Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Been here for awhile, and to my eyes at least, it seems mostly people are “triggered”, if thats the right word here, by perceived or direct hostility (regardless of side).

When you all talk without that mostly its pretty mundane and relaxed… sometimes you even change peoples opinions.

I was just hitting on this with my response to Sara, but I agree.

The main issue we all seem to encounter is perceived or direct hostility. It happens on both sides and it really needs to stop. At the very least we need to make the choice not to return it in kind. Again regardless of side.

I’m gonna be honest… I have doubts they’re going to do a specific pass for AR’s. I feel like if they add anymore it’ll be piecemeal like it was this first round.

Really doesn’t feel like Blizzard is putting a lot of effort into this concept to make it either across the board or even remotely well conceived.


Exactly, you don’t want them. But you’re only 1 person out of millions people who play this game, just like me, I am only 1 person out of millions of people who play this game.

Everyone has different request, but what I request for, isn’t something that is going to effect you emotionally, or effect your game play.


I’m pretty sure that statement is in reference to the old system where all the player characters were from specific spots. All humans being from Elwyn and so on.

Somehow you think non narrow options means you HAVE to get what you want. I want more options for void elves, but actual new options that add something to the game, I don’t think that making an ersatz high elf out of a void elf is good for the game, nor does it broaden options because it’s something that’s been there for almost the entirety of the game.

I like how you make it seem like you’re put upon when people who have a mutually exclusive desire for the game pop up to be seen by blizzard when people request something that would get rid of something they value.


Developers have said it’s their intention to give all races enough customizations that allow us to personalize our characters just like we imagine them in our minds. For (soft) roleplayers like me, it is a hindrance not being able to play as the brown Void Half Elf that is supposed to be my main. I just need the shorter ears and brown hair and finally I can get to play with my main as I envision it, which is ultimately WoW’s new focus as confirmed by developers themselves.

Ergo, not having access to those options does affect me, as I cannot fully roleplay my Half Elf, and certain people telling me to forget it and play Horde only reinforces the fact that not having access to those options does affect us, to the extent we even are suggested to race/faction change.

Blood Elf players wouldn’t experience any of that should Void Elf players receive natural hair colors.

EDIT: My cellphone is not working well and I can’t quote Naughty correctly for some reason :-S


Show me where I have said even once that it would effect me or my gameplay Sara, I’ll wait.

Citation needed for the idea that they want to give all the options people would want to make their characters how they picture them in their minds, because that sounds like an impossible task just for how much would be needed.


Indeed, I repeated it twice already. It’s about tangible effects, not the emotional part.


I did not specifically say you said it will effect your game play, I said…

wait for it

Everyone has different request, but what I request for, isn’t something that is going to effect you emotionally, or effect your game play.

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Then you should be able to accept that I don’t want Void Elves to have normal hair colors just because I don’t want them to have them, period and since we have now established that and we are full circle it won’t effect me or my gameplay if they get them and it won’t effect you and your gameplay if they don’t we don’t need to carry on any further.


When VEs get the ear length options and a few new void options and nothing else I will be happy and at best that’s what they can expect they already have more impactful options than many core races and ARs and blizzard is neither going to defeat the purpose of their own AR or forget about BE fans request to keep the last of their visual distinction.


This is the problem with those dev interviews. There is little clarity to them.

Could grab five people and have 12 opinions about what they’re saying for most of them.

Blizzard really needs to focus on putting things in game, in books, in lore. Not in interviews. We need this information actually accessible and clearly defined.

(Not referring to just that one bit of interview.)

Its super frustrating that they added Void Elves who are by their nature made not born (at the moment anyways) and set it up with no real way for them to do it. People deserve to have an origin in the games lore.

And they’re so close right now. They’d need so little to be added.


You’ll still have visual distinction when you get your existing themes expanded that Void Elves do not have a claim to, like Fel/Blood/Light


At this point, I don’t even think Void Elves will get ear options, same with Nightborne and Lightforged Draenei with tails and stuff, they seem to not want to do anything so I have literally no hope they will for any race unless it’s like 10-15 years down the line if the game is still going of course.


I’m liking this post not because I actually like it but because Blizzard has made this the feeling I have and I hate them for it.


I totally understand and I’m the same way because as you know I’m a Nightborne crusader but I don’t have a lot of hope for them currently.


I stopped (as you can tell from the L54 thing) many months ago. I’ve kept the sub active hoping against all odds that the writing and story would magically improve. Then I watched the whole “Elune says No Tyrande, I’m not going to let you win against Sylvanas” thing and the recently dropped cinematic that shows the first concrete beginnings of Sylvanas’s Kerrigan Arc; promptly moving me into the place you are now.

Is any of this recoverable from? I don’t honestly know. To me the writing has devolved to the level of “OMG, OMG! Sylvanas is soooo amaaaaaaazing! OMG!” fanfic written by a smitten 12-year old. Sure, the writers and people giving them direction can defend themselves against criticism but it seems a lot like the Captain of the Titanic defending his mad seamanship skills.


I have little hope the writing will improve, at least not unless they hire a new wave of passionate people.


I think I would reduce that to…

…and stop there. Hell, give us libraries (they exist in game, let’s use them) loaded with lore books for those who want to read “The Complete History of (insert race or group here)” and let us access game-related information in the actual game. You know, just for fun.


And let a few go. I would be fine living out the rest of my days never having any game I play affected or influenced by Golden again…for instance.



And yes, they should absolutely utilize the game to give lore to their players. Libraries being utilized once again would be swell… They had loads of lore in them back in Vanilla. Why they never updated or expanded such I’ll never understand.

While they’re at it give us access to replay old scenarios we have completed.