Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Y’all really out to sell out anyone as long you get what you want hm?

Dear Blizzard, Void Elves deserve to be their own independent race, not something used as a coping mechanism

Just because you don’t want them to be their own thing, doesn’t mean it should happen.

Btw, still waiting on that proof that I quote fake lore.


I think you meant… “dear”.

Then again…


Didn’t notice that, thanks for pointing that out Fen :smiley:


Just a quick reminder the reason they got “screwed” over the other 3 original allied races, is because they got an entirely custom model with new custom texture work on their tattoos.

The other 3 got custom assets, but the frames are the exact same as the core races.

They need a lot of work, but compared to the other 3, even something as simple as a texture swap from night elves needs additional adjustment to make work. Hair is a bit easier but still isn’t a copy/paste like with other 3, the anchor point is different.

But it’s getting annoying hearing people cry about nightborne in void elf threads, along with blood elves crying about themselves. It’s just void elves that get the narcissism invasion.


Blizzard should be lazy and just give the Nightborne the Night Elf models. Just give them different idle animations.

I mean, the same should be done for the Void Elves, have different idle animations. I’m up for Void Elves having there own models too, but I don’t think Blizzard would go that far, after their mistake with seeing what happened with the Nightborne.

I agree.


I’ve been saying they need to go back and polish up the original allied races.
Give them custom stances and dances.

It’s a bit too late to change the models at this point entirely, but tweaking the animations more - like changing mecha-gnome swim animation - was actually nice to see, and would help differ them.

I’m still mad this isn’t the male velf dance.


Everyone doesn’t, it is not just me, but 2 groups and more that don’t.

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That is because Blizzard didn’t hire South Park to dance for them

I wasn’t talking about you dude, you’re not the average. Besides, that speaks volumes about the lack of customization in the game. Some humans irl do have figures more akin to BElves and it is a failing of the game to not capture the full range of human physiques.
A belf with glowing green eyes and pointy ears looking more like an irl human than in-game humans is a failing of the art team. One that has been remedied that much more with the customizations.
The average player is someone who does a few quests, maybe dungeons or raidfinder, just casuals. They are why the human population is so high. They are fine with playing humans in a fantasy setting. Also why the human population is high in every other MMO.

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this is my favorite of all the hairstyles in the game. While I would love it for my Blood Elfs, it also would be great for void elfs. I tweaked it a little to try and get it to better fit the Void Elf model.

adding this hairstyle here, I really like the color. I also changed the eye color a little.


You know what almost every race in this game, elfies included, could really use?

Curly and wavy hair


The answer is simple. Allow Titans grip for prot. That way they can wield a 2 hander and shield. The TG animation is already there. A warrior’s defining characteristic is pure brute strength so it makes sense.

I agree I would love to see more long, curly and waved hairstyles for all the races. Also I wish they would stop with the balding and receding hairlines on almost all the male models.

Female orc hair on a male orc


They really are behind the times. Most other games have a RGB wheel for hair colors.


That looks amazing. You have some really good ideas for some customisations that would be great to see actually implemented in the game.


They can’t do an rgb wheel because color is apart of the art in WoW and it would be too much work to redo everything to work with a rgb wheel lolz.

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I definitely believe they should treat hairstyles and head tentacles like they do with vines and night elves, have a static tentacle look for each hair placed when you check the box.

Also how the heck did you not give -VOID- elves black hair? How? Like. You think “void” in any setting and the colors that come to mind are black, blue, purple. How’d you leave out black blizzard? How’d you do that huh?


Yes, we should have the option of choosing what kind of void corrupted hair we want, not a off toggle though, no need for that as we are void elves, remade through the void!

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They have Void Black options

Well a few of the hairstyles as is are tentacle free, which is fine i guess.

But at the same time, why not get fun with it? Why not make new additions for those without, and tentacle-less for those with.

I mean i know the answer, its because they dont want to do anything with heritage armor or allied races anymore.

But its nice to imagine