Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Meh, you’re right. They’d look a lot like us, which is what I’m opposed to. But I also think that Black/White can be super voidy if done right.

My mistake. It was in your response to me.

Yeah i thought i was careful in my wording trying to ensure you didnt seem included- so my mistake on that.

But like, i really dont think people are getting messed up on what faction their talking too, pandas broke that barrier in mop.

But im not even saying get the same hair styles, void elves should just have black hair

The aforementioned- low saturation pure black


It would probably be in their future. And giving Black/White would allow people to play their High Elf fantasy while also maintaining visual distinction from the Reds/Blondes/Browns of Blood Elves.


It is still possible for Void Elves to have other colour options without effecting the Blood Elves.

Just take a look at Blonde on Humans for an example and take a look at Blonde on a Blood Elf.

Should be easy for Void Elves to have those colours, but more of in a bit of a different shade so they can still have a little difference to the colour, but still can be the same colour to what people want.


Never forget the give and inch they take a mile thing because they will always want more and more and more it’s why I no longer support anything we have further being shared to them including white and black.

I think that’s what it is for me too I used to passively support white and black but from a purely visual distinction standpoint like Magnificent pointed out enough has already been done, it’s like the people who have had most of the cake and are talking about sharing the last piece, as someone who used to support HE options on the Alliance I just can’t on the visual distinction argument alone out of what I feel is fair.


Nice wording, very nice wording actually, I will remember it for future references. :yum: :yum: :yum:

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As much as i would love red to be available to more alliance races and void elves
(Deep void corruption was shown as red and black during nzoth patch) with oranges being prevalent as well.

But i get why its not, red is the color of the horde and they want as much blue on the alliance as possible and as much red on the horde as possible.

But- we’re also talking about art here, literally limitless possibilities to design from. Arguing arbitary cosmetic gates are a bit asinine


I am actually doing my best to recall / paraphrase something Tarrok said once xD always dropping good examples / words

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It can.

Definitely respect where you and Naughty come from, even if I think blacks/whites are okay! I’d like to preserve distinction as much as I can.


But we are talking about art, while there are limitless possibilities, there is very finite time and artists, there’s a limit to how much can be done, and how many options one AR will get. So it makes sense for people who have different priorities to advocate for what they want to get those resources.


Oh my guy, no allied races are getting anything. Not velves, not lightforged, not nightborne. They’re not even gonna finish heritage armors.

But on the extreme off chance that at some point in the future they plan to finish all their promises and projects from bfa-

Adding ‘true black’ to void elves seems like an obvious first step of what to add to void elves.


Don’t disagree about the odds of it continuing on, but that’s not gonna stop any of us from arguing what we want I think.

And I’m not necessarily against black black, I think it should lean into the void uncanniness and have something that makes it seem not quite right as opposed to them looking like they saw some grey and slathered on the Grecian Formula.


I mean people will argue about anything- see these forums.

Like I dont want to look like a blood elf. But i wont say no to more options.


There is some are not arguing on what they think Tarrok. Some are arguing like it has to or has to not happen, acting like they have more of a say on what happens. No, I am not perfect myself, and I admit, I have acted that way a few times myself. But it doesn’t mean we all have to act that way.

I rather things more just be opinions than just people trying to make it sound like it has to go there own way, if you get what I mean.


I know what you mean, and that’s pretty much what I’ve been arguing the last few days. We don’t really have anything to work off of to predict what they may do in the future, and the things they have said are the types of answers devs give when they don’t want to tell what they have planned or when they don’t actually have anything planned at this point but don’t want to say that.


Dear Blizzard,

Please hire Izzabelle.


Absolutely everyone


I’m not fan of Mechagnomes but i think the fact they actually went back and changed their swimming animation is a sign that small changes to animations is possible.

Even if it’s just minor Void Elves getting a few tweaks would be a nice touch to further separate them from Blood Elves. A new Idle animation at the very least would be nice. Perhaps running as well.


There’s a lot of races that could benefit from black hair – orcs and trolls come to mind.

Up until the new stuff, blood elves had a blue grey that would pass in a pinch, but definitely wasn’t natural black (and even now, their current black is sort of a dark brunette rather than “pure” black).

The void elf black is actually pretty natural looking on some hairdos. I would like a darker shade of black to open up hairstyles and mog options a bit, but as is, it’s fairly flexible.


I wouldn’t mind if they changed the animations for the Void Elves.

Heck, there was some good suggestions for the High Elves models when the Pro’s were requesting for them, why couldn’t we use those models for the Void Elves, so we could continue our fantasy as both Void and High without the Anti’s thinking that things are getting stolen off the Blood Elves.