Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

They need it, I mentioned that once to Midare and she made me up a picture of a dog with blonde hair and said we should get Karen hairstyles for Vulpera. :yum: :yum: :yum:

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This recolored VE hair with the Tendrils removed right?

On of the main reason they need a Tendril toggle IMO. It adds so much more customization.


I mean this respectfully but you do want a tentacle toggle? Itā€™s not the first time itā€™s been mentioned which is fine I just think it makes the ā€˜void hair compromise mock upsā€™ completely meaningless because a tentacle toggle makes it so.

Like for example this is all shown with tentacles my one critique was the roots should show some form of purple as well (more obvious about it from the roots)

If this is meant as a void compromise to get natural hair colors, a tentacle toggle undoes that. Thats how I am seeing that.

Iā€™m out and been out for what seems like since last night, I liked like 3 things and it hit a limit again


I do want a tentacle toggle. I feel like its something missing from the original Void Elves. Regardless of skin tones that were added later. We always had two setups. Hairstyles with and without them. As such I think its fair for those interested in the Void options to want a toggle as well as anyone who wants to rp their high elf.

But thats not important to the coloration I was showing off. The Blonde I showed a bit ago I think is an unnatural color of it.

I understand what you mean with it being meaningless from your point of view though.

Which is valid.

If the goal is not to look like a blood elf, given the natural skin tones having that tentacle toggle would be problematic along with that hair color.

Yeah, I might ask Turokan if they can make a modification to this to kinda show that some. See what your thought ends up with that. The tan-purple metal color of the underwear was used as the roots and ends for this one and I think, personally, its enough to differentiate that its an unnatural color.

Entirely fair.

I really wish we didnā€™t have random limits on itā€¦ Iā€™ll never understand that.


Please my man, youĀ“re talking to a filthy Horde fan!! ā€œSummonā€ as much of those behind AlleriaĀ“s back as you can!!

At the end the chaos created by the rest of the rigid Light worshipping Alliance will would only benefit my faction (heck, maybe we can manage FOR ONCE to deal with our own stuff instead of being used as the FOTM plot device of Blanduin & Co.)!!

The very fact the LF Draenei were like ā€œsure, kewl guys!!ā€ was so BAD narrative wise. Your poor faction suffers from a severe case of Human esque flavoring but NO actually subtancial differentiation between the Alliance races. ItĀ“s detrimental cause your RĆ¢ison dĀ“etre is literally ā€œto fight the Hordeā€. Remove the Horde and you guys get a mortal identity crisis both as a faction AND as individual races whose only development so far has been: we like each other SO much and accept each other UNQUESTIONABLY and weĀ“re boring to death too while at it. Inhuman portrayal at itĀ“s finests.

IĀ“ve been out since early this morning!! I couldnĀ“t upvote the amazing art of Izzabelle in the Belf thread :sob: :sob:


Thatā€™s why I use alts to like things when I run out, I mean yeah Iā€™ve hit limit on like 4 characters so far but I wonā€™t let that stop me from liking stuff when this one canā€™t. :blush: :blush: :blush:


IĀ“m an idiotā€¦ ofc I could had had use an alt in the Belf thread /massive facepalmā€¦ go AriĆ«l.

BrB, changin to the Monk in there.

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Lol, I would love to give everyone nonstop Naughty likes but I run out super fast so I pretty much always have to use my alts.

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Omgā€¦ can you imagine?

Alliance is busy beating themselves up for once and the Horde just likeā€¦ Well theyā€™re distracted lets get some stuff sorted.


Drives me nutsā€¦ Blizzard needs more world building and less systems.

Old Gods I feel this so hardā€¦

Night elves used to have a little more to them but every chance we get weā€™re reduced to either the same or lesser than our Alliance counterparts.

Everyone else has some level of oop what are the humans doing lets go do that with no consideration for their own cultures or beliefs.

No wonder the Alliance players tend to feel bland and like we have nothing special.

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Itā€™s funny that only High Elves/Silver Covenant are held to this bizarre standard. That if theyā€™re not front in center EVERY SINGLE EXPANSION then theyā€™re neutral or not Alliance anymore. Or that fact that theyā€™re somehow Neutral now because of being involved in the Hunter Class Hall campaign. By that token the Farstriders, Night Elf Sentinels and Forsaken Dark Rangers are also neutral but no one tries to claim that lol.

The Tauren Sunwalkers are pretty irrelevant if you ask me. I guess that means they went neutral or are no longer part of the Horde! Same with the Blood Elf Magisters! They donā€™t do much. What about the Cult of the Forgotten Shadow? Neutral of course!

Btw i guess weā€™re going to continue ignoring the fact that only the Alliance can obtain the Silver Covenantā€™s mounts & Tabard.


Well it is about blood elves. But it got brought up earlier. Iā€™d totally be a blood elf sanā€™layn. Iā€™d faction change so fast lol

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Only if that toggle is options between void options and not an all natural option.

I have my ways.

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Are we still posting on alts?

I like my alts

That sounds like something that requires way too much effort for me to bother with


Alternatively, you can just keep posting on a tauren, since thatā€™s what everyone should be doing anyway.


Damn skippy.


That could be a fun change of paceā€¦



I like this plan.

If weĀ“re terribly strict lorewise speaking, indeed only the SC (the actual damaging fact is how Blizz literally ignores ALL but this particular group)ā€¦ and that happens because theyĀ“re in this weird limbo about being the effective link between ā€œNeUtRaLā€ Dalaran and the Alliance. Just like the Sunreavers, they are ā€œconvenientlyā€ Horde from a certain point of view in-universe and ā€œtotes neutralā€ at the same time by proxy of their affiliation to Dalaran.

This is mere gameplay man. The actual reasoning is what I put above as far as actual lore is concerned.

The SC are in a weird limbo thanks to the perchant of the writers to use and discard ā€œcharactersā€ at their convenience and NOT following an actual coherent narrative path.

Same here.

Ohhh, time to bring the Big Guns!! Sunwalker I summon you!!!