Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

It’s more I really can’t figure out how something like not having access to brown hair on a character effects how you play, gameplay in general, etc. it’s like really I don’t get it.


Probably the same reaction as the same thread when skin tones were announced for the Void Elves.


I really can’t figure out how something like giving Void Elves access to the hair styles and hair colors as Blood Elves can effect how YOU play, gameplay in general, etc. It’s like really I don’t get it.


I imagine it’d be a much more calm reaction than if when the pass comes around all the velf options play up the void side of things.


Because not every race has access to all hair colors, what part of that do you not understand? I for example want pink hair on every character but I don’t come on to the forums acting like it’s damaging me emotionally to not have pink hair on characters, I use it on the characters I can, I don’t on the characters I don’t. Make sense yet Lore?

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Likewise, you’ve had the option to play as a high elf for over a decade, but for some reason you can’t play the race as it exists in present day wow and instead demand a throwback to the one game where they were fully alliance. Makes absolutely no sense to me that it has driven people for this long to demand options that were already available.


That doesn’t seem to be a possibility they entertain but it sure will be a win for VE fans and BE fans alike


I can already see the complaining if they get void only options and no more normal ones, that will be a great day.


Some do, just look to Greatbrae and Lann “there’s a reason they didn’t add hair colors” (yeah duh it’s because of limited time like they’ve said in multiple different interviews) :roll_eyes:

Don’t think anyone’s ever said they’re arguing “something more” but your feelings vs my feelings essentially cancel each other out.

What I and others have done though is bring developer statements to the table as well that shows what their stated goal of expanded customizations are.

And there is where some people like you keep getting tripped up. Despite them constantly saying phrases like “increase diversity within a race” “retconning old 15 year design to increase the representation that exists within the factions” “giving options so you can be the characters you envision in your mind”.

Somehow you seem to believe that means Blizzard’s goal is going to be keeping aesthetic additions to races narrow?

This thought process falls even more apart when you look at what was added to the original races in the customization pass.

Humans and Blood Elves didn’t get more blonde hair colors because they already had them - they got black/blue/white (Humans) and black/blue/chocolate brown (Blood Elves). Whereas who didn’t have blondes and browns got them (Undead/Gnomes/Trolls etc etc).

This is why I keep mentioning projection on your part as it seems you are trying to “argue something more” than what’s been presented already with examples of customization and dev statements.


Here, let me give you preview:

  • VEs get High Elf hair colors/more hairstyles without tentacles -

Those people: Oh whatever nbd it’s just a game :roll_eyes:

Same as we saw once skin tones and eye colors were added to VE.


Sounds like someone missed the purpose of expanded customizations and why there is so much positivity around them then. Blizzard has pages linked for the explanation.

you’ll have hundreds of new character customization options available at your fingertips to make characters uniquely yours. Carve your human’s face with battle scars, adorn your blood elves in delicate armlets and wristbands skillfully forged by Silvermoon’s metalsmiths, and give your worgen glowing eyes or vertical-slit pupils to reflect the beast within.

Aww you beat me to it! I didn’t read this far down before I made my comment :laughing:



Why is that a problem? People are only sharing opinions here. That anyone has gotten so out of sorts over it is ridiculous.

None of us should have ever had to get to the point of throwing insults one way or another… None of us will make a final decision or even matter in the decision Blizzard will eventually make.

Should be enough that people want (or don’t want) a thing. You don’t have to prove to each other why your desire is valid or sensible. You can explain your reasoning or opinions… but its all useless in the long run.


I didn’t miss anything, I am going off what people in this thread have said since last night about how somehow they are being effected emotionally by not having hair colors like brown available to them which to me seems silly because really it’s a game and pixels so it shouldn’t be getting to someone that badly.


My bad. I could’ve waited, but I couldn’t resist.


Contradictions, contradictions.

And how many people are triggered by a thread of people suggesting on what they would like to see, acting like they have more of an opinion than everyone else…


Fen. If things were as neutral as you wish them to be, none of this arguing would be happening in the first place. It should be as simple as people sticking to their own threads, but that doesn’t happen. Each time a High Elf thread pops up, the same handful of people attack and rarely leave. We know the final decision is up to Blizzard, but if those attacking these threads apparently knew that too then they’d leave it alone and make their own requests.


Yeah because I really sit here fighting like fighting that Void Elves don’t get normal hair colors, I have stated I don’t want it and I hope they don’t but sure Sara, sure.

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It’s not a problem, that’s the actual mature response to have. What’s not really mature is as you say, getting out of sorts and throwing insults at each other.

Like a bunch of passive aggressive posting that’s been done on both sides.

See I love this and totally agree. It’s just weird isn’t that some posters appear to keep consistently hounding specific thread topics and trying to ‘argue’ their viewpoint while passive aggressively noting something ‘must be wrong’ with people’s passion about game additions.

It’s just strange, like sure it is fine to disagree. But obviously that’s not the only thing that’s been going on. People are getting insulted either directly or passive aggressively.

But bottom line, people are passionate about it for sure. All that we can do is wait for Blizzard to make that decision once Allied Races get their customization pass.


I may have missed the word but I remember it being ‘affected tangibly’ not emotionally. Which are two very different effects.


Why would you be effected to begin with, it’s not like as if it should really matter, you guys are always peddling that it’s just hair color, so what does it really matter if you have say brown hair or not, it doesn’t as I already stated change gameplay, if you can raid or not, if you can PVP or not and so on and so on so I stand by my original point.