Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Fox Muppets don’t need hair honestly. They can go for fur design symbols

Imagine vulpera, but wearing oversized goblin hairstyles on their heads lopsidedly.


You mean Santa Claus finally stop providing them hair razors :rofl:

Thank you Izzabelle :heart:

Those look amazing



Alleria being changed to better reflect the void and adding more story will be the request I’ll continue to advocate for

Santa was like, “Hey, black hair, which you’ve had since WC3 but never been able to choose? You can have that.”

Also for some reason, a wierd auburn.

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We need new head mogs for this.

I can see it now.

[Poorly Positioned Wig]
[Overly Floofy Wig]
[Angled Wig]
[Human Court Wig]


They had spring, summer, and winter colors.

So they got an autumn color. Its nature.


Since apparently someone was trying to make a “gotcha” moment last night using this toy, I just wanted to give a breakdown to explain why that was foolish of them.

This toy doesn’t support any Anti argument.

First and foremost, it’s a toy which are meant for fun and is not based around canon.

Now let’s look at what was being pointed out.

This toy can turn the player into a child version of their race.
This either means: A child version of your player character, or what your player character would give birth to.

Let’s now take a look at two races when using that toy:

Mechagnomes: Turn into an Alarm-o-Bot. This obviously is meant as a joke, and doesn’t represent either of the child options listed above.

Worgen: Half of the time, it turns the player into a Lil’ Bad Wolf. This wouldn’t be accurate for either option either. For the first options, a child version of the player would not be a Worgen since your Worgen character didn’t gain the curse until their adult years. It also wouldn’t be the second option, as Worgen do not give birth to Worgen.

So to point out what it does to a Void Elf is entirely pointless since it follows the same thing. A Void Elf turning into a tiny Void wraith doesn’t represent either of the child options either. It’s meant as a joke on them being Void infused, and no one on the Pro side is arguing against that.

Also what is with the whining from the Anti’s against Void Elf Paladins being mentioned earlier? Zugyr very clearly used the words “Void Paladin Skin”, which means using the Void NOT using the Holy Light. So complaining that they supposedly don’t understand the lore (projection on your part by the way) is purely laughable.

Finally, for the love of all that is Holy and Void, Anti’s need to stop mass flagging people. The report system is meant for those that break the CoC, not because you disagree with someone and want them silenced.


I like that a lot. Especially for a “Void Tainted” look to the blonde hair, the end turning into that purple/voidish look is pretty cool. That would be a nice toggle option similar to Night Elf leaves.

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Take a look at this one.

Its blonde but also rather unnatural in its general look and could better give you what you want without having to be non-voidy.

Not much different really.

Far as the leaves thing for Night Elves I’d like to see that being our tentacle toggle myself.


Yeah, I rather see some toggle options too.


Void Elves shouldn’t be allowed to toggle off tentacles considering this entire mock up is a “look this is a void looking hair style compromise” that’s my stance and so far Blizzard has left Void colors and no tentacle toggle thankfully


Most of the hair styles Void Elves have already don’t have tentacles, so a toggle doesn’t hurt you at all :hugs:
In fact, it may even make more people use tentacles on hair styles they want them on but can’t.


That´s waaay more disturbing dude. For the goodness of the Alliance I hope Alleria is taking “appropiate measures” rergarding her subjects. Won´t do to summon voidlings every other week in the middle of Stormwind.

That´s basically asking for a whole new class dude… you don´t program AGAIN a whole freaking class (visual effects AND spell names included) just to catter to people that still can´t choose between 9 already available choices (6 alone in the Alliance faction) because God forbids it doesn´t look like their barbie mental images. That´s simply not worth the effort nor much less the resources.

Instead os asking for “Voidins” people should instead figure out a new “Void based” class, for example. Seems like a better investment.

Also: sorry not sorry, actual Paladins for the Nelves when?


Tbf several of our hairstyles have no tentacles.

Having or not having them is standard to Void Elves before the natural skin tones. Its not a matter of RP.

Some of us have them. Some don’t. Thats how I see it.

I can understand not wanting to have that option available given that it would make very close to Blood Elf copies. So I don’t blame you.


Which is another reason why natural hair colors and VEs don’t work, and no other AR is across faction lines with a duplicate model completely and allowed to fulfill the visual theme of their parent race.

A toggle for tentacles also makes the entire concept of “here look at these void compromise hair types” completely meaningless


shifty eyes

What Alleria doesn’t know won’t hurt her? :stuck_out_tongue:

More seriously, I do wish there was some contention shown in SW about that. Void Elves should be kinda an iffy thing to most folk, and given the volatility of the whispers from the Void I’d like to see evidence that some issues have arisen for things like that and have had to be dealt with.

Not asking for people to be killed in the streets, but maybe have another Void Elf show up to stop one of their own and talk them out of doing something like summoning a Void creature because the whispers told them to… taking the offending Void Elf back to the Rift to be reconditioned to better resist again.

If we can find a way to make them look unnatural to a degree I think it works all right.

The hair style above I don’t think looks natural, though I can see why others might think otherwise.

Izzabelles hairs with the starcursed coloration running through them are also good possible examples. The goal is to look not like a Blood Elf but still be able to fulfill as many peoples desires as possible.

Though that in no way stops me from still wanting the very much void based options otherwise. Deeper blues, blacks, purples, maybe pink. Perhaps lighter colorations of some of those as well. (I bring up the more natural ones here because this is obviously about high elves more so than void elves. The Void void options I keep to my own thread.)

I suppose that would depend on IF Blizzard actually added in natural colorations at all. Without them I imagine you’d not have as much an issue with them?


I guess but you’re advocating for options that bring natural hair colors in via a void tentacle route and then advocating for a tentacle toggle hence my opposition on that front.

Keeping the void coloring in place I would imagine tentacle options on hair styles will remain the same or a toggle for more, you can add more but the styles with them already stay as is


I’m not.

The tentacles are separate.

The hair color above I personally think looks unnatural or at least void touched. Again though I can see others feeling differently.

Despite us at the launch of our race having the options depending on the hair style?

I’d take it I suppose but that seems limiting to what we were standard.

(Also I appear to be out of likes… Otherwise I’d be liking our little back and forth…)

EDIT: seems I got a bunch back… I’m right on the edge of regenerating them apparently. lol


Anyways, here is my support for High Elf customisations for Void Elves <3