Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

I miss when they had the lore Q&As every so often.


After taking a double take this is all I could find after a quick search. No idea if they still work at blizzard though like all their social media is inactive


Not sure, but I seriously doubt he´s terribly involved. As we mention, ZERO quality control as far as narrative or lore concerns AND his proverbial silence is kinda telling, too.

I mean Danuser himself literally came out with the “every story is true… from a certain point of view”, which basically gives him carte blanche to write whatever the damn he wants WITHOUT caring if this literally contradicts the stuff he himself put one patch before.

That´s indeed NO Editor, NO “historian”, NO nothing… cause God forbids someone tells Danuser the character he destroyed in his path of making her a waifu can´t win somehow.

I mean, when the “pros” use the argument that their toons should be able to use any hair color cause hair colors =/= cultural/racial identity, then I say for THIS argument to be a true reflection of FAIRNESS and customization broadening it would have to be applied to ALL the playable races.

Tl;dr: I want pink too, but for my cute Sunwalker Tauren I presented to you a couple hours ago.

She literally made them Forsaken lose hands for the outrageous and strenous exercise of clapping “too much” in “Before the Storm”. So yes, not only is she “good” for cracking the melodrama levels up to 11, but to literally ignore stuff that she doesn´t care too much about.

Actually she´s probably a closeted Helfer who is NOT and anti-Belfer, cause she has been rather benevolent as far as Blood elf descriptions and portrayals are concerned. But yes, someone keep her far and away from Forsaken, tyvm.

*ding, ding, ding!!! We have a winner.

Yup. The ultimate blame on the train wreck that is the current story IS more probably than not the result of executive choices made by the upper schelon of Activision Blizzard.

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last of my pictures for the day
Helf hair in white, pink and blonde using a Draenei hairstyle

Same hairstyle but with two-tone options.


Pink hair



Hasn’t Christie golden been wrong on multiple occasions pertaining to Horde lore / BEs / Forsaken in particular I remember it being mentioned more than once

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Other than a paycheck I have no idea why anyone in today’s (as in in recent memory) WoW environment would want to be a lore keeper/historian because “SCREW THE LORE!! SCREW HISTORY!! ADVANCE THE DAMN STORY NO MATTER THE COST!!!” is just how things are at Blizzard and have been for some time.


The top left and right I do not support but the others I do

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She’s one of the worst things to happen to the Warcraft IP…maybe ever.


Yea it sounds like a sucky job.

“Historians keep track of what Blizzard decides is canon, they do not make the calls”

sounds like the job is basically to get walked all over while blizzard can say they do have someone that checks the lore.

:hugs: That is perfectly understandable. I like the pink the most myself, but then again everything looks great in pink.


I want the pinks, actually I want pink hair color for all races but you and most everyone already knows that, regardless I think you are very talented and it’s very cool. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


I’m unsure about the last one on the bottom right too but I’m on my phone and for some reason it displays it cut off lol so if someone else points out it looks too natural I may rectify my stance but the ones I can see in full that I do support look unnatural enough / visually distinct to me anyways


Not only that… even with the “blonde” tone, the character´s face does NOT look terribly similar to your average Belf.

I´m not sure if it´s thanks to the colors + haircut combinations, but it DOES make them look different to a Belf clone AND still look like a regular High Elf.

We need moar upvotes from BOTH sides of the fence regarding your contributions (no seriously, I sense a disturbing lack of support from the side that should be tripping over themselves to actually thank you for your artistic efforts).

Same here. I mean if the WHOLE color palette is “fair” for one race, then i say is “fair” for ALL of them.

I want my pink cow with her rose custom flowers!!


Look those colors. I wish White, Blonde, and Pink was that for Void Elves.


“Hi, and welcome to Blizzard!! You’re going to love it here, now let me tell you about your new job…”

“Well I was told as the Historian I would be guiding the writers and producers to make sure they were always consistent with what they had done in the past. I’m very excited about it!”

“You…what? You thought…oh…:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: sorry I just…:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:…HEY GUYS, COME OVER HERE, LMAO YOU HAVE GOT TO HEAR THIS!!!:rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy:


We have some real insight about Blizz HQ in here, guys.

Hope to God you don´t getin trouble for “leaking” their day-today practices, Murg.

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It would not be the first time :wink:

Ok, now I think I undertand now why you are the best for some posters.

I may join the club cause that´s the attitude, dude. We need more people unafraid of calling a spade a spade in here.

I just want them too open the white/blue dk fur for all classes. :pleading_face: :pleading_face: :pleading_face: :pleading_face: :pleading_face: :pleading_face: Also they really need to give Tauren more flower options and more colors to make the flowers…