Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Well, it’ll only need a sprinkle to lightbound ya! your not an illidan after all :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m placing bets blizz is gonna retcon it.

Too many living orcs, need more dead ones :stuck_out_tongue:

Yay, I actually have an Orc Warlock so I can post on one. :wink: :wink: :wink:


Actually if there is an Orc I want to play its this one.

Love the story I have for him. Hes a warlock whose interest is with the Horde rather than himself. Goes through the trouble to root out other orc warlocks who are not as “good” for the Horde and takes care of them.


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Sir I did not give you permission to copy me

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You rang?

(Midare btw… and I’m sacrificing one that won’t be able to be around pretending to agree with someone completely unrelated…)

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Does it help if he has a friendship with an orc mage who he grew up with and they’re in constant competition and its a major section of his story?

Honestly I wonder how many orc warlock players have the rooting out “evil” warlocks story…

Orc hunter?


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The mage friend. (Fenelon again)

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My other warrior. (Fenelon)

Need more time to level my orcs. T-T


And my DK.


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This orc is too alive, time to lightbound it!

This orc is my very first very old one that I never use because I don’t play horde.


You sure?

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So beutiful…

Is it this tweet? “Fitting that on the eve before a highly anticipated cinematic, I should go outside to light the grill only to be faced with an actual hornets’ nest.”

I see no problem with that considering how toxic this community is over how the devs write the story if they don’t like it.


Yeah it would be just lovely if you guys would stop that.


I’m pretty sure it wasn’t the Pro’s who flagged me when I called out Lanns behaviour after his comment of calling someone elses YouTube channel that he disagree’d with a “failure”.

But please, do go on.

I fail to see how this is not trying to antagonize people who disagree with you. Really thought you said you were trying to be nice and wanted ‘peace’?