Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Scary but lol, I’ll still give you a like. :yum: :yum: :yum:


Bro you see velves and helves chatting it up all the time in game, theres a patrolling pair of them in stormwind, you see high elf rangers out in talgorous studying and communicating with void elves. There isnt this weird hate between the two elf races, literally their leaders are sisters .


Why can’t void elves have more hair colors?


Are high elves and void elves mutually exclusive? As pointed out by Danuser, void elves are actively recruiting, and we see high elves in Telogrus interacting with void elves. If these high elves become void elves, I don’t think many would instantly drop their political allegiances, especially when they don’t conflict with each other.
Just food for thought.


Player agency starts and ends with your character. That’s really nothing new and confirmed player agency is just kinda like okay it’s not more than what was said.

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What does that have to do with what I said?


And how, may I ask, are they going to do that? Look at what Alleria had to do, and what Umbric & Co. had to go through, to get there before you answer please. To help with that:


It needs to be explored more. Unfortunately we don’t have enough enough info other than the vague recruiting line Danuser said.


This is why changing Alleria’s model to reflect more of the void elves that she leads would be good because they could tie in story for something that involves more changing Elves, but it would come with the same implications of those elves being changed so it makes the “we want to look like Blood Elves” argument a bit irrelevant but it is more story and it’s something I would like to see.

More story for VE fans + it would show consideration for fans of visual distinction

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lol? There are only two canonical paths and I just added both of them to my reply to you. I suspect the Option 3 Handwaving approach will win out because I can just hear the howls from the “High Elves are morally superior to Blood Elves because we never drained living beings for power!” if they went down the Alleria path.

Come to think of it, why do any of those people fawn over Alleria at all? She ate the heart of one (formerly) living being then turned around and sucked a Naaru dry!


It still requires a process for the change to happen. I imagine what little thought will go into the final explanation (if there ever is one, which I have my doubts on) will wind up assuming that some random High Elf researcher winds up more of an expert on the Void and mastering it than Locus-Walker (and why not, he’s just an Ethereal of significant power and knowledge after all…what does he know?) who comes up with a completely safe and non-powersucking method to keep High Elf Moral Superiority fans happy.

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I agree it requires a change process, but I want it linked to an Alleria model update to show a reflection of the Void more, maybe she gets involved in more stuff changing more elves and also looks more void herself after its all said and done. Something that solidifies her looking more like a VE while adding void story if more VEs are to be lore wise added to make sure they are void in nature.

Thats why I am requesting Alleria to be changed and hopefully they can add more story for VEs while doing it.


Her model really doesn’t need to be changed though. Void elves don’t need to be pigeon holed into looking a certain way. The options to look more distinct are there for you. It’s okay to have variety.

I mean, it’s up to the writers, and one of them said they are recruiting other elves. We don’t know what this entails exactly. Option 2 looks more likely for all the non Alleria void elves, but again like I said it needs to be explored more.


It infringes on the BE visual theme so no this “it’s okay to have variety” it’s available on Blood Elves you have that option just like anyone else does.

Watering down VEs and poaching the visual theme of BEs is a detriment to two fan bases.

If the request is “let’s look like Alleria” and people who don’t value visual distinction have already been listened to, Alleria should be changed to look like VEs answering two requests with one action.


So High Elf fans would be fine with seeing some wannabes now in TR die horribly or be driven insane (which would logically require them to be imprisoned some place completely isolated or put down for the greater good)?

That was a rhetorical question, by the way. I think one reason for the lack of responses to my posting the only two canonical methods is that both are abhorrent to High Elf fans who (and not all do, before anyone wanders by and accuses me of implying that) think High Elves are in any way morally superior to any other race.


I think if the customizations make sense in lore they should be offered to the player character. Clearly this is where we differ in opinion and I’m not going to argue in circles about it.


Yes it is, and that’s a depressing thought. The same writing team who’s busy applying the Kerrigan Process to Sylvanas while saying Sylvanas won’t get the Kerrigan Treatment and who pulled a Lucy and Charlie Brown play football with Elune and Tyrande are the ones who will sort this out. Color me underwhelmed.


I’d love to be a fly on the wall at one of their team meetings. If they even have those. I used to really enjoy the story in WoW.

It’s more about what colors rather than no colors.

My hope is that Umbric and Locus-Walker find a path where they start as Alleria did, simple training to use and resist the Void, perhaps with a few small infusions of void, followed by a modified ritual like the one Umbric and his people went through.

Perhaps using the Void Storm on the third island in the Telogrus Rift as a void source.

Then we hopefully will have an npc event that shows these parts and that those who go through it can come out of it with any amount of the customizations. This makes all of them canon and makes all of us canonly void elves proper.

Those who want to RP high elves still get to, we get answers on how we’re made.

Win win.

(also maybe some buildings blizzard?)


With apologies, that’s the option 3 handwaving method. No risk, no draining for power, and a “Kumbaya, we are Highvoid Elves with zero sacrifice and we get to keep our smug superiority!” play.