Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread



Honestly, they have already given ground on the big asks. I am more than happy with it now but I think blood elves need customizations that move them away from high elves and into a new identity.

Izzabelle has contributed to all three sides of this debate with wonderful work in their own spare time.

They deserve accolades for their work and for attempting to give something to all sides.


There to study not become, which I stated several times beforeā€¦

Truth hurtsā€¦ too bad I blunt it. Twisting though is a falsehood I did not perform.

As I stated several times, it minimizes the void impact of the race all about the void. Itā€™s like saying E A in an ea game without the E.

No one has more of a say. Not you or me. But we can argue, and oftenly, disprove you.

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Completely agree there Fen. Credit is needed where Credit is due.

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The work isnā€™t in question of being good or bad, if you donā€™t support a pipeline being built are we going to applaud someone for building it, I donā€™t support the options showcased.

Also Iā€™ve commented on what I felt did work in terms of VEs that I have seen and what didnā€™t my comments arenā€™t on if itā€™s good or not but if it should be done.


They do deserve it, donā€™t mean I am gonna support it 100%


People ask for options, you take it as deletion. Yeah, tell me again you do not twist what people say.

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Some self-reflection might be in order before you say things like these.

Gonna prove how I push fake lore yet?


I think at this point after repeatedly being asked for the proof and dodging it we can all agree that was a false claim they made. Also an incredibly ironic thing to claim that someone else does.


So where are more Void Elves going to come from? Weā€™ve defeated Nether-Prince Durzaan, and saved Umbric from being fully transformed by the Void Etherals.

Rightā€¦ And this is only your opinion. But hey, opinions =/= facts. Character customisations doesnā€™t impact the lore in any way, because player characters =/= lore characters.


Also, Hi Midare, dunno why I canā€™t see your post thoughā€¦ Or who you are replying tooā€¦

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Oh Iā€™m well aware that her ā€œYouā€™re not one to talkā€ insinuation that Iā€™m not lore accurate itā€™s basically a result of simply not liking that I keep bringing up the canon fact that Void Elves have been mutated (among other things).

A cheap attempt to sway me, and itā€™s cheap because that sort of thing never works.

But I would let it go if there wasnā€™t a constant push for this ā€œOh, my record itā€™s actually squeaky cleanā€ persona.

Chances are Iā€™m being ignored, but I donā€™t really care. Iā€™ll gladly pass as the crazy person ranting if I can also be one of the several proofs that the record ainā€™t clean.

EDIT: See? The easy way out of making claims and ignoring.

At least Iā€™m not cowardly enough to pretend Iā€™m something Iā€™m not.


Again you wish to minimalize the void impact of void elves, essentially erasing the void portion from void elves. So again yes it is deletion of the void elves.


I have been simply suggesting on what I would like to see for the High Elven side of customisations, as to per quote, of what Ely explained on the skin and eyes for the Void and Blood Elves.

Stop twisting the narrative of what is being said, asking for something is not deleting nor is reducing anything. If you want more Void Options, then request for them.


There isnā€™t. lore wise you and umbricā€™s group is the only ones. Donā€™t blame me for blizz being bad at numbers.

Itā€™s not opinion when itā€™s the truth.

This is taunting, which is harrassment, and a reportable offense.

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On the race that isnā€™t close to high elvesā€¦

Also your the one twisting here, not me. lol

Confirmed player agency that starts and ends with your player character is not the flex people keep presenting it as.


Thereā€™s no point.

Itā€™s better to let it show that sheā€™s ok with making accusations and then hiding without providing proof.

Youā€™re expecting her to admit she wants to turn Void Elves into something theyā€™re not.


which source, the one mentioning they are allowed to study the void and that void elves isnā€™t recruiting, you know the one you guys purposely misread thinking you have a point?

No acting here, itā€™s a fact!

Sigh. Iā€™m not dumb enough to fall for this. An obvious taunt is obvious.

Donā€™t need to, she already admitted it several times indirectly.