Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread


At some point you realize that it might be time to put some people on ignore. It can be helpful.


After last night I didā€¦

Been a long time since Iā€™ve had to. lol


Ogres too, me like ogre attitude

Take club
Smash punies

Simple and good


I occasionally make the mistake of glancing at hidden posts but peopleā€™s quotes fill in the rest of the blanks too, but couldnā€™t agree more


Bagzak made me come up with an Ogre monkā€¦ I need itā€¦ I neeeeeed it so bad. T_T

You have to be one of the best people who post here. I really admire how you keep your patience but donā€™t compromise your values.
Much respect. :kissing_cat:


I know youā€™ve tried very hard to be as fair as you can with others. I donā€™t have the patience, so I post less these days. But sometimes I just need to say something.


Mokā€™nathal AR when
Beige skin on orcs works pretty well I must admit but thereā€™s a lot more that can be done with them

Also imagine half Darkspear half orcs
It combines 2 of the coolest races and makes perfect sense given the lore between the two

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Gods that would be wonderousā€¦

Honestly someone needs to make a Half orc -Half Troll thread. Even if we donā€™t get them for players Blizzard should at least play with the idea.

If only you could stick to these wordsā€¦ but considering you canā€™t even stick to your own claim of respecting the loreā€¦

I only got a single person on ignore. I simply reached that point when their posts werenā€™t even good to cause amusement.

But imo, we should talk some more about how nice it is that blizz embraced the difference of Void Elves as their own thing with that one toy. I donā€™t praise them often, but this one actually gave me a reason to do so.


I have no strong opinions on orcs.

Can we say the same about you?


Theyā€™re certainly not one of my favorites and usually my mainā€™s race on Red.

You need to strongly like them

Any opinion on orcs that is not at least strongly liking them is objectively incorrect


Can you point at when have I said anything that isnā€™t lore accurate? By all means, show me.

And no, things you donā€™t like donā€™t count.


Imagine no more.



ā€¦actually, Iā€™m sort of surprised I donā€™t have a few more, but Hyogori was my actual main for a big part of MOP and Jotar is usually my main horde character.

ā€¦hm. maybe I need an orc warriorā€¦

Thereā€™s no maybe about it.

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What a beautiful day.

Its going off topic. But wasnā€™t there a thing about lightforged forsaken being a playable allied race as alliance in the future? Or was that fake stuff