Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Giving the Void Elves the options being requested won’t destroy the faction system xD


It’d be turning a horde race neutral. not exactly following the current setup. And that was just to say nothing linked suggests they’re going to give a full copy of a race to the other faction.


that looks a lot like you’re saying your concerns are real and need to be respected, but not the other way around.


I feel like you saying this outs you has not having read the article.

Shadowlands is finally rectifying this by giving all of the base player races tons of new customization options: Scars! Tattoos! Glowing eye colors! Face paint! Players can finally make their dwarf into a Wildhammer clan member, or create a Sandfury troll. The new system finally allows for Black humans or elves, making it easier for players to create characters that look more like themselves.

From the same article. If it were incorrect it wouldn’t have been posted or would’ve been corrected.

That’s some projection right there. I ask again, where do Blizzard’s statements back up your specific?

I posted many many statements from Blizzard themselves on how they view the expanded customizations. Can you show me many many statements where the view of expanded customization aligns with yours?

Also, the faction system has nothing to do with the expanded customizations. The official words are all right there man.

With hundreds of new additions with thousands of new combinations, Shadowlandsnew character customization options will help you better create the characters you envision in your mind.

I am not going to repost the other ones talking about ongoing process yada yada as they’re still freshly there for you to read.


High Elves have been part of both factions for ages. There is no single faction that claims them.


The part I am quoting was meant to convey that someone else getting an option that already exists for you and will continue to exist for does not actually tangibly mean you ‘lose’ said option.

On the other hand, currently NOT having access to the option, and GETTING access to the option does actually tangibly mean you either are locked out of an option or gain access to one.

It’s a simple concept. The Void Elves didn’t have human skin tones, that tangibly didn’t let VE players able to play human-skin tone color Void Elves.

BE players who have human skin tones, and continue to have human skin tones did not tangibly have their options affected when VEs received them. BEs didn’t get locked out of existing skin tones.


that’s not the same as a subrace, nice try though.

They don’t. But I’m not the one pretending they do.

Still the same dismissal of others.


By your definition. Steve Danuser, a Blizzard employee - already stated otherwise. I don’t want to have to find the quote again because it’ll just be dismissed by you, but not like it matters if you are not going to take the already other official statements presented to you here, made by Blizzard.

To first sentence: Exactly what I thought.

To second sentence: How did I pretend by simply linking you Blizzard official statements?

Again, very ironic and projective. You dismiss even what developers / official statements are made so it’s weird to knock on it.

Not dismissing your feelings by showing you the intended goal officially stated by Blizzard. Maybe you are simply projecting your dislike of Blizzard’s official statements on customizations by arguing here with us instead of taking it up with them.


What’s that?

So far, the Shadowlands customization.


Well, if only Blizzard added those like tons of people thought they were going too.


Yeah, that article is referencing them as a future option.



I can read
Me smart


Yes, because you keep adding things to it that weren’t actually said.

They are generic statements about customizations for all races in broad terms. Nothing about how far they’d go with cross faction options on elves. They may or may not, but there’s no clear statement that they are definitely doing it.

You keep making stuff up and putting it in Blizzard’s mouth. There’s no statement of intent to give void elf more non-void options no matter how much you pretend they said it. And you keep using that to invalidate the idea that the people with a mutually exclusive preference have concerns that are just as valid as yours.


Alrighty then. Here’s the link to the VOD


Here is the FULL quote.

Q: In the dwarf starting area, you are very much a Bronzebeard dwarf. That’s quite explicit in the story that’s being told there when you start a dwarf character. With the introduction of something like the Wildhammer tattoos, which obviously make you look like a Wildhammer, are you a Wildhammer if you use those tattoos?

A: It’s a little complex because we asked ourselves the question of, we have these really cool options like Wildhammer tattoos, but does that mean we need to make a Wildhammer starting experience? If we give trolls skin options that look like other troll tribes besides Darkspear, does that mean we have to make new starting experiences for them as well? The onus of that would’ve meant that we couldn’t do these things because that would be so much time and would consume so many resources to be able to do that, that it just wouldn’t have been practical for us to do. And so then the question is, do we limit the options that we give players because of some storyline concern, or resource concern, or anything like that? And we said, no. We’re not gonna’ do that. So while we’re not gonna’ give you a dedicated Wildhammer starting experience if you pick those tattoos, the freedom should be there in your mind to roleplay your character how you want to roleplay them. Whatever tattoos, customizations, whatever skin color options you pick, come up with a story that fits your character, and that’s your place in the world. And regardless of what quest text is, or how it refers to you, remember that it’s your choice and your character, and you get to express yourself that way. That’s at the bottom line of what we want Azeroth to be. We want it to be this welcoming place that lets all those options be out there, lets people experience them, and again, choose the path that your character wants to be. And don’t let anyone else tell you what your character can or can’t be. You decide that.

