appearance-wise, put into them.

Makes it so everyone projects a lot on the poor things, because there’s not much actually there.


What would be the point now that they introduced options that are more similar to Alleria? Changing her model to reflect the first generation of void elves won’t erase the high elf skin tones or the multiple shades of blue and purple eyes. It won’t force everyone who plays a void elf to select tentacle hair. The only thing they can do to give blood elves “visual distinction” is a new series of customizations that show a division from high elves.


Why would changing Alleria have anything to do with what’s already been done?

It adds more story moving forward and arguably would serve goals moving forward.


So would killing off her character.

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I prefer having her changed to add more story for VEs while having her better reflect the Void Elves.

Love to see her in permanent void form hair and all :hugs:


Her current state reflects the void elves perfectly, because both can be voided and non voided :hugs:


I don’t see how you have your character customized has any meaningful impact on how my character is customized.

The more customization options we have the better the game is IMHO.

We don’t have size sliders or color wheels for hair, so perhaps we could start with those?


Maybe she’ll get updated in the upcoming Sylvanas storylines along with Veressa, then again I hope it wouldn’t be as bad as Siege of Orgrimmar Veressa because that was ick.


I’m really hopeful as it’s a valid request and answer to both sides who one wants to “look like Alleria” and the other for what visual distinction is left for BEs to remain, and more story for VEs at that!


Lets see Alleria changed to better reflect the Void Blizzard! :purple_heart: :blue_heart:

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