Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Just switched to it to try it on this hairstyle myself for awhile.

Rather like it so far. Probably take this one back to the silvery color later though. (I just wanted to see how it looked on another toon with more hair.)



I loved a lot of those old concept models people used to make for High Elves. Would nice to see something like that as the Void Elf model. Really though any kind of tweak the model got to be a little different would be nice at this point.

Although to many, no matter how different you try to make the Alliance Thalassian model anything short of them being turned into Tentacle Faceless or Kā€™thir monsters is unacceptable.


I have met no one who specifically wants only those options. Some of us just think theyā€™re neat. Weā€™re not asking for that to be all we get thoughā€¦


Everyone: this is black/not black

You: lets talk about blonde elves and make void elves less void/not void.

Read the room lady lol.

Only if blizz tells her she can only make void themes for void elves and not natural hair for them.

Otherwise /not signed

(Her art is nice, but most are not void elf themed)


Weā€™ll have to agree to disagree here.

Izzabelle has made a plethora of Void options for my thread.


Probably only referring to her work posted in this thread

To be fair I have dissented over some of the art here on the grounds of visual distinction being further chipped away at.


Which is nice though I disagree they are mostly void themed. The rainbow one is diffenately not for sure.

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Indeed, those mockups were really nice. I personally donā€™t see Blizzard investing more time in making the model of Void Elves look especially different, though. Remember they simply copied/pasted skin tones from Blood Elves, including their red underwear at first, because it didnā€™t need much time or resource investment.

I would love to see those models used for Half Elves though. But thatā€™s a utopian desire, Iā€™m afraid.



I am just simply suggesting my idea of Alliance having there High Elves without adding another model.

There is no need to being rude too.


Izzabelle has came up with very good concepts, on which could make everyone happy. And it is really nice to see the conceptsā€¦

Only though if Blizzard could hire her.

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  1. So your suggesting that alliance gets blood elves then since void elves came from there and you want uncurrupted ones, which is from the Blood Elf group not alliance high elves.

  2. You want your highelves to not reflect the actual alliance high elf story (rejection of using dangerous magics that effects life such as mana vampirism) on a faction that basically studies the most dangerous, all consuming magic of all? You must love plot holesā€¦

  3. You want to weaken void lore also?

  4. You want to tick off both Alliance and Horde players by having blood elves directly joining alliance. Because void elves has little to do with high elves besides being a branch of them that joined horde and ducked on mana from life forms.

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You mean hair. Just hair.


Not that I am sticking up for anyone in this discussion but it should really be pointed out asking someone to read the room isnā€™t inherently rude.


Sounds like itā€™s not a big deal to you then the way you describe it so then you donā€™t need it :slight_smile:


Careful, it will ensue a long explanation about how is totally not about playing blood elves without playing Horde.


So, if you think everything has to come from a Blood Elf, why do we have High Elf Wayfarers in TR?

It is not what I am saying. Gosh, how on earth do you twist everything around.

And how is customisations going to effect the lore? Answer this one, Iā€™ll wait.

You mean only a small minority who come here on the forums acting like they have more of a say over how things go, such as yourself?


Did you know those are not Void Elves?

Or these are the sort of things youā€™re trying to use to say that I quote fake lore?


It isnā€™t the telling someone to read the room that comes out rude, it is how it is told.

I feel like these statements are incredibly ironic


I donā€™t think you have any higher ground to be trying to claim how rude someone was based on how they said something.