Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

You’re probably just ignorant about the posts we’ve written that have been deleted. I was speaking to Lore, not you.


So, you actually admit something that is true?

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What are you talking about?
That you agree with me that you’re ignorant about our postings that have been deleted? I can understand that. Why pay any attention to them?


If they were deleted, they were against the CoC. Anti’s need to stick to the rules.


You’re in no position to talk about rules, imo.


everyone needs to stick to the rules, that goes for both sides.


You’re accusing the pro’s of mass flagging.

I replied with:

You didn’t defend that.

And if the post were deleted, then obviously they were against the CoC or the forum rules. And FYI, no, I have not flagged anyone’s post at all.


Sticking to the rules is definitely necessary for everyone but I’m sure many people have been on the receiving end of what seems like an injustice or rules that aren’t enforced equally. I’ve seen it happen to others for sure. While some people seem to get away with breaking the rules all the time.


This isn’t the only possible reason.

The Mods have deleted things to keep forum peace as well. In that case its not against CoC its just been determined to be better removed than left.


Man I was really enjoying the thread for a moment when we were just talking about why there needs to be more orcs and tauren

and now we’re back to this

me sad


So I’ve never said you did, I was speaking directly to Lore.

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That’s true, and sometimes, a post doesn’t even have to be flagged to be removed as well. Forum mods do know how heated these topics can get, so they do keep a close eye on them.

You have much more patience than me Starla engaging there, I have no idea honestly why they act one way displaying the behavior they profess to be above but one conclusion I came to is the truth and that persons stories / actions never have any kind of cross over, so I just refuse to entertain it.

Since coming back I’ve seen them engage with me almost anytime I speak and thats fine that is their right, I just find it funny that the one time I engage with them to comment on a huge essay they wrote about me, a few replies later they’ve professed to be “over replying to me, and their ignoring me” like they’ve been arguing with a wall for a week so … okay? And then an hour later back to replying to my posts.

That is why I say you have much more patience than me Starla even engaging there, because they say one thing and do another and it never adds up there is never any cross over there, and that’s where I just disengage.


The only thing that needs to be more in this thread is light-fried steak.

I’m getting my lazor ready for it!

I agree…

There should be more orcs. More tauren too.

Maybe some forest trolls…


If that was true most of my posts that you people flag wouldn’t still be here yet they are so.

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Not close enough.

Last night should have been purged if they had any consistency.


Could’ve left it at more trolls, but don’t take that as a disagreement

More of those three races is always good
This is especially true when you put them all together

Orcs/tauren/trolls are the coolest and most thematic trio to ever exist


They need ogres to finish that out to my liking.

Yeah, but we killed Arthas back in WotLK. They didn’t have Arthas behind the desk.

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