Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Considering how things have been, I imagine a little heart eating it’s something that would be easily overlooked if it means maintaining the good image.

But imo, I still think that the whole thing of sticking a straw in the corpse of a Naaru as if it was a bag of capri sun seems a stretch since it’s not like you can find those around every corner of the universe.

Hey it surprised me that Blizz remained consistent for once too.


Well, I guess those wanna-be Void Elf High Elves will have to engineer the capture of Light Naaru and oversee them being twisted to the Void. One for each of them based on what it took to get Alleria to where she is. I wonder how the Light will react to that?

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i reccomend opening a ticket to provide context and ofc linking to the post


It’s the most parsimonious option for where the new customization is coming from and matches your expectations.

Don’t forget all the training she had to do prior to any of the eating stuffs.

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Of course, so now we need to assume that Alleria can convince Locus Walker to come train them all. And he or someone as powerful and knowledgeable as him would have to be convinced to perform those rituals.

Damn, more edits :wink:


And that infection too! Darn those pesky details :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, but they didn’t even present us with a montage to show her learning void by punching meat and jumping around on the art museum steps or anything


Just paste alleria’s head on rocky and pretend that’s what happened.


We haven’t even gotten a free t-shirt for the death knight recruiting drive. I turned in my pandaren corpse and everything.

Not a direct reply to any of you but holy wow been gone a few hours and the thread is full of all kinds of drama good lord.


Yeah, as usual.

I’m cleaning kegs today and I don’t even care.

I hear the people who turned in the Lightforged corpses to the death knight recruiting drive got a fuzzy blanket, but void elf corpses only got you snacks and some juice.


Realistically speaking, the Naaru should be sailing out to nuke them from orbit to turn Telogrus into the Ember Ward 2.0.

It’s pretty simple. If something it’s fixed, it should be represented. It took them a long time, but they did it.

And brace yourself, because they’re back at it doing exactly what they complained about so vocally.

Looks up while taking screenshots

And I still haven’t gotten proof for the claims.


What kind of popcorn is that?

Well look on the plus side, I just handed out a ton of my likes and like a lot of the time a lot went to you and Lann so there’s that at least. :yum: :yum: :yum:


Well… things escalated quickly after I left for lunch…


What’d you eat for lunch? Maybe if we talk about food for a bit things will calm down.

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Yeah it’s kind of crazy how that happens sometimes.

It’s an expac and a half later and I still don’t know what happened in Ashenvale during the war (WSG is low-key the only thing I really care about).

For all we know, Blizzard is going to tell us down the line that the blue eyes are actually a sign of allegiance to the Indigo Lords, who we’ll be fighting after we chew up the Void lords, the Light lords, and the Super Duper Actually The Real Progenitors.