Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

If there was any high elven story to be told it would be done with varessa windrunner


Void Elves are High Elves, whether you like it or not. Even Ion states that Void Elves are High Elves. Something which now you are ignoring based on your own headcanon.

Options =/= Deletion.

Stop this nonsense.


It could be done with her kids or arator as well, descendents of high elves.

I’m not lying… Alleria had her void abilities far before we met her on Argus. Void Elves using the non void options are still “void elves” with a access to void magic.

And not necessarily. Varessa and alleria would both be used. And regardless, varessa is still alliance too.


Arator is a half elf.

You want arcane to do the same as the void, arcane, a far less potent power that requires different methods to use, to do the same as the currupting powerful magic source. This is a soft deletion.

Far from high elves, they where blood elves transformed from a ritual that changed their literal biology to something else.

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Yes you are. The most he said is people is studying the void. To use the void in the same way a VE can you need to become apart of the void or have a millenia of training and absorb a void god.

Remember when this was the black Blood Elves were stuck with for most of WoW? :stuck_out_tongue: I agree that the Void Elf “black” hair is not full black, but it is much darker than what existed for most of WoW’s gameplay.


But were not fully transformed. They are still Blood/High Elves, just infused with the Void Magic after the incedent with the Void Etherals. They are not thousands of generations apart from any High or Blood Elves.


They where fully transformed They bleed in a different color entirely.

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Yeah they have void black options is how I choose to phrase it, I think others have said blue black or different description commentary but it amounts to what you’re saying yes!


They bleed a different color now, that sounds pretty damned transformed to me.


I wish I had that mog, though uncertain if there is a full mog for that or if it is only special exemptions to NPC’s.


Demon hunters also bleed a different color, they’re still night elves and blood elves.

Which brings me to the perfect time to say that void elves should have access to the demon hunter class.


They hear constant whispers as well


Dear, that was a one trick pony. Especially when they didn´t deliver as much as the vocal portion of the company wanted.

As much as you guys like to pretend people stays subbed because they can “customize” their toons, fact is, the actual GAMEPLAY is the thing that has the real player retention. Not even WoD with a NEW MODEL could sustain itself and leaked subs so much Activision stopped publishing the numbers. And SL has been quite mediocre and frustrating as far as actual gameplay systems are concerned.

“Customizations” can entice only so much, and “cost” only so much. May they implement some new customizations at some point in the future? Maybe. Will Blizzard dedicate themselves to this? Hard chance in hell, after all they didn´t even met their own hype the first time around a.k.a. now.

Where did I say it was guaranteed a “no more customizations ever”!? No seriously, put on the quote, cause for a poster that loves to complain over “people putting words in his/her mouth”, you -hypocritically and not surprisingly at all- are kinda doing the same.

I just said and I´m just saying “customizations” are NOT the glorious panacea that will save the game you guys pretend it is. As a matter of fact, it´s quite mediocre AND the game is in itself quite mediocre as far as character customizations are concerned.

Rofl, the “average Joe” won´t pay a sub in WoW to exclusively dedicate him/herself to play Barbie dressroom (after allo, games dedicated exclusivelñy to this exist by the dozen and are F2P). IF someone buys the game, is because it´s intrigued by the gameplay. And if he/she stays, it will be because of the gameplay, not because of the eye colors of the toons, period.

I rather not validate more portions of the already angry Night Elf playerbase with more stuff like they getting their race ripped off tyvm (also, not interested in getting “leaves” that are anathema to the Nightborne NPC race nor much less the atrocious body proportions of the male Nelf model).

Thank God the Nightborne NPCs by themselves are more than good enough to compliment the customization of the playable iteration of the race (why bother with “leaves” that have ZERO significance when the NPCs already have cool arcane effects on the hair of their own, hmm?).

Frankly the only thing the Nightborne model needs is to get more variety in the face department (currently both sexes look like angry granpas) and a slight bulking on the arms of the male model. Ergo, make them look like the NPCs and nothing else.

Except, I am. I´m as dirty casual as one can be in this place, literally limiting myself to loling in Korthia, doing dailies and accesing Torghast once a week. Heck, I certainly don´t pug further than H mode IF I feel like it.

I repeat: the amount of time people dedicates to “customize” their toons is VERY small regardless of the hypothesis of the RPers. Stop pretending you people speak for the vast majority, cause I´m afraid you don´t.

Also, the Human model IS reflective, it´s just “old looking” (before WoD and the model updates, my friends used to joke the Alliance was the “geriatric” faction cause almost all the models of their races looked old AF).

/she would look at how much time did the devs took to even look at the Worgen and Goblin models

Prepare yourself to wait a decade at the minimum.

Are we doing this again?? Really??? You have already lost that debate the last time you brought it up.


I haven’t lost at all, which is why I brought it back up.


And most races have access to the Death Knight class, that doesn’t mean the races are all naturally prone to becoming undead, or that that means they should have access to all the classes UD do. They are hero classes that work differently than other classes


I think you can have this mog!

I do agree that they have black options. I’m not sure I’d consider them “full” black, but they are blacker than many other options for other races. I don’t think Worgen have full black either. I’ll be uploading a comparison photo shortly.