Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Give orcs Blackrock and Dragonmaw skin tones and eyes

They are

  • pre-existing assets,
  • lore accurate,
  • were one of the largest requests by orc players during the SLs customization phase,
  • should’ve been enabled for orcs during Classic and Cataclysm respectively, and
  • they look really cool.

Honestly, Nightborne need a lot more loving before any other race. Sorry to say, but out of all the playable races, Nightborne did get screwed over the biggest, and turned to be the biggest disappointment.


Rohkthok likes your idea. Rohkthok thinks we all think alike.


I think the only good orc is a dead one.

Playable forsaken orcs would be fun. :stuck_out_tongue:

Excuse me. We are pretty.

Old Gods yes!


Void elves can be pretty, in their own way, without looking natural too.


Rohkthok thinks you look like us orcs. Cue ball head. Shiny. Bald. Like Garrosh. 8 Ball head. Rohkthok thinks you can look prettier. Need more wax.


I like you.

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I have never.

I’m my entire life.

Been read so well.

I’m gonna go get more wax.

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No you’re not. You still have some hair on your face. Let me grab my Armageddon and give you a quick shave.


Yes we are.


Did you just suggest you were going to decapitate me?

No, just your hairy beard. If I wanted to decapitate you, I would’ve used this


That’s a nice sword

Yeah. I do miss the days where we had big swords and small wooden staff’s.

Who says we stopped?

The devs since they spun it around to make 2H’s look like 1 handers and make small wooden staff’s to something bigger than a Tauren.

Rohkthok shaves his wife’s sideburns every now and then with that sword.

I’m more going off the fact that since I earned that thing during Cata that’s my go to weapon mog.

Thank god I am not your wife!

But Cata was 10 years ago though :frowning:

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