Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Odd? I could actually the question being directed at both for Void Elves and Blood Elves, which means, the answer is for both Void Elves and Blood Elves.


The quistion was indeed that, but he didn’t mention void elves in his answer once. Most likely either dodging that portion entirely or just not asnwering it, and just took the blood elf portion. If he had meant both, he would have refered to both.

That’s the thing Greatbae, the only time he mentions the Blood Elves in the answer is about them being closest to the High Elves in terms of customisations. I mean, lets take a look at the answer for a minute:

This is another place where there was a race, High Elves, in the game which hadn’t really been represented on player characters.

Stated as a fact, because when you previously rolled as a Blood Elf, you were only playing as a Blood Elf, same as to the Void Elves. And everyone should know the reason to why the Blood Elves do not consider themselves as High Elves.

Blood Elves were the closest, but had felt green eyes

Talking about how Blood Elves were the closet to being a High Elf.

It was an opportunity where we had a number of elven races

Once again, talking about both Blood and Void Elves

and we could tie it back to their roots

Void = Blood = High. There is nothing about this only being for the Blood Elves.

letting players choose where they want to align and what fantasy to play out.

Play as either a Blood Elf or High Elf on Horde through the Blood Elves, or play as a Void Elf or High Elf on Alliance through the Void Elves.

We did have a lot of discussion about it, ultimately we might do more in the future, but for now we’re providing the option to have a few High Elf customizations available.

They had a lot of talks about it, and may provide more customisations in the future for both Void and Blood Elves to allow us to play as High Elves on both factions, but for now, they are only providing the available options.

So, tell me, where does this say it is only about Blood Elves?


They can give BEs Farstrider tattoos arguably fulfilling the WC2 era Ranger look reminiscent of Blood Elves past because they are High Elves.

And they can give VEs ear length options, and some new void unique options.

That fulfills the promise for more for both but HE options for BEs, people are assuming VEs have a seat at a table they aren’t sitting at and seeing what their own wishful thinking wants them to see.

In the end they don’t have the hairstyles / options for a reason and have nothing left to justify further infringing on BEs visual theme, BEs have blue eyes if Blizzard felt sorry and wanted to do a compromise they did one they have no further reason to do another when visual distinction now is what should be important.


It does - being unable to choose certain customizations is a direct effect, indeed.

Not really, no. Not when my Void Elf had blue skin tones and not when my main was a Human, as I wasn’t able to correctly portray them as the Half Elf I envision it.

You understood nothing, I know that.

Arguments you can’t really counter, yes.

To try to explain why Tarrok’s comparison is inaccurate. My explanation was pretty objective, never have I said it was more worthy or not.

Yeah, sadly as usual.

He mentioned “It was an opportunity where we had a number of elven races, and we could tie it back to their roots”

“A number of elven races” = more than one. If he only referred to Blood Elves, he should have said “one elven race” or simply “Blood Elves”. If he’s talking about High Elves and literally says “a number of elven races”, what could he be referring to? Let’s think. If “a number of elven races” means more than one, and he’s talking about Thalassian elves, we conclude that he’s necessarilly talking about Blood Elves and Void Elves.


You mean like night elves and such? And no he would direct void elves directly if he wanted to talk to them. He was dodging the void elf part and your misreading the statement.

The whole thing

Stop trying read something that is not there.

I’ve just explained everything to you. If you want to ignore it, and claim it is only for Blood Elves, then that is you. But stop pretending something isn’t there because you disagree with it.


I mean, if you think Night Elves are considered Thalassian elves or High Elves I guess we can end our conversation right here, as you’re clearly showing you’re not willing to argue in good faith.

The projection here is blinding.


We’ve been explaining everything clearly and with facts but they deny over and over again. All they care about are their own feelings/opinions which as has been shown through various sources are incorrect.


It’s ok because they can act as deluded as they wish it doesn’t change the statements Blizzard has actually made.

This is what I meant earlier that for some reason there’s certain individuals here who think simply because they try and form/paint a narrative on the forum - that somehow that’ll be what Blizzard goes by lol.

Blizzard literally have access to their own lore and their own statements they’ve made regarding the HE customization options.

It’s just amusing to see when they try to “gotcha” people through out of context quoting and quick quips.

I am still waiting for any of them to bring about official Blizzard statements that back up their position that specific hair colors are sancrosanct.

Whereas we have multiple statements by the WoW team that they added what they could in the limited time they had, but are not finished and don’t consider Allied Races to have had their pass yet.

Nothing other than “muh feelings” have been brought to the table which as was noted with the skin tones and eye colors is not enough.


Leaving out your insult here. No it doesn’t change what they said, but so many times what they said is not what you say it is.

This right here is hilarious.

Like this gotcha quip. Are we saying that Blizzard backs up our opinion? I know I don’t. But like you, we speak up on the forum to let Blizz know what we want, without putting words in their mouth for them.

And none of that has said that they’re going to do what you want, just that they’re adding more.

You mean to say we’ve brought our opinions to the table, and you somehow are arguing something more than your opinion?


Insults don’t help your cases.


Yeah, I know. They just want to ignore what is being explained because it doesn’t suit them in to what they want to hear.


I mean I don’t mind people trying to convince themselves with pseudo-gotchas, but I cannot help but wonder what the reaction will be when ARs, Void Elves in particular, receive their customizations.


Which is all you have when you see things that aren’t there in the statement you keep trying to feel vindicated with.

Irony is ironic I suppose.


Oh man, I’m dying over here, you guys are absolutely hilarious.


Lol, I actually caught up with this thread just now and I really can’t believe people are trying to act like them not having access to certain hair colors effects them somehow and if it really does they have much bigger issues.


They play it off as great importance for them but downplay the importance visual distinction has.

They already got the major compromise to visual distinction fans detriment moving forward Blizzard shouldn’t even regard the request from that standpoint alone out of considering others.


You know that right now all I’m basically arguing is that they haven’t told us anything about what any possible future elf customizations will bring. We’re all waiting to see what happens and requesting what we want it to look like, and nothing they’ve said really supports or disproves that they favor either faction’s wants.