Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Do you know how much Night Elf rubbish I had to clean up to get this thing?

Rohkthok’s hands are magic hands. Rohkthok shaves good. Otherwise Rohkthok’s wife become Mankirk’s wife.

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Not really. But probably had to burn Teldrassil to do so.

I hate how so many polearms nowadays are held really high up on the handle and how because of that when you sheathe them they’re sheathed really high up and basically double your height instead of being sheathed properly.

I also wish polearms would be broken up into a couple different categories like halberds and spears to give them proper animations rather than just the basic 2 handed animations. Like, it makes no sense to be smashing someone with a spear like it’s an axe.


Oh, I agree. That is why I try and avoid transmoging Polearms.

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Oh also

One handed spears pls


Dude, ofc they are gonna hype the ONLY semi-relevant thing that wasn´t a direct “there´s the NUSystem which is already getting raised eyebrows”. It was literally the ONLY thing not getting complains from the players.

I mean, IF it was such a “hit”, then pray tell why did they decide to literally cut it a mere couple of months after saying “oh yes, this hugely successful feature is an OnGoiNg PrOcEsS”.

Successful stuff as per actual design doesn´t get randomly cut. If it got cut it is because the money people at Blizz HQ with access to the actual real data didn´t bought Ion´s words and the actual cost/revenue involved in the customizations wasn´t so “hugely successful” as he and his PR team made it look.

I know most if not ALL ofd my friends in game were apathetic towards the customizations (heck, my best friend literally said "it was ridiculous and unimportant and why was I wasting time with the Barbie dressroom instead of with the actual important stuff -a.k.a. the systems, covenants, etc.-.

My toon couldn´t look any less different from me, dude.

Also I think I haven´t seen ONE asian looking toon in my server. You guys DO dwell in the “servers” in which customization IS relevant (a.k.a. the RP ones). Average players enjoyed one month tops of novelty and went back to actually stress over covenant jumping / less loot in raiding / mythic+, etc.

I’ll be honest. I think Armageddon would work better. Relatively straight big and girthy…

Lots of heavy leverage.

All of this.

YES! Give me a spear in one hand and shield in the other on my warriors! I want a hoplite!

Seriously though, spear + shield is easily one of the most common, probably the most common, uh, weapon combos? in human history and the spear on its own is the most common weapon in history by a huge margin. Manufacturing is easy, fast, and cheap, it’s very easy to learn how to properly use a spear, and it manages to be an incredibly effective weapon on top of that.

It’s criminal it doesn’t get its own weapon type and is relegated to a catch all term for weapons on poles, gets recycled animations rather than unique ones, can’t be used with shields and is stuck as two handed.

Also IIRC in the BfA cinematic the Alliance soldiers were using spears and shields.


All of this.

No weapon has had as much effect on history as spears.


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I would agree. I’d still be happy if all we got were the hair styles/colors. But if i could go beyond that? Tweaked Void Elf animations would be nice. But when it comes to model tweaks i would agree Nightborne need it more than anyone. And they really lack options too.

I would honestly give the Nightborne a similar treatment that i’ve suggested for Void Elves. As many people suggested giving Void Elves Human / Night Elf hair, i would give the Nightborne some Blood Elf hair and perhaps some other races hair on the Horde side that could fit. It might not be much but it would at least give them more options to work with since they’re super lackluster.


You weren’t here to provide your calming influence. :wink:

Rohkthok, we’re already faaaaaaaaaaaaaabulous.

But I hope you get your glitter. Do you, pretty Orc. Do you. :blush:


It didn’t get ‘cut’, they realized it’s so good that they can use it to entice expansion sales. Y’know the boxes that cost 4x a month sub at least (more if including the collector’s/deluxe’s editions).

Not sure how you’re taking their statements of ‘no more during Shadowlands’ to mean ‘no more customizations ever’ (aka cut).

And your small social circle of people aren’t comparable to the vast majority of the playerbase where average joe’s are more likely to see articles on gaming related websites where the ‘it was a huge hit’ articles were being posted.

P.S. I like this Rohkthok guy, welcome.


You’re doing that thing again.


Haha alrighty :wink:


I’ve suggested it before and even opened a thread for it a few weeks ago. There are quite a few Night Elf options that would look fabulous on Nightborne. And we can turn those leaves into Arcane leaves, something that resembles the Arcan’dor.


Anyways, back to the topic at hand.

Dear Blizzard, High Elf customisations for Void Elves when? :slight_smile:

EDIT: Thanks Fen.


Hopefully not.

Dear blizzard, more void options and new core race half elves when?


Just because you don’t want it, doesn’t mean everyone doesn’t want it.