Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Oh, Bleeding a Different colour means fully transformed. Shall we say that Blood Elves were fully transformed since the Fel Radiation changed there eyes from human-alike colours to Fel Green?


I got to try and get this now :wink: I’ll post screenshots when I get it.


Here are all of the black options currently available to Blood Elves and Void Elves.

Oh. One has been forgotten when adding the Blood Elf one twice. Adding it now.

Are these black? Yes, in my opinion, they are black. I find it silly when Void Elves players say they don’t have “black” hair, considering many races didn’t/don’t have black hair until recently.

However, I don’t think it is pure black. If you’d like pure black hair (IMO all races should have pure black and pure white), just say so. But don’t say you don’t have “black” hair. :slight_smile:


I remember when they were adding the new character options, and added the tattoos to dwarves, at blizzcon 2019-

It was asked “does this mean we can be wildhammer?”

And blizzards response was. “People can make the stories they want for their characters, we just want to provide the tools”

And if you can be a darkspear troll with bloodscalp skin, or an ironforge dwarf with wildhammer tattoos, I see no reason why you cant use a void elf to play a high elf.

But why would you? The void is amazing!

No really though make what you like.

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Confirmed player agency starts and ends with your character

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Same blizzard said wildhammer dwarves in lore is still bronzebeard so

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Void, Blood or High, they are all amazing.

For me, just because I want more options to be a High Elf doesn’t mean I’ll also stop playing as a Void Elf. I got a couple of characters that I’ll be keeping fully as a Void Elf, take for example, my Void Elf Paladin.


I feel like belves lost a lot of themselves with the restoration of the sunwell and faith in the light taking the center narrative.

Like i loved blood elves when they were power hungry magic hungry fierce masters of all magics and breakers of tradition.

Then the sunwell was returned and a lot of that got lost, the fact they exiled the void elves for practicing a forbidden magic is weird, like they could have gone another direction with that.

The whole point of blood elves is they treaded magic where others refused to go. And thats not the case anymore. =(

But yeah i have an old high elf ranger lady myself.


Lol and yet they still claim they don’t have black hair color options despite the fact they clearly do it’s just not the shade they happen to want or like.


I think they have beautiful void black color options as is in game currently


That looks far more blue than black, its a very dark aqua but not black.


I agree it has a blue tint, but so does this! :slight_smile: And I think this is black.


Thats not whats on the model though, like ive dyed my hair raven black i know what it looks like.

Void elves do not have a real black option, not like


Which is weird, and i get that color spectrums are weird and everyone sees color differently, but void elves just dont have that low saturation color dark black.


I mean
 I can’t really debate with you on what you see versus what I see, but it looks black to me. And I’ve had various blue-black, burgundy-blacks, and raven-black hairstyles and technically, all are black.

You don’t have a pure black option. You have black options, but they are various shades of black. What you’re seeking is pure black, which is what I said here:

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They aren’t going to see it as black as I said a little while ago because it’s not to shade they want, it doesn’t actually change that it is a shade of black and that Void Elves do have shades of black already available to them.

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Maybe not :stuck_out_tongue: I think all races should have pure black/white anyways, and I’d even say that their current options aren’t pure black. But they’re still black to me. And Blood Elves didn’t have pure black for many, many years so I can remember how sucky that was.


Whatever semantics and color differences you want to debate, the fact is void elves are the epitome of darkness they should have as dark a hair as artistically possible.

And furthermore why is this thread full of angry belf players up in arms about customization options for a race you arent playing? Like what does it matter?


Dang. I thought we were having a pretty cool and civil debate. I even advocated for pure black hair, I just pointed out that I thought Void Elves already had black.

PS: I do play Void Elves. A lot, actually. :stuck_out_tongue: Don’t make assumptions please.

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I used to be like that but Blood Elves already have white and black hair colors so if they want that they can roll Blood Elves.

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Wasn’t reffering you to you fey, but this thread is full of them.