Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

I don’t think anyone asking for more customization is equating it to the entire game being unplayable. But simply because people are asking for more customization it doesn’t mean they aren’t happy with what exists in the moment.

People just always want more in general, and the game adds more stuff all the time, that’s the nature of an MMO, to keep updating.

I feel like it’s strange to make a statement that asking for more customization is somehow a very odd thing to do.

True, very true.

It’s alright to feel doubtful, especially after that recent word that no more customizations in Shadowlands. I feel it will happen because it was a major hit with the playerbase - essentially everyone was excited for all the customization that came in Shadowlands. I can’t think of many that were upset about it, and it’s a pretty known thing that players want way more race customization.

If I got exactly what I wanted, we’d have an High Elf Allied Race and not Void Elves in the first place (no shade on VE fans or them now, since they’re in, especially after the HE customization additions).

You can have both, that is what Blizzard deemed appropriate enough to give them in the limited time they had for SL customizations. And it’s your opinion if it’s an ‘ersatz high elf’, to many - the skin tones alone have opened up a new race to play and enjoy on Alliance.

Indeed, this is what the developers intend to do.

Love all of this and what Murg is saying about libraries too. Other games have a type of ‘Codex’ where you have a catalogue of the game world lore on locations/items/NPCs/factions to peruse at your leisure.

It would be wonderful if Blizzard did the same!


Also, side note, I finally got my Fallen Charger today after 24 kills total :hugs: today is a great day :smiley:


I’m not saying it’s odd to ask for more customizations, I’m saying it’s odd to add them under the context of that somehow it effects you not having it for one reason or another, there is a difference and I have said that in multiple posts now so.

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This could be applied to anyone asking for more customization options. When it’s truly the norm.

Also, “effects you not having it for one reason or another” is very broad.

It seems like you think it only applies to those asking for HE customization on VE though. I’m sure I could peruse the other threads of other races asking for more customization and find posts about it affecting those asking ‘for one reason or another’.


I noticed it here because someone decided that they wanted to point out that it effects them not having brown hair, I wasn’t who said that originally and as I already said like five times I find it odd that something like having a hair color or a customization or not having it would actually effect someone because it changes nothing. I mean you don’t have to agree with me and I don’t really care if you do or not but it’s weird.

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I’m only pointing out it’s weird to think a norm is weird. You still have your opinion, it’s just frankly odd. People who are asking for more customizations means they are being affected by not having them. Whatever that reason may be, it can be as small as ‘I just like more options’ or ‘I am looking for something specific out of this race’.

But it’s normal to ask for more customization options. Odd to think it’s weird.


Normal would be to say I want brown hair because I don’t have it, not under the guise that it effects you, your character or your gameplay somehow so no, me thinking it’s weird isn’t weird.

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I mean some people simply don’t play a race at all if it doesn’t have certain options. You thinking that’s weird is your own prerogative for sure.


Blood Elves are High Elves and a core Horde race the option is available to everyone there isn’t any need to further water down VEs at the expense of BEs and really was no need to do so to begin with in hindsight, it’s not like they don’t have this option.

They also have other means to further the visuals if it’s that important to them by wearing a helmet or choosing to be bald.


This is also true.

However natural hair colors are not unique to the horde.

And based on the fact that neither “side” would be affected, the fact that there are people who actively campaign against someone receiving an cosmetic option that makes sense (which again, doesn’t affect anyone) based on their personal feelings are severely missguided IMO.

Yes everyone is well aware of the “visual distinction” argument being spammed (thank you Lann) whenever someone shows support for new haircolors and whatnot, but that doesn’t change the fact that that is simply someone using their personal feelings as a means to deny someone a cosmetic option that makes sense.

I’m very satisfied with what VEs currently have, were gorgeous, but I also find it really unfortunate that there’s people who have the desire to limit others based on their personal feelings, whether it’s more neutral options or dark options.

It would kind of be like me telling someone they can’t wear a blouse because I have a shirt that’s the same color. I can run around telling people that the color of that blouse ruins my visual distinction, that won’t make my argument any more legit no matter how much I spam it or attempt to write novels about it.

And just a disclaimer: No I do not want any blood elf options. That being said, blood elves do not have ownership over neutral hair colors (i.e human, dwarf, draenei, gnome, etc.), or the high elf theme. They can still have differing options while players of both races can pretend to be high elves.


You were what with me?

Well, welcome to General Discussion forums. Hostility seems to be a common thing here.

Exactly. We aren’t asking for same hairstyle like Blood Elves, in fact. there are plenty of good concept arts that Void Elves can have their own version hairstyles with or without void tentacles, but have different distinct color of blonde, red, brown and white/gray hair. In fact, I am still surprised the devs never thought about implementing color map for the hair to make it fair for all players in each races. There isn’t a rule that they have to have only black and blue to my view.

Thank you for at least pointing out about that grayed out customization that needs a bit more tweaking.

This is an example where the BElfs are bright and the image above is tone dark/shaded hair where it’d be better for Void Elves since it’s still something and Void Elves are dark themed after all. (Heck High Elves in TRP3 folks can use these too if they wish to do so)


I love some of the grey-ish blondes posted earlier. The same could be done with the brown hair.

But a simple solution would just be porting a few of the human hair colors over if Blizzard wants to be lazy.


On the thalassian model that fulfills the generic elf fantasy that is the High Elf visual theme Blood Elves have always fulfilled so yeah when it comes to Blood Elves and Void Elves they very much do but like you said you have plenty of other races to choose if that is what you want :slight_smile:

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But isn’t the Human Hair colours very much the same as what the Blood Elves have, just with slightly different textures

EDIT: I have made the same suggestion too

Some people don’t want to use the options available to them and that unfortunately is what it is, I am one of those that for example doesn’t always love everything about what my characters have or don’t have but that doesn’t stop me and won’t ever stop me from having them or playing them, case and point my Nightborne Warlock.

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Humans have dirty blonde while BEs have bright blonde for exampe. Almost every race on the alliance has a different variation of blonde, I agree that I would like to see VEs get a new variation (like the one posted above), but if it came down to Blizzard being lazy I don’t really care.


Yeah, I wouldn’t really care if Blizzard chose to be lazy, just as long as I can be the Alliance High Elf I was destined to be :slight_smile:

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That’s no excuse for people to be hostile.

Just because someone else was hostile doesn’t mean you (or anyone else) needs to be as well.


Of course there is no excuse for anyone to be hostile to each other. But honestly, that is always how these sort of threads always end up. People being hostile towards each other.

I’m pretty sure you would’ve been on the forums long enough to know this.

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