Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

you call this black???


They have blue-grey and dark grey they do not have black.


Yes they do have void black options

I would say this color is one of them


This isn’t a thing Lann, stop trying to make it a thing


I love this idea. More hair colours, and allow us to choose the amount of Void Corruption too, giving us more of a choice between allowing us to be an Alliance High Elf with no corruption to a fully corrupted Void Elf :smiley:


Yeah like ive wanted high elves since wc3- but i fell in love with void elves, i like how they finally closed the alleria storyline, i love that the void elf music and talgorous rift is this discordant semi-backwords eversong music.

Theyre fantastic i love them.


They need to update Alleria to better reflect the void, leading to more story for VEs


Because a void elf without void aesthetics goes against void lore and the immersion of playing a void elf.


They would still have their void racials, and they don’t need a fully voided alleria to continue their story.


They do not need to change a model of a character to move a story forward.

You only want Alleria to change because you disagree with the idea of Alliance having anything to do with High Elves.


They have an unhealthy fixation with Alleria. They usually like to go on about how Umbric is the true Void Elf racial leader. He is already fully Void, so he is the one that can continue the Void Elves Void theme story. Alleria will be used to continue their other, High Elven theme, story.


Except people should have every right to play as they like, regardless of what they roll. Remember what Ely said, Aim of the customisations is to allow both groups to trace back to their roots as a High Elf, to allow players to pick their path and chose their fantasy.


Not only are further HE options for VEs a detriment to Blood Elf fans and Void Elf fans visual distinction but it’s a theme that Blood Elves already fulfill.

Changing Alleria would bring new story for VEs and solidify visual distinction but we basically know that’s solidified already when people have to convince themselves as much as others of their stance that remains a detriment to two fan bases at this point.

I for one love the void black option already found on Void Elves and look forward to what little they’ll receive next when we compare what has been done for other races which will arguably play up their void theme.

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  1. An racial you guys want soft deleted.

  2. You are not playing alleria, you are playing a former blood elf that undergone an unvoluntary ritual meant to change your very being, and was transformed by it.


Nobody is asking for something to be deleted. Stop trying to make it out it is.


Then don’t pick the race literally called VOID elf


Are people still denying that void elves have no black hair color? Is that seriously the level antis have fallen to after all their arguments have been dismantled? Void elves do not have a black hair option :roll_eyes:

And no, we don’t want the racials “softly deleted”

No, not all void elves went through an involuntary ritual as stated by Danuser.


Yes you do, lying is beneath you

This is false. He did not state this.

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I am allowed to play as I want, whether you like it or not. If I want to be an Alliance High Elf, then I have every right too, whether you like it or not. Stop acting like you have more of a say than everyone else.

According to him, asking for options means we want it deleted. But sadly, I don’t think he knows the difference.


Void elves isn’t high elves, nor should they be. So you really have no place to stand there demanding to play what you want on a race that is far removed from high elves.

Because it is.