Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Just was reminded of this for some reason

(also, side note, if you haven’t seen it, it’s a pretty good movie that I recommend)


Me getting back from yoga right now catching up on the thread


It seems to be on HBO max maybe ill check it out


No, it really doesn’t. You were playing this game without them for 13 years (assuming you’ve been here since tbc) just like you said that people would still play without issue if the options were implemented.

Then why on earth are you asking for high elves and not for half elves?

Which I did, but you just rather write a long statement that said nothing. If not having high elves affects you so much, then why are you here? Why were you here when Void Elves were not a thing? You don’t play a game for several years while enduring something that supposedly affects you so greatly… or you’ve really been giving blizz money just so you can beg for high elves…?

Yes is indeed sad to see the constant pirouettes you like to do to pretend that you’re somehow more valid, but again, the double standards don’t surprise me.

I’m still waiting for the proof that I quote fake lore, but I guess that expecting for her to grasp on the concept of burden of proof makes me the pot stirrer?


Not what I mean but what ever.

I don’t believe women needs empowerment, you are as strong as you believe yourself to be. If you feel weak then you are weak. This goes for men too.


I can’t believe this is still going on :popcorn:


Eh, it passes the time at least


I mean some people can’t resist tossing gas on the fire.

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Are these caramel or salted popcorn? :yum:

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2005 until now, literally. I kind of wanted to do my emoji laughs but I’m not sure if I find it funny or sad.


People can be so yucky. :confused:

ANYWAYS. I have a new mog and it is fabulous.


Oddly enough, old bay on caramel corn, in the right amount, isn’t bad.

Kettle corn popcorn is superior * ^ *


We’re all hamsters running in the probervial wheel in hopes it’ll get us somewhere.

Some of us at least understand the wheel it’s nothing but entertainment from time to time, others, been running in it non-stop since 2005…


In fact, you guys then didn´t even bother with reading OP:

Next time pay attention to what you are signing for. Just to not end up looking comical, just sayin´.

Worse of all, stirring the pot trying to pretend one doesn´t deliberately do so.

I know I AM antagonistic, ergo you won´t hear me saying I´m a “nice, kind cinnamon roll” at the same time I´m getting into proverbial blows with people and unapologetically calling a spade a spade.

Lack of self awareness isn´t attractive nor much less loable, simple as that.

Also guys, I can´t leave you alone for a day, ne? We were mostly civil 2 nights ago, WTF happened since then?!?

Vocal people in the forums made it look like it was a major hit.

But the actual regular, average Joe playing this game? Completely neutral regarding the customizations (it was just a bonus for them, but you can bet they would have felt just as happy with the SL with more or less customizations. Heck, for some they were part of the “evident fanservice but not actually important” stuff delivered with the expac.



you win. ty for the lol bows

and it’s salty, ofc… :wink:


Someone gave us sugar.


I’m getting flashbacks to one of my younger brothers.

He’s the only one with clear, green eyes and each time he’d messed up something when he was little, he would stand right where I caught him (often right next to the thing he wrecked), and look at me with wide eyes looking all innocent while pouting and saying a variation of “But are you sure you didn’t do this?”.

/High five


Since you said this I wanted to use these emoji’s just because I can. :hamster: :hamster: :hamster:


Honestly, people can’t seem to go a day in this thread without insulting the other opinion. Like… zero self control. :stuck_out_tongue: