Void Elf-High Elf Customization Thread

Sorry, after everything antis have done to harass posters who are only here to post ideas.

It’s laughable for you to think they’re deserving of respect, they’ve always been the antagonist in void/high elf customization threads…which this is.

Cezol, Feyrre is an Anti and he/she hasn’t harass any of us.


If you think that actually matters to him, you are wrong, I didn’t previously but he’s why I chose the anti side, he’s pretty good at chasing everyone to that side.

I didn’t say she did, I’m saying a bunch of others have, Lanns clique in particular.

I can be gone for months but even taking a peek at the threads I always see one of 2 things, Lanns toxic posse harassing posters as usual or arguments started by them.


Yes I´m aware… this is vastly different from saying (and I quote):

Do you honest to God think the words put in this context with this language are NOT plain bait material? For real? Heck, “antis” basically got called in here by OP himself!!!

I know you guys want to get regular hair colors for your toons, but OP´s way is NOT an actual “level minded / non-toxic” way to ask this. The proof rest in the 5k+ posts of nothing but toxic back-and-fort polluting THIS thread, while ironically the thread that focus on more Void aligned customizations has seen actual good proposals regarding Velves using “regular” hair colors. With “filthy antis” like me even supporting them.

I´ll say you guys need to start paying attention to what you are even providing support FIRST AND FOREMOST before trying to get some weird “moral highground” in here or something. Cause trying to do so in the literal MOST toxic pro thread ever is hilarious, and rest actual credibility to your very much valid petition.

People won´t take you guys seriously if you complain over toxicity on the other side of the fanbase WHILE you support an entirely toxic OP; period.

At the end of the day it will be Blizz´s choice how to improve in the customizations stuff (I for once and after a decade of neglect and two years of literal lies and dissapointment, I´m not so optimistic to believe in Blizz “good faith” regarding ANY topic. Just ask the lore fans like myself, Danuser´s attitude a week ago was baffling to put it nicely).

The actual REAL attitude is to hear EVERY SIDE, not only the echo chambers. Anti´s have as much right to vopice their opinion as “Pro´s” simply by the fact this game is not build by fascist using a fascist system, period. Everybody has a right to their opinion and to get the aforementioned opinion listened, noting more and nothing less.

“Waah, waaah!!! /nerdrages”

I still see you avoiding the answers dude, also… go eat a snickers before you get an aneurysm, you are channeling the “rabid dog” vibe entirely too well. Or go to the World´s End Tavern, that attitude will be more coherent in there after all.

And remove the muzzle from that Worgen, or do you legitimately enjoy portraying him as the “Human´s dog” Sylvanas accused Genn of being? (now, I hated the fact she was kinda right in that cinematic, Genn deserved SO much better than to become the meme pet of Blanduin ffs).

Says the “PvPer”… who can´t recognize the last season´s Horde PvP tier set from Legion :rofl:

How about you guys DO pay attention for once to what you post?

Says the actual poster throwing nothing but plain tantrums when his arguments failed them and overall believing insults >>>>>>>> arguments and self awareness.

Stay salty Cezol, our opinion is as valid as yours here and in any other forums from the free World. You guys don´t own the forums, and if all you want is an echo chamber then restrict yourselves to your discord, after all that´s the appropiate media to avoid “unwanted” opinions from arising.


Agreed. People let these things get way too personal.

Thaaaaanks. :heart:


Sweetheart they never do.

I’m not on the side of lying about lore and full sets, you lose by association with liars and harassers. :rofl:

Bye Karen :wave::wave: :kissing_heart:

Whatever beef you have with a specific poster or not, when you make comments like the one I quoted above, you are targeting an entire opinion and being demeaning towards it. I’m friends with many pros and antis and I’ve never once tried to say anything like, “Pros have lost HAHAHAHAHA”. It’s gross.

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They’re well deserved considering who they’re directed at.

Next question.

This is the only thread where I have honest to God seen discord drama being brought. It´s embarrasing to say the least.

The Pro´s would actually benefit from letting this cesspool of a thread sink into obscurity and instead making something more constructive among the lines of Fen´s thread (If his thread proved something, is that even anti´s will be able to change their minds WHEN people does make an effort to compromise and bring new ideas so EVERYBODY can feel their opinions were taken into account).

Clinging like babies to the most toxic Helfer thread will NOT improve in neither their image nor their credibility. The actual Helfer community IS better than this, and deserves waaaay more than the stuff OP ask for.

It´s literal salty drama… imagine trying to make fun of other people about “attitude” when one actually acts the way one made fun of.

Error 404 - not Self awareness detected.


And he literally conceded by proxy of throwing even more pointless insults and zero arguments.

Ty for making yourself Exhibit A regarding both drama AND unhealthy attachement to virtual pixels, Cezol… never change.


How can you not see he’s literally the worst of the worst on the pro side and they are okay with it because he pushes what they want. Look at last night they sat for hours and hours trying to bash Midare and Lann for supposedly being bad or being toxic all while acting like the Worgen isn’t an issue.

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Oh we’re we having an argument?

Nah, poor, simple Ariel, an argument is with 2 posters who know what they’re talking about.

What I did was remind you about how pathetic the anti foundation is and how sad it is for your one and only reason for your presence on this thread is to cry about blood elf “uniqueness” and be reminded that no one cares and void elf customization has nothing to do with them. :heart:

Always consider our little chats a lesson for you, since I learned long ago you never really had anything to add. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


My poor Naughty… welcome to the 15+ years and counting “ire” from members actually TOOmuchy attached to nonexistant pixels.

Before the Velf implementation it was actually worse… let´s be grateful the likes of MMO´s Raven don´t exist in here (now THOSE are old school anti-Belfers of the severely damaging kind).

Dude, until you decide to act like an actual rational human being and drop the rabid dog RP, consider yourself ignored. (I mean, forums ARE vehicles for discussion, shocking concept I know)

I don´t bother with NEFPAS, I won´t bother with a decade old salty individual regarding pixels, period.

Don´t like it? Feel free to put me on ignore and pull an Elsa: M o v e O n.Like, follow your own advice for once ffs.

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I don’t know. I don’t really think many pros would be okay with it, to be honest. I just think those who frequent this thread a lot are happy to partake in bullying and support that sort of behavior. I’m on the pro Discord and I think a lot of these posters who claim to be pro can give a lot of pros a really bad reputation. Most people are not as mean as the few we see here.

Whatever man.

Yeah I read through most of it and it was nasty. I don’t normally reply to that poster, but it is why I finally felt the need to say something about just how rude some people can get I guess.

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Thing is, I don’t see pro’s or anti’s making constructive feedback. Pro’s don’t want VE’s to be there own thing and wants to soft delete them, anti’s don’t want alliance to have any heritor to alliance high elves. The only difference is a small amount of individuals that goes above that is actually willing not to go into wars and state they are better.

The true lovers will and always had been VE fans.

While true, all this mud slinging in all the years and lack of co-operation from anyone including blizzard does not actually help.

Interesting, I have yet to encounter someone from the pro side that’s actually nice, like genuinely nice, it’s a big part of why I have such a bad opinion of that side and the people that are on that side but fair enough.

I’ve met a few really nice pros. To be fair, they don’t usually post here. :heart: I’ve also met a few really nice antis, too. That’s why I like to be a part of both communities, even if I have more anti-High Elf opinions at the end of the day.


They really should add an option to disable the void tentacles from Velf hairs. The styles are beautiful and high res, blizz should also give void elves belf hair colors.

While I would love belf hairs for velves, I’d prefer some of the newer 3D hair styles blizz has been adding lately.

Hair is typically a culture thing. Let the belves keep their style.


Best thing one can do if don’t like the same people always attacking these threads is use the ignore system the Forums provide, it cleans out the asserted effort by the anties to shutdown the Pro High Elf Articles/discussions,

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I trust you, hopefully one day I’ll meet a nice one so I can see there are actually nice ones.

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