You can watch the VOD second by second if you don’t trust the transcribing. Have fun pointing out where I added things.

They are statements on what the intended goals of expanded customization are, as said in many ways at different times by various Blizzard employees and even on their website.

Are you saying those linked statements are not the intended goals of expanded customization?

I never said they were, I have been repeatedly saying I’ll provide links that show you what the intended goals of expanded customization are per Blizzard when I started linking em.

Oh you can have a concern about mutual exclusivity, I never said anything about people not being able to have it.

All I have done is provide statements by Blizzard that show what their intended goals for expanded customization are

This way people are able to read it directly from the horse’s mouth instead of this back and forth of ‘our feelings are superior to their feelings’, because isn’t that what you stated earlier? Something about how you can’t tell someone their feelings should be higher up over others?

Well these statements of the intended design goal of expanded customizations by Blizzard takes all that away so that people can see what Blizzard’s intent is, since that’s truly the only thing that matters.


I literally explained why it is not.

This logical fallacy would entitle Goblin/Gilgoblin fans to ask for the removal of Vulpera. It’s unreasonable and inaccurate.

If all you got from my explanation is that it’s an excuse and that I consider myself “more important”, then perhaps you should stop and try to actually understand what I am saying instead of attacking the egoistic person you think I am.


the part where you treat this as connected to visual options not backstory.

they say they are adding more customization, not specifics on cross faction elf stuff, thus not a refutation of wanting visual uniqurness

expanded options does not necessarily equal destroying distinction

you made an excuse to dismiss the opinion of others.

that sounds like a non-sequitor

because it is. You are favoring the concept of adding things over protecting things and treating your desires as more worthy.

and it is 5am I’m bowing out now


What I did is explain why it is not the same thing in terms of gameplay for a race to remain visually the same (Blood Elves) and another race to have access to certain hair colors (Void Elves). The former would play the game with no impact at all gameplaywise, regardless of whether the latter has or has no new hair colors, but the latter would not be allowed to certain customization options. Of the two sides here, who is directly affected in game? Which of both races has an effect in the barbershop?

In terms of feelings, you have a point, of course. But in terms of gameplay, Blood Elf players wouldn’t be affected at all, whereas Void Elf players would most certainly be. Losing or gaining customizations is a tangible gameplay effect, as it limits or expands our ways of envisioning our characters and presenting them to the World (of Warcraft). Remaining visually distinct isn’t. It literally does not change your Blood Elf appearance in any way nor does it enhance the possibilities of portraying your Blood Elf character the way you like to.

As for the “dismissal” accusation you make, to me if anyone’s dismissing the opinion of others here it is you, first by not replying to me with the same level of respect I am talking to you and second by not willing to understand the logical, well-explained arguments presented to you, backed up by developers’ verbal statements.

To me, the non sequitur is to compare racial visual uniqueness with the type and number of customizations a race can have access to.

You think it’s an excuse because you either don’t understand it or you’re not willing to understand it, probably because you’re focusing on the person who’s talking to you rather than on the argument itself.

I’m not favoring anything. I’m saying that your initial comparison is not accurate. In terms of gameplay, maintaining a certain visual appearance does not give your character any new options - you’re simply maintaining the options you already have. Thus, there is no effect whatsoever in your gameplay experience (again, gameplay experience, the feeling dimension of the debate is a whole different story where you guys do have a point). On the other hand, gaining new hair colors is a direct effect on my gameplay experience, as it would allow me to convey my character’s appearance the way I intended.

Good night.


Nope. He mentioned blood elves for it, not void elves.

Thanks for trying.


And you not getting the options changes absolutely nothing for you either. You played just fine without Void Elves, you played just fine with them looking like their own independent race.

And you explained nothing, you simply used a handful of strawmen to try to explain how your reason it’s more worthy than ours… as usual.