Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

They’re hidden in the bushes. It is sort of like playing Where’s Waldo. :smiley:

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That begs the question, how different is void elf culture from blood elf culture when they were just blood elves like less than a year ago (in game time, feel free to correct me if I’m off on the timeline). Alot of the blood elf hair styles are generic in the sense that they are shared among different races, like how humans have that stylish hairstyle i think it is called and they share some with night elves and draenei.
On that note, I think void elves deserve their own spin on these hairstyles. Not exactly the same but with a darker twist on it.


I’d imagine the cultures wouldn’t be too divergent. The Ren’dorei however, have clearly wanted to differentiate themselves with their somewhat more modern, dare I say - gothic style?

Humans and elves have been somewhat tied together for hundreds of years. The biggest changes in human development in WoW were thanks to the Quel’dorei teaching the first human mages. So it makes sense that Belf/Helves would share hair styles - hell, it would make a lot of sense if Ren’dorei shared a majority of the human hair styles, considering two things;

  1. The Ren’dorei have a lot of Quel’dorei coming into their ranks
  2. As far as I know they’re holed up in SW just like the rest of the refugees.

I agree with you, the void elves certainly deserve their own spin on said hair styles. I just think that they should be given additional, newer 3D hair styles. While the belf ones would be nice… All Ren’dorei need are the hair colors to hammer home RP-wise that you can be a Helf, or a Velf like Alleria.


I think it’s comical the stuff they let slide in fact they have never even called out the poster who keeps spamming the same YouTube channels videos for their very problematic takes.

If someones going to spam the same YouTube channels videos it’s valid to call it as such and yeah the analytics are not good I stand by what I said because it certainly isn’t a thriving channel which begs again the question why someone would keep spamming videos from it.

Personally I can see where Feyrre is coming from but it’s certainly few and far between

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I love the hairstyles Void Elves got, actually find more of them appealing over the Blood Elf options. So I’m all for more unique hairstyles.

For me it’s pretty much waiting till the more natural hair colors are added.

And while Blizzard hasn’t necessarily explicitly “guaranteed it”, the fact that 21 out of 22 races available have some form of natural hair colors practically does.

It’s kind of like while Blizzard doesn’t explicitly say “every patch will have a raid” it’s pretty much a given. (Outside of the crazy rocky development that was WoD, which doesn’t seem to be the case on player customizations).


No other race has the same exact model copied across faction lines and no AR can fully deliver the visual fantasy of its parent / core race to the fullest as well as their own visual fantasy across faction lines.

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Well I might disagree with you on this but at least you make it entertaining! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


im so shocked that out of 22 races the only one that doesnt have pure normal hair colors is the void themed one


Absolutely, and there differences are illustrated well when comparing heritage armor. While more gothic, void elves retain the gaudiness of blood elves if not turned up a notch. Additionally, void elves seem to be less conservative in their fashion choices. The males in particular like showing their skin ala bare chest, which I find interesting.

It would make sense to add human hairstyles to void elves each expansion, as void elves are integrating more and more into alliance culture. Being realistic about the amount of options blizzard can add, adding human styles to void elves would make more sense than blood elf hair styles and it would please the crowd that want blood elves to remain more unique (maybe).

Yeah, if blizz chooses to go down that route vs making high elves their own separate race, which seems unlikely, unfortunately. Maybe they could add in a silver covenant set or something.


Well, that isn’t actually true. I’ll speak for myself for this one, and not on behalf of anyone, but I want to see more options for everyone of the 2 groups. With Blood Elves, I wouldn’t mind if Blood Elf players got options such as to be a San’layn through the Blood Elves, and Void Elves, I would like to see more options to push in both directions, such as more void options for those who really want to be a Void Elf and more High Elf options for those who want to be High Elves.

But I’m pretty sure the pro’s don’t want to soft delete the Void Elves.

Well, some Anti’s have came up with constructive post on why they don’t want the High Elves to be pushed for the Alliance as well.

Yeah, only a small amount. Like, don’t get me wrong, I’m not perfect myself, and I have been rude towards Anti’s, as well as I have been rude towards the pro’s when I was an Anti. But honestly, everyone is different. And everyone has unique ways of expressing their own opinions about anything in general. But with the way some stuff comes out, some people don’t realise that they may have gone too far without realising.

After all, Pro’s or Anti’s, I rather all of us get along, instead of this turning into a grudge match of who is right or who is wrong.


That is true, and your one of them that does it!

The only constructive posts on the subject is not wanting a 1:1 copy of blood elves, beyond that they have not given much constructive posts beyond a few mentioning half elves not being a bad idea.

I doubt that, I seen some of the things mentioned off the forums. I wouldn’t call that getting along.

Please Brae, Blizz themselves ARE the masters of mudslinging.

Danuser last week’s tweets, nuff said.

And someone tell Cezol that he’s still getting ignored, after all I’m NOT proficient in rabid dog bark language (I own a pretty black cat tyvm)

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This is Perfection in it’s finest. Honestly if that’s the Blonde Hair Color for Void Elves. I would agree on that.


Doesn’t mean we need to follow suit lol.

What would this be referring to?

These mock ups are for the Alliance High Elf group. I’ve been doing some for Voidy Velfs and for the Belfs. I just wanted to do something for them as well, even if it isn’t much.


I seem to recall an incident at the Sunwell where the thinking was that Light+Void is sort of like Matter+Antimatter. :wink:

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I agree (and no, I´m not being facetious. These is an incredibly amazing example of both the blond hair WITH a minor modification that makesa it truly unique).

Beats copy / pasting Belf haircolors by a mile imho.

I mean if you guys truly don´t want them I´ll step up to poach them (but frankly I think they were a solid success in Fen´s thread).

Well yes, but then again… the thread started with it´s “left foot” and in the process fell down and broke the whole leg.

The twitter made by Danuser in reference to him “having to deal with actual beehives” before (or was it after?) the playerbase unlocked the raid end cinematic with Sylvanas.

Lowkey seems like a provocative subtle way of telling us he´s game and that we can censored word ourselves if we don´t like his narrative decissions.

That time you realize some “Alleria stans” didn´t even consult “A thousand years of War”…


I admire that you always bring art to the discussion!


Also trolls.

Orcs, draenei…

Vulpera don’t even have hair…

Night elves do but that’s a new development.

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