Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

I feel like we just got the “yeah I’m not perfect but I apologized for my behavior” speech not too long ago in this thread from them so to see them back to taunting is kind interesting but also expected at this point.

Wish that wasn’t done in the conversation tbh :confused:



We have no lore one way or the other where the natural skins for void elves and the blue eyes for blood elves are coming from.

But it has been implied and I, at least, am comfortable with making the most obvious guess.

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Sure you don’t.

Wanna show examples of any fake lore I’ve quoted? Or I’ll have to try again in 6 months when the ignore expired?

Because I will.

My gold is on bringing up Danuser’s interview again so the words can be twisted again.

I don’t want any apology. I don’t think she’s doing something she should apologize to me for. If she has to apology to anyone though, it should be to herself.

But she made a claim, and I want proof.


It wasn’t appropiate at all. It was an obvious attempt at a jab and harrassive at most.

Blood elves regained their blue eyes from the sunwell purifying them.


That is flat out not cool I saw this before the edit, this is the second time someone from your discord has used my real name to address me in these threads and you know better and that is a forum violation. Stop.

Distribution of Real-Life Personal Information

This category includes:

  • Releasing any real-life information about other players or Blizzard Entertainment employees

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

  • Be permanently banned from the forums

Yes, I have fixed the post. Sorry, no need to get angry. Jeez.

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We might actually see lore posting it again for her even. I’ll put a frostmourne for that bet down.

Welp I lost that bet lol.

But I did get it right…

Read it again sara!

Speculation based off implications from what a dev said.

You do not address people as such for a cheap gotcha moment and I am tired of it that is harassment at this point you do not have the permission to address people with real life information on a forum where no one else does that, we’re using forum characters for a reason.


There are no words that need to be twisted. Danuser says more are joining them. It’s right in the quote. You’re free to deny the facts, you’ve got free will, but don’t expect to be taken seriously for doing so.


Guess again.

Oh Lann, give it a rest. I just said I’m sorry, I fixed the post as I put it there by mistake, you need to stop getting angry over everything.

And second of all, don’t accuse of everyone harassing you when you do the same to other people.

EDIT: Funny how you get angry and mass flag at me, but you never get angry at someone else. Yeah, double standards at its finest. Thank you for showing more of your true colours.


Traps gotta have the looks

You’re really putting something that was mentioned to be based on RP options as a comparison for something that has been part of the canon since the end of TBC?

The purification of the Sunwell happened. The Sunwell still has arcane, that’s your canon for blue eyes.

For Void Elves, the only “canon” are wayfarers that are still appearing with their original race on their tooltips.

Ok you can go back to ignoring me but at least, show me proof of when I’ve used fake lore.


I mean it was stated from all the way back from wrath too, that they entended to give blood elves blue eyes too.



They’re not… recruiting, exactly.

In response to a question about where additional void elves come from.

I suspect the worgen aren’t “recruiting, exactly”, either. Or the Illidari.

Death knights totally went on a corpse drive, though.

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You do not get to dictate peoples how people talk about or deal with your behavior.

Using my real name this is the second time on the forums is not okay, no one addresses people by their real names on this forum, your apology is neither accepted nor do I need to accept it so this “jeez sorry I did this but you’re over reacting” thing isn’t cool either.


Hey Lann, since you massed flagged my post from your alts, do you want to mass flag Greatbae too with your alts, since he has the quote in there too?

Oh look, you didn’t get Angry with him, but you’re willing to snap at me.


We know demon hunters are not recruiting for sure.

Worgen actually been implied to be allowed to bite and spread the curse to those that is willing. But I’m not 100% sure on that.

Alleria is perfect the way she is :hugs: