Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

I didn’t have lunch, but I can talk about dinner. BBQ Ribs, wings, Caesar Salad, garlic toast, and cheesecake for dessert. Don’t judge - it’s been one of those weeks and since I don’t drink I’m indulging this way. :slight_smile:



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Is always a win. :blush: :blush: :blush:

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Ooo. I had cheesecake last night.

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I don’t particularly partake in the consumption of food that actively has bones in it, but that does sounds like a nice dinner! I would certainly enjoy some garlic toast myself. I went out for Sushi for dinner, it’s my favorite.

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Damn you.

And now I’ll be humming that for a while.

Unless I don’t know about something, though, I’d customize to show my allegiance to the Indigo Girls.

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Yes, Naughtymoon…yes it is. :fork_and_knife:


Yeah, better preemptively go off topic so no one would notice hm?

You know what’s really crazy? How the delivery fee keeps changing each time I refresh this website where I’m trying to order dinner.

I don’t think they’d do that.

It doesn’t sound like the plot of a trash tier shonen anime.

But I was just thinking of something… my mage’s eyes.

I picked them to be red, because I like red. Canonically, they got no basis. I could make something up, from it being a result of her focusing on fire magic (which would be within the boundaries of the lore considering it’s something we’ve seen it happening)… or I could make up something about her unknowingly being connected with Revendreth all along despite of her not knowing it due to being undead and such… which would be kind of absurd (yes… something I could see blizz coming up with).

But ultimately, I do know that this is an aesthetic thing and nothing more.


I actually haven’t eaten except for coffee, because I’m bad at planning, so my keg hauling antics are more work than usual.

…I am immensely looking forward to my shift beer. I’ll be kegging up our IPA later and it was a fun brew, so I’ll probably have that with our a totally not a ceasar draped in chicken to recharge.

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Stuff like that I won’t even worry about anymore these days because really it’s so much easier when I don’t have to leave the house or cook. Haha. That sounded much less lazy in my head but oh well I’m not changing it. :yum: :yum: :yum:

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Well, I consider myself a Vegan by proxy - after all, much of what I eat eats a mostly Vegan diet. :grin:

I’m not a vegan, I just have a gross feeling about eating something with a bone inside of it. I eat boneless chicken wings for example since I don’t like the idea of accidentally biting on or chewing on bone pieces.


I’m a pescatarian

I’m also on a juice cleanse rn

Although this cleanse would be preferable

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But… but…

Built in handle!


Nods nods

My body is a junkyard.


/me chuckles in “I eat my tomahawk steak by holding it by the bone and going to work.”


Ick, I hate fish and seafood, legit I won’t eat any type of seafood or fish.

Now this I relate to more than I care to admit. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

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I am so sorry to hear that, I love fish and seafood, especially sushi and sashimi.

It was like a big thing for me to not eat meat but I’m Filipino and I think my grandma may just like attack me if I say I don’t eat seafood, I tricked her into having Filipino vegan food though and she was impressed.


I think it’s illegal here to hate seafood.


Don’t worry it doesn’t make me dislike you or something, I just can’t do it personally, I tried a few different times and different ways when I was growing up and I just can’t do it.

Like for example when I have made others shrimp and lobster, I will make me a cheeseburger and fries it just works better for me that way. :wink: :wink: :wink: